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Livingston - all the threads merged

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It's patently obvious that Livingston are dead in the water.

But for those of us less intimately connected with Airdrie, can you explain this Andy Gemmel character, and why he is so universally loved (or not as the case may be ) round your parts?

I did say earlier, but just for you.

He was one of a series of puppet chairman sent in By Barr, during the provisional liquidation period. Rankin was instrumental in recruiting him, he would have done it himself but was still chair at Dumbarton.

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Just when you think you've read it all.


With all due respect to the Livi fans, I think that statement is an embarrassment. Livingston fans deserve better and for the fact that the heirachy at the club are asking for a meeting at this stage in proceedings I find quite laughable.

The reasons being why they are close to closure is because of broken promises by the board( and not by the fans) to pay rent and various bills and the buck stops with the board not the fans. I sincerely hope that a solution is found.

Edited by Soccer Dark Blue
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Guest zupa

OUR OUR OUR, who does this bufoon think he is kidding ? .

Are Livvy fans that thick ? .

Massone couldnt lie straight in his bed.

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Just when you think you've read it all.


Oh, for goodness sake. This is ridiculous.

Save Our Club - Meeting on 4th July at 12:00pm

Angelo Massone and Neil Rankine would like to invite ALL Livingston fans, season ticket holders, shareholders, supporters organizations, trusts, Mr McDougall and members of the West Lothian Community who want to avoid the Club going into liquidation, to gather at the Almondvale Suite, Livingston Football Club, on Saturday 4th July at 12.00pm to "SAVE OUR CLUB"

Let's all get together,in a democratic way, to discuss all the problems of the Club. Working together to find a solution that we can be proud of.

Livingston Football Club is much, much, more than a Football Stadium, more than a professional Football Team, more than loyal supporters, it's
Future, and it's
duty to protect when threatened.

Like most Football Clubs, LFC has not been immune to pressures. We have endured many attempts to close us down, sidestepped many tactics to sabotage our games, constant threats of Administration, but through our Passion, Unity and Pride we have taken these challenges head on and battled on with sheer determination & commitment to survive.

This is the greatest opportunity for ALL to unite, stand our ground and show our support and love for LFC.

Please join us on Saturday and SAVE OUR CLUB.

Where on earth do you start trying to analyse and disprove this absolute and utter drivel? It is sheer lunacy and shameless.

I hope it is not an antagonistic move by the Rankine and Massone to create a scene. I see it as a double edged sword - turn up and either be wound up by what ever is spouted and create a "rift" between fans (hope this does not happen) OR do not turn up and Massone to say "no one supports the club.. to hell with it"... No win situation here for decency, I think.

"We have endured many attempts to close us down, sidestepped many tactics to sabotage our games, constant threats of Administration, but through our Passion, Unity and Pride we have taken these challenges head on and battled on with sheer determination & commitment to survive."

SO.. does this mean that the Club is saying that "sidestepped many tactics to sabotage our games" that there has been some SFL administrative conspiracy or SFL refereeing conspiracy against Livi? What clap trap - the side stepping that appears to have been done has been by the Football Club sidestepping many hundreds of thousands pounds it allegedly owes to creditors, councils and staff.

And Rankine a fan of Livi? Com'on ... since when?

On a practical note - can a public meeting be held in a venue without appropriate police licensing?

Awful, awful, awful.

Edited by ObserverFromAfar
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Between watching Massone on the news at half six and reading the latest statement on the club's website, I am utterly astonished at this guy's brazen and disgusting attitude.

Not only does he have absolutely zero respect for the law and the rules, he believes he can rally the troops by coming out with a few buzzwords in a statement. If he had any thoughts on what is best for Livi, he would walk out of Almondvale tonight and never return.

Perhaps this statement is a cynical ploy to try and turn things in favour. If the fans, trust et al don't turn up on Saturday, he might then turn around and say "I tried my best to save the club but the people of the town are not interested...I'm off".

He has decided to play the victim card tonight but hopefully everyone will see through that rubbish. He knows he is a busted flush and is using any means necessary to try and extract money from people.

After his words tonight, if I were the council I would move to have them shut down if they don't come up with every penny in a fortnight.

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Where on earth do you start trying to analyse and disprove this absolute and utter drivel?

Starter for ten:

Like most Football Clubs, LFC has not been immune to pressures. We have endured many attempts to close us down, sidestepped many tactics to sabotage our games, constant threats of Administration, but through our Passion, Unity and Pride we have taken these challenges head on and battled on with sheer determination & commitment to survive.


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I would say i'm surprised...but i'm not..a meeting to ask everyone to come along and hand over thier cash allowing him to stay in charge is almost a masterstroke. I just hope that Livi supporters stick to their guns. Go along by all means but be sure and vote for the option which completely removes Massone!!

Massone had to be seen to be seen to be doing something. Probably at this stage they'll be hoping no-one turns up and his new mates will pick up the pieces from the administrator, reaching agreement with the council to write off the debt and then move the team to a more 'economical' stadium.

One way or another I don't see Almondvale featuring in league football much longer.

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Just when you think you've read it all.


It's too pathetic for words. The man has stooped to emotive language 101. Actually it isn't pathetic......it's moronic. it seems as if Livingston has turned into a pastiche of every movie genre going..............you have a (kind of) thriller, black comedy, slapstick, gangsters, cowboys, scams, lies, deceit, war, psychotic behaviour........it's all there.

This latest declaration is like all the others......a load of ill conceived, poorly planned and unsustainable rhetoric. The man is like a bloody dog in that he lives in the moment, and cannot see beyond today. Everything is reactive crap. This is now a ploy to appeal to hearts of the supporters.....it certainly doesn't appeal to the mind, that's for sure. He is trying to gain publicity and backing from the very people who want him out, and he intends to play the heart strings by weaving together a concoction of half truths and lies.

He'll use whoever turns up in the media as "proof" that the ordinarly man in the street is behind him 100%, and if the man in the street doesn't show up, he'll use that to say the club is in a mess because of the apathy of the supporters.

All the while skulking in the background are the sort of people that Robin Cook used to chase down back alleys.

This fool really has got to be run out of town, and the parasites in the background need to go with him.

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Doesn't do them any justice whatsoever, it actually makes them look more like plonkers.

So it does them justice after all. Although the photos fail to capture the seediness of this rabble.

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Two dangers here

1. Livi fans quite rightly are outraged and boycott the meeting, allowing Massone to claim lack of interest etc

2. Livi fans go but disunity rears its head amongst the supporters ranks, allowing Massone to proclaim the supporters as lacking unity of purpose in contrast to him and his badly attired chums.

But, I'm sure Livi fans will go and be united in calling for this absolute buffoon to go. As a pack of lies his statement is in the "I have no further territorial demands in Europe" class.

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