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A common slang term is quid (singular and plural) which is thought to derive from the Latin phrase "quid pro quo".[citation needed]

Citation needed being the bit of that statement to notice. It looks like there isn't any concrete answer, some more suggestions are listed here.

I like the second last answer :lol:

Edited by Breaking Decency
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Why is it when you have plenty beers you stop drinking, but when you have finished what you have ,you want more?

Please note, still drinking, still have beer.

Last week this occured to me

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Say you've a person right. Fair intellectual capacity. Fair qualifications. Fit to take a plethora of routes into what would be further education. Or any sort of skills furtherance programme(s). But that person's attitude is that... he/she does not desire so much as a scintilla of additional, formal training in any discipline. Or doesn't wish to absorb any more technical information in a particular field.

Simply doesn't wish to... Not for any aversion to work. But for apathy, despise of learning environments and the company to keep. I suppose the crux is... Is there anything intrinsically wrong with unambition - particularly in the case of a person whom could almost certainly achieve something more materialistic? If you want to look at it that way.

Unskilled work. A preference for that. A preference for... turning a modest coin. Having a less than lavish lifestyle. Adequacy over affluence.

It's all a bit deep I suppose and hardly 'quick', but I was rather taken aback by the frowns cast elsewhere. Personally, I see nothing inherently bad about it. And I tend to think those who do base their assertions on irrationality; instilled faith, moral compass rubbish.

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Well, I share your philosophy, Lyn-Marie. Least as concerns employment. There seems to be a diversity of opinion on the subject however.

If I was the parent of the person,I would feel let down.not to at least try and fulfil your potential is a letdown to yourself and your family.

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Is it wrong to be on your 5th cup of coffe in under 3 hrs?

Yes. Look at the weather! Get the beers open mad.gif

QQ; how is it you work out degrees C from degrees F? Me and 2 mates yesterday completely forgot, and his thermomoter read 87F. Some of our equations were working out at 114 degrees C. :lol:

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Yes. Look at the weather! Get the beers open mad.gif

QQ; how is it you work out degrees C from degrees F? Me and 2 mates yesterday completely forgot, and his thermomoter read 87F. Some of our equations were working out at 114 degrees C. :lol:

From C to F, the rough method is double it and add 30. From F to C, subtract 30 and half it.

That method would have 87F as 28.5 C (in reality it's 30.5C).

You must have had the thermometer out in the direct sunlight, so you weren't getting a true reading anyway.

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