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If I was having to go the Forth Valley College, my sense of massive underachievement would be my primary reason for manic depression, not a lengthy walk.

We're playing their mob at football.

The Grahamston option seems better ;)

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My quick question is why you didn't use this thread?


It's also when did you become such a genius to have the same train of thought as a great thinker such as myself - well done.

Competely missed that one :(

Mods, a wee merge in order here :)

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I left school with an unconditional for uni, but decided to do higher maths there to pass the time. I've never been to a more depressing place in my life. It's full of people doing 'sports coaching' and other shite and pointless diplomas like that.

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I left school with an unconditional for uni, but decided to do higher maths there to pass the time. I've never been to a more depressing place in my life. It's full of people doing 'sports coaching' and other shite and pointless diplomas like that.

Must just be that college ;)

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my quick question is how do you change a URL to a different like if i put out


how do i make it say pie and bov or something?

An excellent question

Type the url in the first pop up box, and what you want it to say in the 2nd one.
Type in the text eg "pie and bov", highlight it, then, click insert link ;)

pie and bov ;)

Those 2 answers aren't idiot proof enough for me :(

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I left school with an unconditional for uni, but decided to do higher maths there to pass the time. I've never been to a more depressing place in my life. It's full of people doing 'sports coaching' and other shite and pointless diplomas like that.

Ok, what made you say that? What do you study out of interest? Im going to say something to do with English or Geography.

Edinburgh is full of people doing sports coaching too, they walk around full of their own self-importance. So what are you going to do with that 'degree'? Ermm, thought so.

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Ok, what made you say that? What do you study out of interest? Im going to say something to do with English or Geography.

I've just completed an Honours Geograhy degree.

What made me say it? The fact that I know so many idiots from school who got a couple of scraped Higher passes, and thought that doing further education would do wonders for their job prospects. The invariably like sports (as basically everyone does) and so chose this as their course because it was easy to get into and something they enjoyed.

In reality, it's going to get them absolutely nowhere in life (well, maybe a job in Stenny Sports Centre) as it isn't worth the piece of paper it's written on. It might be worth slightlymore if attained at a decent educational facility, but not at Falkirk College.

EDIT - What am I ging to do with my degree? First I'm taking a year out to travel, then I may well take up a position as a 'research fellow' at the uni that I was offered because of my impressive work :)

Edited by Fudge
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An excellent question

Those 2 answers aren't idiot proof enough for me :(

Step 1 - Do not click anything, just type what you want to appear like it was a normal post. I.e. if you wanted it to appear as P+B rather than www.pieandbovril.com, then type P+B

Step 2 - Highlight, with your mouse, the words you want to appear.

Step 3 - Then look along the toolbar to find the "Insert Link" button (Next to the smiley face)

Step 4 - Insert the URL - http://www.pieandbovril.com or whatever website concerned is - then click "OK".

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I've just completed an Honours Geograhy degree.

What made me say it? The fact that I know so many idiots from school who got a couple of scraped Higher passes, and thought that doing further education would do wonders for their job prospects. The invariably like sports (as basically everyone does) and so chose this as their course because it was easy to get into and something they enjoyed.

In reality, it's going to get them absolutely nowhere in life (well, maybe a job in Stenny Sports Centre) as it isn't worth the piece of paper it's written on. It might be worth slightlymore if attained at a decent educational facility, but not at Falkirk College.

Had to chuckle at that. For once i couldnt agree more with you

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Self removal of a fucked toenail - is it possible without causing my toe some serious damage, or making myself cry?

I'm a big boy, I can handle my pain, but this nail is driving my crazy. It hurts when I walk, It hurts when I sleep, and it gives me the heeby jeebies when I think about it.

I'm also starting to play football again regularly next week, and I just know that some b*****d is going to stamp on my toe. That's how it all started in the first place.

Just on the off chance someone here might have some useful information, the nail seems to have split into 2 now. The nail initially went black, and instead of growing outwards it grows upwards, so it's like a little ball, which has stopped me from being able to cut it for the last 8 months. A regular nail seems to be growing under it, slowly pushing the gomey nail further towards the end of my toe. Half of the nail is black, half is just normal.

The bloody thing seems to be folding down the edge of my toe now, as I can feel it every step I take ( every move I make ).

Help me. It's very annoying.


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Self removal of a fucked toenail - is it possible without causing my toe some serious damage, or making myself cry?

I'm a big boy, I can handle my pain, but this nail is driving my crazy. It hurts when I walk, It hurts when I sleep, and it gives me the heeby jeebies when I think about it.

I'm also starting to play football again regularly next week, and I just know that some b*****d is going to stamp on my toe. That's how it all started in the first place.

Just on the off chance someone here might have some useful information, the nail seems to have split into 2 now. The nail initially went black, and instead of growing outwards it grows upwards, so it's like a little ball, which has stopped me from being able to cut it for the last 8 months. A regular nail seems to be growing under it, slowly pushing the gomey nail further towards the end of my toe. Half of the nail is black, half is just normal.

The bloody thing seems to be folding down the edge of my toe now, as I can feel it every step I take ( every move I make ).

Help me. It's very annoying.


That sounds f*cking gruesome mate!! Good luck with that one!

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Self removal of a fucked toenail - is it possible without causing my toe some serious damage, or making myself cry?

I'm a big boy, I can handle my pain, but this nail is driving my crazy. It hurts when I walk, It hurts when I sleep, and it gives me the heeby jeebies when I think about it.

I'm also starting to play football again regularly next week, and I just know that some b*****d is going to stamp on my toe. That's how it all started in the first place.

Just on the off chance someone here might have some useful information, the nail seems to have split into 2 now. The nail initially went black, and instead of growing outwards it grows upwards, so it's like a little ball, which has stopped me from being able to cut it for the last 8 months. A regular nail seems to be growing under it, slowly pushing the gomey nail further towards the end of my toe. Half of the nail is black, half is just normal.

The bloody thing seems to be folding down the edge of my toe now, as I can feel it every step I take ( every move I make ).

Help me. It's very annoying.


Even just imagining that makes me feel slightly queezy :o

edit; I know this is no use to you at all, you have my sympathys!

Edited by Mon The Clyde
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