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Livingston - all the threads merged

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What the Livi fans fail to realise is that these "saviours" could come in, spend the next 12 months funding/trading the club out of administration, never obtain Massone's shares and then have to walk away leaving him in charge to do the same thing all over again!!!

That's how ludicrous the whole thing is.

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Well by the club being saved and MCL loving it then more jobs have been saved that could have been lost. You are quite sad by the days events aren't you?

The Sun says that those made redundant may now get their jobs back, good news of course.

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A great day for the club indeed.

I like how Longmuir only says that there "may still be" a points deduction. I'm sure McDougall's seemingly good reputation and Rankine's SFL history will ensure any such plans are put to bed. Wouldn't want anything to tarnish this nice wee agreement, eh?!

So basically the club are being allowed to play and be SFL members while in administration. If Massone sells up, then we can all move on; if he doesn't then Livi's future hinges on a rule change with potentially dire consequences.

Interesting media spin regarding "voting the Italian out of the game". Of course that is true, but I would have thought the rule change which basically gives clubs carte blanche to bail out at the first sign of administration and thus start with a clean slate was worth a line or two.

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So, if Massone is a nutjob, then what can be said of McDougall after this qoute He said: "Livingston is an asset to this league."

Also, why would anyone jump into bed with Rankine?

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Well by the club being saved and MCL loving it then more jobs have been saved that could have been lost. You are quite sad by the days events aren't you?

If you mean 'saddened', I'd say no, I'm not. Disappointed maybe, but not saddened.

Today was an opportunity missed for the community to rid itself of charlatans for good.

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Obviously delighted that I will have a team to watch this season.

I'd like to see Massone agree to sell his shares because the rule change option is not something I would want to rely on, or actually see happen as it could potentially be bad for the game in general.

Like others I can understand why there's a lot of animosity towards LFC. Our job from now on is to counter the criticism by operating properly and becoming a club that people can respect / be proud of.

I don't think anyone is under any illusions about how difficult it will be to get the club back on the straight and narrow and how long it will take but it can and will be done.

How many times have we heard this tosh.

No doubt the new Livingston will be just the same as the old ones. Cheats. Cheating creditors and cheating the competition spending money you don't have.

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Guest Lion_Rampant
The Sun says that those made redundant may now get their jobs back, good news of course.

Of course thats good news

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Thank you SFL, Thank you Big Jim, Thank you Donald, Thank you Ged, Neil & Gordon. If 16 of SFL member clubs have a heart or a head we should be saved. Obliviously in saying this I believe Massone will reject the offer on the grounds he is a deluded moron.

Also a special thank you to all Livi fans who did all they could to saved my and their beloved club, i.e. donate, protest, pray etc… ;)

Vile. I hope posters such as 'Sir Robert Brannon' etc.... take a look at themselves in the mirror and realise that they are the w**k-stains on the pants of earth and indeed Scottish football. Many Livingston fans contributed to the Dee4life fund and essentially helped save the club and considering this, Sir Robert….’s attitude and behavior involving this saga has been a disgrace not only to mankind but to the club you support. This contribution of money and support is a feat I’m sure Livi fans would repeat if another club faced the dreaded axe.

Again thank you to everyone how helped save the club :thumsup2

Away and bile yer heid. Did you give a f**k when the Meadowbank supporters lost their club?

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According to the Sun, the ownership of the "club" will be split 50% Rankine, and 50% between McDougall and Nixon.

Now, do the Trust and the fans get any shares in this future? Will any profits from say land deals be split amongst these 3 only.

Could have sworn that the Livi fans were against getting into any pact with Rankine.

Well done to them if they pull this one off. Not sure if I feel uncomfortable about this proposed 'solution" one on moral grounds, or on the grounds of having a severe distaste of Livi the franshise (but not a distaste of the fans).

Probably both to be honest, but with leanings towards the former.

Edited by ObserverFromAfar
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Thank you SFL, Thank you Big Jim, Thank you Donald, Thank you Ged, Neil & Gordon. If 16 of SFL member clubs have a heart or a head we should be saved. Obliviously in saying this I believe Massone will reject the offer on the grounds he is a deluded moron.

Also a special thank you to all Livi fans who did all they could to saved my and their beloved club, i.e. donate, protest, pray etc… ;)

Vile. I hope posters such as 'Sir Robert Brannon' etc.... take a look at themselves in the mirror and realise that they are the w**k-stains on the pants of earth and indeed Scottish football. Many Livingston fans contributed to the Dee4life fund and essentially helped save the club and considering this, Sir Robert….’s attitude and behavior involving this saga has been a disgrace not only to mankind but to the club you support. This contribution of money and support is a feat I’m sure Livi fans would repeat if another club faced the dreaded axe.

Again thank you to everyone how helped save the club :thumsup2

You need 75% of the 29 member clubs to vote in favour of the proposal which I hope doesn't happen, have you seen the consequences of this? If you can get rid of Massone another way fine but that rule should not be changed.

As for your piece on me, I feel so privileged other than the petition I created (taking the piss) most of my posts have been that I hope Livingston survive. Some Dundee fans I know would be happy to see Livingston go out of business though because of what happened in the past. When Livingston went into admin in 2004, the vast majority of our fans supported the cause, but after what happened in 2005 a lot wouldn't now.

I'm glad Livingston pulled through today because people have guaranteed that they will still be here in a years time, fair enough. You should receive a points deduction though I suspect that you will let off with that too. The other good news from this is that those that lost their jobs are getting them back and that the good, true, ordinary supporters of Livingston aren't losing their club.

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There needs to be local alternatives in this area to the likes of the Old Firm and Hearts and Hibs. It will take years (20/30+) before Livingston can begin to really make an impression on this front. But it can and will happen and it is important for the benefit of the town and for Scottish football in general that Livingsyon FC continues in some form.

Livingston have had 14 years (15 if they make it through this season) to punch through the Edinburgh/OF shell, with millions in other people's money and haven't managed it. Bill Blobby tried it with a free stadium from LDC/WLC, Dominic Keane tried it with other folk's lottery wins and some jiggery pokery, the after-effects of which are currently being dealt with in the criminal courts. Flynn tried it and failed like Fail McFail of Failtown, 7-time loser of the Failiest Failer of Failland contest. Massone is en route for Leverndale.

What makes you think the arrival of the one-time owner of a roller disco and the ex-Cowdenbeath chairman is going to change that unblemished record of vast public subsidy, administration, finanicial mis-management, lunacy and administration (again)?

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The Sun

The League Management Committee - which included ex-Livi gaffer Jim Leishman - considered sanctions such as a points deduction or even relegation.

Its too late to go through the last 20 odd pages and catch up properly but am I seeing things or have the Becks completely taken over? Jim Leishman was on the SFL committee that sat today and decided Livi's fate?

Nah, it cant be right, even for Scottsh football. Tell me this didnt happen. It cant happen, surely. Jim Leishman deciding Livi's fate?

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Its too late to go through the last 20 odd pages and catch up properly but am I seeing things or have the Becks completely taken over? Jim Leishman was on the SFL committee that sat today and decided Livi's fate?

Nah, it cant be right, even for Scottsh football. Tell me this didnt happen. It cant happen, surely. Jim Leishman deciding Livi's fate?

What on earth are you implying? If there was fit and proper test, Jim would be up there with fittest and properest of them all. Or are you saying that given his involvement with LIvi previously and sitting on the same club management team as McDougall up until the last week or so, then his judgement may have been tinted? Surely not!

Rankine has delivered on the knowing how the blazers operate - well done to him for getting this through the first hurdle.

So... if a CVA is reached and an agreement made the debtors to pay them a fraction of the debts, where does that leave any revenue brought in from potential land deals and development? Money with the council rather than either the Football club or Rankine-McDougall-Nixon axis?

Edited by ObserverFromAfar
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I'm lost for words (and being a taxi driver, that's a big thing) over this. The beaks at the SFL were the only people wearing grave dancing shoes today, and used them on those of Airdrieonians and Gretna.

No harm meant to the livi fans, but today should have been your club's last in the SFL.

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What on earth are you implying? If there was fit and proper test, Jim would be up there with fittest and properest of them all. Or are you saying that given his involvement with LIvi previously and sitting on the same club management team as McDougall up until the last week or so, then his judgement may have been tinted? Surely not!

Rankine has delivered on the knowing how the blazers operate - well done to him for getting this through the first hurdle.

So... if a CVA is reached and an agreement made the debtors to pay them a fraction of the debts, where does that leave any revenue brought in from potential land deals and development? Money with the council rather than either the Football club or Rankine-McDougall-Nixon axis?

This whole thing stinks of corruption. If even a few of the clubs has the balls to investigate or even reject the proposal (as they quite rightly should), the whole SFL House of Cards could come a-tumbling down.

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I'm lost for words (and being a taxi driver, that's a big thing) over this. The beaks at the SFL were the only people wearing grave dancing shoes today, and used them on those of Airdrieonians and Gretna.

No harm meant to the livi fans, but today should have been your club's last in the SFL.

Are you surprised though?

BTW - last time I was lost for words I gave up taxi-ing. Best thing I ever done.

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