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About once every three or four months I seem to go about 5 days straight suffering from nightmares. I don't really recall any other dreams I have. This has been happening for the past few years. I know its not unusual for people to not recall dreams but why when I have nightmares do I have them for 4 or 5 days running? It doesn't overly bother me having them, just frustrating knowing when I go to bed that i'm going to wake up a couple of hours later in a blind panic for a second that i've been raped by a zombie or something.

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About once every three or four months I seem to go about 5 days straight suffering from nightmares. I don't really recall any other dreams I have. This has been happening for the past few years. I know its not unusual for people to not recall dreams but why when I have nightmares do I have them for 4 or 5 days running? It doesn't overly bother me having them, just frustrating knowing when I go to bed that i'm going to wake up a couple of hours later in a blind panic for a second that i've been raped by a zombie or something.

Was it a binge drinking weekend you had? I sometimes used to get horrible nightmares when I had been on the razz all weekend and they would continue for a few nights.

Also, expecting to have a nightmare before you have even went to sleep isn't going to help. Why not watch a bit of TV in bed to take your mind off any nightmares?

You've just reminded me of a "dream" I had last night. Found out my girlfriend was pregnant and I threw myself off the Forth Road Bridge. :lol:

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Was it a binge drinking weekend you had? I sometimes used to get horrible nightmares when I had been on the razz all weekend and they would continue for a few nights.

I get this a lot. The nightmares are always very vivid and 'real' - involving situations that are entirely feasible and with people I know, rather than zombies, axe-wielding maniacs etc. Always messes with my head a bit for a couple of hours after I wake up.

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Was it a binge drinking weekend you had? I sometimes used to get horrible nightmares when I had been on the razz all weekend and they would continue for a few nights.

Also, expecting to have a nightmare before you have even went to sleep isn't going to help. Why not watch a bit of TV in bed to take your mind off any nightmares?

You've just reminded me of a "dream" I had last night. Found out my girlfriend was pregnant and I threw myself off the Forth Road Bridge. :lol:

I did drink a lot at weekend but no more than any other weekend.

I suspect you may be right about expecting one to come not helping. Perhaps its just a freak chance I remember a nightmare and nothing else. Thing is though they are not 'the same dream' if you will so if I was to think of the previous dream before I fell asleep the next one would not be a continuation from the previous night. It's funny because it lasts for a few days then i'ld not remember another dream for months.

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I get this a lot. The nightmares are always very vivid and 'real' - involving situations that are entirely feasible and with people I know, rather than zombies, axe-wielding maniacs etc. Always messes with my head a bit for a couple of hours after I wake up.

I haven't been on a "binge" for months, but I remember if I had been on the sauce quite heavily for a few days I used to be able to close my eyes and see people that I had been out with that weekend. It was rather scary, but pretty cool. :lol:

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I haven't been on a "binge" for months, but I remember if I had been on the sauce quite heavily for a few days I used to be able to close my eyes and see people that I had been out with that weekend. It was rather scary, but pretty cool. :lol:

:lol: I can't say I've had that...yet. Three of my friends from School are in town until monday so I fully expect next week to be exactly like that!

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I did drink a lot at weekend but no more than any other weekend.

I suspect you may be right about expecting one to come not helping. Perhaps its just a freak chance I remember a nightmare and nothing else. Thing is though they are not 'the same dream' if you will so if I was to think of the previous dream before I fell asleep the next one would not be a continuation from the previous night. It's funny because it lasts for a few days then i'ld not remember another dream for months.

Listen to some music or something before you go to bed when you have had a nightmare the previous night. As long as you focus your attention on something else then you should be OK.

No idea why they return every few months though, sorry!

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:lol: I can't say I've had that...yet. Three of my friends from School are in town until monday so I fully expect next week to be exactly like that!

It's really freaky. It's like you are in a dream, but you are wide awake. After a brutal weekend on the razzle, I used to dread going to bed on the Sunday night as I knew what was going to happen when I closed my eyes.

I love drinking in moderation these days!

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No way i'm not trying music again. I have the tv on before I go to bed and I decided for a switch to a cd one night it happened a couple of years back.

I played Nirvana Unplugged which led my to dreaming I was at a party at Kurt Cobain's house. He'd gone missing and I was telling everyone he was going to do something stupid and nobody would believe me.

I went out to search the garage and greenhouse and as soon as I opened the door he was stood with shotgun in mouth and blew his brains out right in front of me.

Anyway, not to worry. I tonight or tomorrow should be the last time for another 4 months!

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No way i'm not trying music again. I have the tv on before I go to bed and I decided for a switch to a cd one night it happened a couple of years back.

I played Nirvana Unplugged which led my to dreaming I was at a party at Kurt Cobain's house. He'd gone missing and I was telling everyone he was going to do something stupid and nobody would believe me.

I went out to search the garage and greenhouse and as soon as I opened the door he was stood with shotgun in mouth and blew his brains out right in front of me.

Anyway, not to worry. I tonight or tomorrow should be the last time for another 4 months!


Yeah, probably best to stick to what you know. Change is bad etc...

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What do people class as 'The Scottish National Anthem'? makes no difference to me.

'flower of scotland'- the only candidate i actually like and know all the words to (except caledonia, but that would be an embarrassing national anthem) . i wouldn't mind another one but i would not bow to 'god save the queen'.

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About once every three or four months I seem to go about 5 days straight suffering from nightmares. I don't really recall any other dreams I have. This has been happening for the past few years. I know its not unusual for people to not recall dreams but why when I have nightmares do I have them for 4 or 5 days running? It doesn't overly bother me having them, just frustrating knowing when I go to bed that i'm going to wake up a couple of hours later in a blind panic for a second that i've been raped by a zombie or something.

I've been having nightmares recently too. Not the kind where you wake up screaming, just particularly bad dreams. One I was driving in the car with my Dad and the road disintegrated into just two long thin planks just wide enough for the tires to sit on so that the car was going along right on the balance. My old man just turned and to me and said "This is it." as the car careered over the edge and into the abyss. The abyss, by the way, was next to a big Asda.

The other one I can remember at the moment, I was at some sort of stereotypical private school, and the teacher was the bloke from Glee (hello, Psychiatrist) Anyway, I was sat at a big long table at lunch, and I couldn't find my knife. As it turns out, my knife was hidden in my soup. Now, in hindsight, I don't know why I was looking for a knife, if all I had was soup, but that's not really important. I noticed that there was heavy smoke going past the window, and evidently the floor below us was on fire. As I ran for the door, I was pulled back, and ordered to "Get into the bin.", which was one of those big orange things you see in alleyways. Everyone started chanting "Get in the bin!" and I can't remember the rest so presumably either the floor gave way, or I got in the bin.

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Once every couple of weeks i wake up in a sweat and see someone sitting on the chair next to my bed. Its a middle aged woman with a white face and long hair. It scares the shit out of me and i freeze with terror. I normally need to get up out of bed put the light on and check the whole of my room to see if she is gone. Takes an age to get back to sleep.

Now and then i go for a sleepwalk but i feel im conscious, just not aware why im going what im doing.

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