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Livingston - all the threads merged

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As an Airdrie fan I know exactly what the Livi fans are going through just now, and I genuinely feel for them.

However, there was no was I could resist this...


That tune has been going through my head for the last few days! :lol:

Oh why am I laughing there is feck all to laugh about? I fear I'm going mad! Hope there is no tears before bedtime today. :(

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3 hours to go until high noon.

Incidently, there are quite a few people on here in the early hours of the morning. Insomniacs or night shift workers?

Edited by Scary Bear
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Slightly gutted not to hear any news before I woke up this morning but I suppose it's to be expected considering it's so early. Any deal will probably be struck between 10 and 11:30ish, if it's going to happen.

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As has already been pointed out to you (well ignored, by the way) going by your own logic the SFL should have got rid of Clydebank years before they did, especially since they referred to them as a "non-club".

How come you were so outraged at the actions of the SFL when it involved Clydebank, but reckon they should have taken action before now regarding Livingston?

The SFL had cast iron assurances that Clydebank would continue for the following season.

Half of the players that played for Airdrie United in their 1st season would have been playing for Clydebank.

McGeown,Brannigan,Gardiner,Gow,McVeigh etc

We`d have played in Div 2 at Cappielow.

We were told by the David Low that we had that entire season to come up with the money to take the club out of administration.

The rest is history.

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Rankine and his team met with McGruther tonight. It wouldn't surprise me if Rankine was so keen to get his hands on the stadium that he would bung Massone a few extra quid on the side to take the deal. That would leave Rankine in pole position although he has said he wanted to work with McDougall and the fans so there's still a possibility of a shared venture. It depends on McDougall who has said he wanted sole control of the club.

I'm always an optimist so I'm sure everything will fall into place tomorrow :D

Is Rankine the person who had an interest in East Fife, although the shares were held in the name of a young girl who was related (step-daughter?) to him?

Does anyone know if he still has an interest in East Fife?

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Even if midday passes with no news (I expect it will), McGruther still has about 24 hours of wriggle room left, as he doesn't meet the SFL until tomorrow. If Massone won't budge, I wonder if the other interested parties wont just take the club on anyway and then try and get rid of him from a position of ownership.

I won't believe this mob are gone until I hear confirmation from the administrator, and from the SFL, that they are liquidated and summarily expelled from the league, which won't be until tomorrow night at the earliest.

There's a long way to go in this yet.

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The following comments were made by Geoff Brown in June 2001. Folk like to knock him but he was proved right about Gretna and he has now been proved right (twice) about Livingston. Dominic Keane threatened to sue him IIRC for the statements made.

"I thought I detected a sea change last season among chairman, with John Boyle at Motherwell setting the ball in motion with his cuts at Fir Park. I thought we would see a bit more common sense this time round. But I've been amazed by what's happening. I had hoped clubs would be more sensible about wages but it's not happening. It's really quite astounding. Livingston, in particular, are throwing money about and I don't believe it will pay. In fact, I can assure them it won't pay! If it does, it will be the first time it's paid to throw money down a drain! That's what it boils down to, I'm afraid. How many clubs have tried this in the past? Did no one read John Boyle's press statement when he decided to cut his losses at Motherwell? I'd say Livingston and Motherwell are in a similar situation. They are based in well populated areas but many locals head to Glasgow for their football. There's no chance of them becoming the third or fourth club in the country. They can be as ambitious as they like but the money will simply line the pockets of players and their agents.

"I'm not miffed because they are taking two of our players. One (Gary Bollan) had burned his boats around Christmas when he turned down a very good offer and the other has been given a deal at Livingston which was £40,000 a year more than our offer. I can't blame the player for accepting it but remember we have Kiegan Parker and in my opinion he would have started a lot more games than Nathan (Lowndes). Now that money will be available as we try to bring two or three new players to Perth. Clubs like Livingston are cutting their squad but paying daft money for players coming in. I'm concerned for Scottish football, not Livingston. Dominic Keane comes from a financial background but he's gone football crazy. There's no way this makes financial sense. There's no way a bank manager would give them cash for what they're doing because he regarded it as a sound investment.

"Maybe I'll be accused again of being tight with the money but I'd rather St Johnstone had that reputation and remained solvent, than went bust by spending money we simply don't have."

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I am one of these supporters you speak of. All I have ever done is support my local team since they moved to Livingston but because I never complained about how it was being run then I, like all fans of Livi, should hold up my hands and admit that this is partly our fault? Tell me what supporters of any club would object to a lot of money coming into the club and bringing success? There are plenty of clubs at different levels and in different leagues that spend a hell of a lot more money than they bring in to achieve success.

Yes, but those clubs somehow pay their bills. They dont lurch from one administration to another screwing local businesses as they go.

Well I couldn't care less about your sympathy. True football fans don't even have to think about whether or not they want Livi to survive because they all do for the good of the game. I would never wish this upon any club no matter how much i hated them because it has a knock on effect to the rest of the teams. Scottish Football is in a really poor state at the moment and the loss of teams only make it worse. The first of these knock on effects is the third division will be one team less next season, if Livi don't survive, which means 1 less gate for all the teams in that division and that is just where it begins.

Im sorry, but thats just nonsense. While most "true" football fans have the upmost sympathy for fans like yourself, the loss of Livingston will not be a blow to Scottish football, losing Gretna last year certainly wasnt. Gretna were replaced by an established, well run club with the support of its local community, which lives within its means. Chances are Livingston, if they go, will be replaced by a similar club. In its present form, Livingston is not good for Scottish football, its even worse for anyone unfortunate to do business with them.

If Livi die, the teams in the 3rd division will be compensated for their, small, loss of income in a 9 league team and then next season a new club will be promoted. As one fan to another, I have huge sympathy for you personally, but please dont try and pretend that Livi should survive "for the good of the game". If they survive with a CAV and an x pence in the pound offer to creditors ... again ... it will be nothing short of scandalous - unless they SFL hits them with severe penalties.

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Today's Sun is full of hand wringing from the SFL, no surprises there then:

Livi could be dead by tomorrow

Found it interesting that there was no mention of compensation to the third division clubs. Tea and sympathy doesn't pay the wages or bills.

At some point this morning I will really need to do some work!

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Slightly gutted not to hear any news before I woke up this morning but I suppose it's to be expected considering it's so early. Any deal will probably be struck between 10 and 11:30ish, if it's going to happen.

Surely you would not liked to have dreamt everything was okay, only to wake with and realise the crushing truth? That would have smarted. :P

Nah, seriously. I think Massonse will take the £25,000, which will at least give you a fighting chance, even if you are relegated to the 3rd Division or given a large points deduction and stay in the 1st.

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You're entitled to your opinion, I'm entitled to mine.

I have to say that I find it ironic that you now support a team that used to be called something else, played in different colours etc.

Better option that than supporting the Livi franchise though.

I can still remember the Thistle Action Group raising 60 grand to buy out "Blobby" Hunter's shares to prevent Meadowbank Thistle's demise and it being rejected out of hand- Hunter was certainly a stubborn person..

I found interesting the posts about "fit and proper people" being in charge of clubs because a lot of people considered Hunter to be neither a fit nor proper person at the time of Meadowbank being franchised to Livingston..

When Massone took over from Flynn I always wondered what attraction a first division football club had for an Italian lawyer and thought it was slightly dodgy (maybe Scottish football should beware of Italian lawyers- Geovanni di Stefano anyone?) and things have come to pass. I ,of course, have an agenda - I'm quite happy to see Livingston F.C. die off and prove a point stated back in 1995 that Meadowbank Thistle should never have been moved from the club's base in Edinburgh against the wishes of the fans.

This is not to say I don't have a little bit sympathy with the fans of Livingston FC (or at least those fans who weren't Meadowbank fans before..!) as I've gone through the experience of seeing my club fold (I also like to see Clydebank Juniors, Gretna 2008, AFC Wimbledon, Scarborough Athletic etc do well) and I wouldn't mind if a club was formed from

the ashes of the current Livingston FC calling itself something like "Livingston 2008" as long as it didn't pretend to have anything to do with the original Meadowbank Thistle. And I'll just repeat the point that Livingston Unite

Juniors have played in the town of Livingston years before Livingston FC came along, and could certainly do with some help and support from any ex-Livi fans who would be at a loss as to what to do on a Saturday should the Almondvale

mob fold.

good post.
The following comments were made by Geoff Brown in June 2001. Folk like to knock him but he was proved right about Gretna and he has now been proved right (twice) about Livingston. Dominic Keane threatened to sue him IIRC for the statements made.

"I thought I detected a sea change last season among chairman, with John Boyle at Motherwell setting the ball in motion with his cuts at Fir Park. I thought we would see a bit more common sense this time round. But I've been amazed by what's happening. I had hoped clubs would be more sensible about wages but it's not happening. It's really quite astounding. Livingston, in particular, are throwing money about and I don't believe it will pay. In fact, I can assure them it won't pay! If it does, it will be the first time it's paid to throw money down a drain! That's what it boils down to, I'm afraid. How many clubs have tried this in the past? Did no one read John Boyle's press statement when he decided to cut his losses at Motherwell? I'd say Livingston and Motherwell are in a similar situation. They are based in well populated areas but many locals head to Glasgow for their football. There's no chance of them becoming the third or fourth club in the country. They can be as ambitious as they like but the money will simply line the pockets of players and their agents.

"I'm not miffed because they are taking two of our players. One (Gary Bollan) had burned his boats around Christmas when he turned down a very good offer and the other has been given a deal at Livingston which was £40,000 a year more than our offer. I can't blame the player for accepting it but remember we have Kiegan Parker and in my opinion he would have started a lot more games than Nathan (Lowndes). Now that money will be available as we try to bring two or three new players to Perth. Clubs like Livingston are cutting their squad but paying daft money for players coming in. I'm concerned for Scottish football, not Livingston. Dominic Keane comes from a financial background but he's gone football crazy. There's no way this makes financial sense. There's no way a bank manager would give them cash for what they're doing because he regarded it as a sound investment.

"Maybe I'll be accused again of being tight with the money but I'd rather St Johnstone had that reputation and remained solvent, than went bust by spending money we simply don't have."

Wise words from Brown indeed. He has certainly been proved right.

Out of interest has he made any comment on Calum Melville's Dens Park revolution or has he kept his council so far on that one?

Edited by KingfaetheSooth
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