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Can someone provide with a website that has a breakdown of how the Scottish Parliament is funded? As in where they get their money for all the projects and services they have to provide to the country.

Its a block grant from Westminster. Our Unionist masters tell us how much pocket money we get this year, and we then spend it. Any money that our spending generates then goes back to Westminster, and we hope that we will get some of it back if we behave.

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Its a block grant from Westminster. Our Unionist masters tell us how much pocket money we get this year, and we then spend it. Any money that our spending generates then goes back to Westminster, and we hope that we will get some of it back if we behave.

Hahaha. Unfortunately, in this essay I can't quote "Prominent SNP supporter xbl aff Pie and Bovril" as a reliable source however much I may want to.

You can maybe answer this for me, I assume the government also gets funding from other very small means, however, the block grant is the main form of funding. If I was to put the following as an opening statement "The vast majority of the Scottish Government's funding comes from Westminster in the form of a block grant" would I have to provide a source for that or is it accepted as common knowledge?

Ugh, It'd be fine if tutors would reply as quickly as I wanted to :lol:

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Its a block grant from Westminster. Our Unionist masters tell us how much pocket money we get this year, and we then spend it. Any money that our spending generates then goes back to Westminster, and we hope that we will get some of it back if we behave.

Can't you just think of some childish xenophobic drivel about you not liking the English and put in your sig instead of trotting out similar to this peurile mantra across a plethora of threads?

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You can maybe answer this for me, I assume the government also gets funding from other very small means, however, the block grant is the main form of funding. If I was to put the following as an opening statement "The vast majority of the Scottish Government's funding comes from Westminster in the form of a block grant" would I have to provide a source for that or is it accepted as common knowledge?

I've no idea, but mention that they have the power to vary income tax by 3% either way, which gives them the potential to raise more funds for themselves.

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I've no idea, but mention that they have the power to vary income tax by 3% either way, which gives them the potential to raise more funds for themselves.

A power not yet used despite its obvious potential either to attract more start-up business or to soften public spending cuts.

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A power not yet used despite its obvious potential either to attract more start-up business or to soften public spending cuts.

Yup. They won't raise it to try and claw back money, though, as it that it would probably be quite unpopular.

Talking of tax - I think now would have been a great time for Cameron to stick the knife into Salmond and invoke the Calman recomendations that Scotland should raise half of its own tax revenues. Bring in the 10% from Westminster, and then let the SNP decided whether or not to take the cuts on the chin and apply a 10% tax therefore keeping the overal income rate at 20%, or else risk unpopular tax rises to get round the cuts.

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Its a block grant from Westminster. Our Unionist masters tell us how much pocket money we get this year, and we then spend it. Any money that our spending generates then goes back to Westminster, and we hope that we will get some of it back if we behave.

3/10 - points deducted for not using the phrase "sucking on the English teat"

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Not really a QQ, but i'm not starting a new thread.

Can someone get to Level 5 of this game and tell me how to get past it :lol:, i've been at it for about an hour

Navigate to the next level using clues from within the page

*Clues could be a wide range of things ranging from viewing the source code, to solving a riddle, or even searching google.

* An example of a riddle (Overly simplified for example sake):

On the page you would see, "2+2="

The answer would be 4, so you would put that in the url

It would look like, http://www.sinceurup.com/4

Also, make sure and keep all answers lower-case.

* To view the source code, FireFox and Chrome users right click View Page Source, Internet Explorer users right click View Source.

Level 1:


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Do non-Old Firm fans actually care about said match? I honestly couldnt get a f**k who wins and wont watch a single minute of the game or any highlights. I genuinely have no interest in this game at all. All it does is bring the idiots out in the boozer who will look to cause trouble.

Old Firm weekends top up my hate for the 2 of them.

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Do non-Old Firm fans actually care about said match? I honestly couldnt get a f**k who wins and wont watch a single minute of the game or any highlights. I genuinely have no interest in this game at all. All it does is bring the idiots out in the boozer who will look to cause trouble.

Old Firm weekends top up my hate for the 2 of them.

Look at it this way. At least you'll be working during the game and with any luck, most of the fans will have buggered off home by the time you go to the pub. :)

For me I'll be far more interested in watching the stoke/man u game instead. I quite fancy an upset here...

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Its definitely a plus point but there will still be some drunken idiots about.

Drunken idiot 'so who do you support, Rangers or Celtic?'

Piss off.

True, but there are people who pretend too hard to hate the OF to an exaggerated extent or won't(not can't) give a random prediction by as follows:-

Random OF fan asks a neutral: 'What do you think the score will be?'

Random OF-hating wannabe: YAWWWNNN!!! I DONT CARE!! LOOK AT ME!! I'M ANTI-OF!!

Woop-de-fucking-doo, just say a fucking scoreline so we can move on to a more meaningful conversation instead of starting a pointless argument with an OF fan.

At least that's the kind of people I deal with at my work...

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To be fair if someone asks me what i think the score will be my response will be 'i dont care'. Im not going to take time to actually consider the result. For instance i dont even know where the game is taking place.

True, but tbf, I would geniunely struggle to find someone to match the hatred you hold for the OF. It's just the people that force it that annoy me.

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