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Livingston - all the threads merged

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No that is so wrong! The livi fans are happy to survive & play in the third division! WE are NOT saying we are too bloody good for anything! :angry:

Not all of your fans are maching to that tune, PLL, you should know that from the posts on your boards lately. Some still believe that nothing short of Almondvale falling into the bowels of the earth should stop them from playing First Division football next season.

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How did Rangers get involved in tihs?

:lol: well true. Perhaps they can wheel Martin Bain in, and ask for the season to be extended...?

Livingston are keeping it legal.

In what way? I'll quote below the exact wording of the SFL rules (to which Livi agree to abide) -

76.3 Any club, club official or player aggrieved by a decision of the Management Committee, other

than a decision taken in terms of Rule 28, which shall be final and binding, or any club aggrieved

by a decision of the Management Committee in terms of Rule 31, 32 or 70 concerning the

suitability of its ground, shall have power, within ten days from the date of decision, to appeal

to a Special General Meeting of the League on payment of a deposit of £500.00 which shall be

forfeited in the event of the appeal being dismissed.

76.4 The appeal shall, however, be deemed to have succeeded unless the decision of the Management

Committee is supported by a majority of the votes cast at the said Special General Meeting.

Yes, the meeting finished around 4pm so I would imagine that it will take a bit of time for the SFL to update the info, but they have agreed to this in discussion with Frazer Wishart.

Things may have moved on, but Reporting Scotland at 6:30pm said that the SFL expected Livi to play at Ochilview tomorrow. And it also suggested that not turning up would be like Estonia!!

Gies peace. Whether you think the appeal has a case or not, playing the games in the meantime is farcical. It's simply an ill-conceived attempt by the SFL to get themselves out of the hole they made for themselves by delaying the relegation decision until Wednesday.

Are you really suggesting six teams should play games (and charge people to see those games) when there's a chance they won't count?

Of course. If you took this to the Court of Session, it could take months... Do you think that in the interim, every club in the SFL should be sitting about waiting? Livingston are trying to get a punishent reduced/overturned. Do you let a murderer out free if he appealled a life sentence, on the grounds that it should have been 25 years then parole? Of course not it stands till changed.

If Livi have indeed refused to fulfill a fixture that is deemed valid in the SFL's eyes, would this not then leave them open to new sanctions and possible expulsion from the league should the appeal fail, and thier refusal to fullfil a fixture outwith the guidelines set for cancelling fixtures?

They will be guilty of rule 28.4, which is arguably one of the most serious offences commitable:

28.4 Any club without just cause failing to fulfil its fixture obligations in respect of any such match

under the jurisdiction of the League on the appointed date or dates shall for each offence be

liable to the deduction of points in respect of a League Championship match, and/or to such

other punishment as the Management Committee may determine.

Furthermore, East Stirling (provided they turn up for the game) can pursue compensation:

28.4.1 The club failing to fulfil its fixture obligations shall be liable to pay compensation for

any expenses actually incurred as a direct result of the failure. The amount of

compensation will be decided by the Management Committee.

To be honest, if Livi are doomed entirely and scratching tomorrow's tie is a show of defiance from Livi 5, then my sympathy is with the Livi fans - whose club is dying in a terrible manner.

Edited by HibeeJibee
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Just hurry up, fold and give us all fucking peace.

Just my thoughts also only wish i could have put it so eloquently. This needs put to bed and tolerating there maybe we will /wont is only making them feel empowered for me its Div3 or the door .If its a no show there out and if they go to court so be it as it couldnt be a bigger farce than now..........also if it was a wee club at this patter ive a feeling it would be out on youre arse a long time ago

Edited by Loondave1
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There is not a hope in hell of any appeal being successful!

The Livi supporters should turn up and play ( or play the shire supporters ) to fill the time. Why don't some livi fans blag it and turn up in a bus with some lookalikes for McD and co and play the game. Or, are the supporters too good for the 3rd division as well?

After all, the supporters would have more chance of avoiding bottom of the 3rd division than the team.

Will shire charge an entrance fee?

I think Cowden should send a team to play the shire as well as Arbroath, just in case.

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The SFL Management Committee have shown themselves to be completely incompetent by their handling of the whole affair. David Longmuir spouted a lot of shite the other day about upholding the integrity of the competition but is now insisting that teams should play games that might not count.

You're letting your (understandable) passion for Livi cloud your rationale here.

Longmuir HAD to say that. As has been stated, Livi had the right to appeal. So Longmuir had to couch his wording accordingly, acknowledging that in the (unlikely) event of a successful appeal, Livi could theoretically be reinstated to the 1st Division, causing these three fixtures to become null and void. However, the path of least hassle for all concerned was to play the scheduled fixtures in the mean time in all three divisions.

The SFL has done very little wrong here and has had to wait for certain milestones to occur before they could act / react. Livingston's interim manager (and Consortium waiting in the wings) on the other hand have treated the SFL and every other Scottish club with complete and utter contempt. You are losing any remaining sympathy you had.

As a Dumbarton supporter, I'm realising what a lucky escape we had when Neil Rankine was in charge of us.

Edited by mike rankine
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If Livi are rightly punished for not fulfilling their fixture tomorrow then will they have the right of appeal and will they ? Making this whole thing even more of a farce than it already is

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There is not a hope in hell of any appeal being successful!

The Livi supporters should turn up and play ( or play the shire supporters ) to fill the time. Why don't some livi fans blag it and turn up in a bus with some lookalikes for McD and co and play the game. Or, are the supporters too good for the 3rd division as well?

After all, the supporters would have more chance of avoiding bottom of the 3rd division than the team.

Will shire charge an entrance fee?

I think Cowden should send a team to play the shire as well as Arbroath, just in case.

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Livi are now the most hated team in Scottish football. Don't think any other teams or their fans will have any sympathy for them if they do disappear from the game. If they don't turn up tomorrow then that should be it. Nothing against Livi, but the stance of the club not to play makes me sick. What gives them the right to say we'll only play football if it's in the first division? No team has the right to that status, you have to earn it and with Livi in the situation they're in they should just be grateful they are still in any league instead of trying to blackmail Scottish football :angry:

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this is total farce.

shire are gonna be well out of pocket fo rthis non game as they will have to pay for stewarding & policing (extra for opening the terrace), lost hospitality, cost of staff wages, cost of hiring stenny for a non existant game plus what about the fans that are travelling from england who have trains and hotels booked. There is never any consideration for fans as people just think they live locally and never have to travel for a game or make plans so they can get to the game.

and to reply to the tosser in 1st post. we humped you last season when you were a 1st div team. what makes you think we wouldnt do same now your a non-existant, very much hated 3rd div club (for 1 match only then a non league league).

I'll be turning up tomorrow. If livvy want to survive I think they should do the same.

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No that is so wrong! The livi fans are happy to survive & play in the third division! WE are NOT saying we are too bloody good for anything! :angry:

Your fans should have made that clear to McGruther & co. Your club should have accepted the decision reached with good grace. The blackmail campaign, highlighted by the first division business plan, must have played some part in the SFL's decision to demote you to the third division. By all means appeal (you have no chance of winning), but do not refuse to fulfil a fixture.

Edited; After reading a few posts on Livi Lions forum it is pretty clear to me that many of your fans cannot accept the prospect of third division football. McGruther appears to be of a similar mind. How can Livi fulfil a fixture in Dingwall, but not one just up the road at Ochilview? What bloody planet is he living on?

Edited by MB
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If Livi are rightly punished for not fulfilling their fixture tomorrow then will they have the right of appeal and will they ? Making this whole thing even more of a farce than it already is

No. As the SFL rules explicity state that there is no right of appeal over a Rule 28 punishment.

The Livi supporters should turn up and play ( or play the shire supporters ) to fill the time. Why don't some livi fans blag it and turn up in a bus with some lookalikes for McD and co and play the game. Or, are the supporters too good for the 3rd division as well?

After all, the supporters would have more chance of avoiding bottom of the 3rd division than the team.

The supporters cannot play, but the players themselves (including any U-19s) can turn up and play if registered. The alternative is the end of Livingston football club. Check to check-mate...

Will shire charge an entrance fee?

In theory they should charge the league minimum; in practice they should just throw the doors open. But if they need to pay day rental to Stenny, perhaps they'll have to charge something?

EDIT TO ADD: Stuff about Shire is pointless now as they're not playing a game tomorrow. Oddly.

Edited by HibeeJibee
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I don't understand the bit about influencing the appeals process.

The SFL already stated that they expected Livi to play regardless, then nullify the results if needs be. So is that last paragraph just opinion from East Stirlingshire?

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Not all of your fans are maching to that tune, PLL, you should know that from the posts on your boards lately. Some still believe that nothing short of Almondvale falling into the bowels of the earth should stop them from playing First Division football next season.

That is true. :( I'm sick fed up with the whole hideous mess now! Why does football have such a grip on us? I wish I never started going to games in the first place now, I'm going to go away to my bed to greet now. :bairn

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No that is so wrong! The livi fans are happy to survive & play in the third division! WE are NOT saying we are too bloody good for anything! :angry:

That is, unfortunately, bollocks. They are anything but happy about it. Read your own board for details.

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From the SFL site.... a somewhat different take on the issue from the wording that appears on the ES site.

East Stirlingshire v Livingston

The Scottish Football League have this evening been advised by that Livingston Football Club will not be fulfilling their IRN-BRU SFL Third Division fixture against East Stirlingshire at Ochilview Park tomorrow, Saturday August 8, which had a scheduled 3.00pm kick off.

It is our duty to communicate this information to all supporters who were planning to attend the match.

This matter will now be referred to the Scottish Football League Management Committee for consideration.

All other fourteen fixtures in the IRN-BRU Scottish Football League will be played tomorrow as previously communicated.

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