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Livingston - all the threads merged

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I don't expect any sympathy for the institution that is Livingston FC but there are now players and staff who will almost certainly be made redundant as a result of that decision.

If some folk find that a cause for celebration then I think they need to have a serious word with themselves.

Take your moralising and fucking ram it. Your stupid mob has got away for years without paying the people who made your quote-unquote success possible. The creditors who were fucked over repeatedly by Livingston FC earned none of your sympathy, so why the f**k are you white knighting for the players and staff? Hypocrite.

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There is an old saying that hard cases make bad law and I think this is one of those.

Relegating Gretna to the Third Div had nothiog to do with the SFL thinking that was a just decision and a fair punishment. It was simply to tie up the fixture lists for the 1st and 2 Divs as quickly as possible in the expectation that Gretna would shortly go into liquidation and it was a relatively easy process to bring a new club into the vacant space in the 3rd.

I think relegating Livi is a bad decision and does nothing for the so called integrity of the league (what a bloddy laugh that expression is)

On the other hand - having seen the Rankine/McDougall business plan (which most, if not all, of us haven't), having listened to McGruther tell them that the club is "hopelessly insolvent" and will still rely on a CVA being agreed for the club to go forward as a going concern and the reluctance (certainly in the last few days) to provide a bond to cover costs should fixtures not be fulfilled - maybe the SFL still see Livingston going out of business after the commencement of the season as a high possibility and, like Gretna before them, are preparing for that possibility.

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Take your moralising and fucking ram it. Your stupid mob has got away for years without paying the people who made your quote-unquote success possible. The creditors who were fucked over repeatedly by Livingston FC earned none of your sympathy, so why the f**k are you white knighting for the players and staff? Hypocrite.

Bloody hell, who pished on your freedom fries? :o

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IMO Its a sad day, Whos been punished here? Fans yes, player yes, back room staff yes whos getting off, that Greasy p***k, Im sorry livi..

Well said mate. I think the fans and players have had a rough time of it lately and I don't think they deserve it. Whereas someone else get's off pretty scot-free with £50k in his pocket.

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This should have been decided weeks ago. It means a lot less time for Airdrie and Cowden to make their squads good enough to compete in the Division above, and they'll have been planning for their games on Saturday. Could now be very difficult seasons ahead for the two, who would have been thinking about promotion instead. Also affects other things like travel (if they are away). This late decision doesn't just hurt Livi.

As for Livi appealing, it's a bit pointless now. What would happen if they miracorously won the appeal? It would be a bit hard to promote them again once the season has started.

The SFL should have made this decision 2 months ago.

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Don't think there is really any scope for an appeal succeeding. As far as I can see the SFL have applied the same ruling to Livingston as they initially applied to Gretna before they snuffed it.

If the new owners are serious about taking Livingston forward and wiping the slate clean then they should take their medicine and revise the business plan to return to first division football within the next 2 years.

It's hard not to feel sorry for the Livi fans, it isn't their fault, but at the end of the day this is not the first time Livingston have been in this mess and they league management has to serve notice that financial mis-management won't be tolerated as it is neither fair on the other clubs in the league or to the creditors who are being screwed over.

At least Livingston still have a place in the league. If their fans are real fans they'll go and watch the club regardless of which division they are in and if the side was good enough to play in the first division it should walk the third.

They have now formally become Scottish football's equivalent of the Chicago Blacksox. Whether a "Shoeless Angelo" book will follow and a footballing movie equivalent of "Field of Dreams", who knows.

I can argue and squabble with the Livvy fans from now til doomsday, but I know full well that they are not culpable. However, they are not being punished. There is no re-possession orders on fan's TVs or three piece suites to repay the debt. The club did the bad stuff, and it is the club that has been penalized. They are still in the SFL. Given what has gone on at Almondvale for fourteen years, that in itself is reason enough for them to count their blessings.

The staff redundancies which follow are only now a concern because it's their own folks. It was never a concern when it was the creditors. It simply cannot form part of the argument for it not to happen.

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IMO Its a sad day, Whos been punished here? Fans yes, player yes, back room staff yes whos getting off, that Greasy p***k, Im sorry livi..

Thats the way it invariably works in these situations, the chancers whose mismanagment contributed to the mess in the first place will be gone when the sh*t hits the fan. In this case think Bill Hunter, Dominic Keane, Pearse Flynn and Massoni.

Its a shame for the employees and those fans who have grown up with or adopted Livingston over the past decade or so but for the institution that is Livingston FC this is well deserved. Hijacked a well run club to replace it with an overblown and financially unviable franchise who bought their way to success with money they didnt actually have. All that has finally caught up with them and I have no sympathy at all in that respect.

Plus with Airdrie out the way Division 2 has opened up very nicely :D . Enjoy Cliftonhill lads.

Edited by Waspie
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Well said mate. I think the fans and players have had a rough time of it lately and I don't think they deserve it. Whereas someone else get's off pretty scot-free with £50k in his pocket.

Just one in a string of crooks. In fact one of them was in the paper the other day lamenting the Massone reign and shedding some crocodile tears. That takes some brass neck.

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Thats the way it invariably works in these situations, the chancers whose mismanagment contributed to the mess in the first place will be gone when the sh*t hits the fan. In this case think Bill Hunter, Dominic Keane, Pearse Flynn and Massoni.

Its a shame for the employees and those fans who have grown up with or adopted Livingston over the past decade or so but for the institution that is Livingston FC this is well deserved. Hijacked a well run club to replace it with an overblown and financially unviable franchise who bought their way to success with money they didnt actually have. All that has finally caught up with them and I have no sympathy at all in that respect.

Plus with Airdrie out the way Division 2 has opened up very nicely :D . Enjoy Cliftonhill lads.

Couldnt agree more especially the last sentence. I would have expected Airdrie to finish higher in the league than us.

No sympathy at all for the bunch of cheats. I assume we voted the right way today.

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Mind you, I suppose that will probably be the next option as I don't think messrs Rankine and McDougall will be prepared to pay the appeal.

How much would the appeal process cost?

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The earliest that the SFL could have made this decision was last week, which would have still been too late. When would you have wanted them to make the decision?

Personally I think they should have done something about the whole farce ages ago instead of waiting for this final sorry saga to come to a head.

Is it that bad for Airdrie and Cowdenbeath though? Maybe for the fans, who were perhaps looking forward to succesful seasons, but Im not sure how its bad for the clubs.

They'll being paying wages at a level of the division lower than theyre playing in, while enjoying the revenues from the higher division. If they finish bottom and end up relegated, they'll be exactly where they are now, but in a years time.

But if they were having successful seasons they might get more money from having more fans in through the gates to watch them. If they go into divisions they are not prepared for then they could well get humped out at an alarming rate, crowds will diminish, players will leave. It's potentially (and I stress potentially) a double edge sword. Certainly something Airdrie fans have mentioned on this thread before.

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