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Roughly speaking, yes. It also depends on age (as it supposedly takes you longer to find a new job when you're older). It's 0.5 weeks' pay for each year up to the age of 21, then 1 week for each year from 22 to 40, then 1.5 weeks for each year from 41 up. It's capped at a weekly wage of £380, which is pathetic really. So if you're exactly 24 and you've worked there for 3 years on a wage of £400/week, you'd get:

0.5x£380 for the year you were 21

1x£380 for the year you were 22

1x£380 for the year you were 23

which comes to a stunning total of £950.

Bear in mind:

- this is statutory minimum - many employers will offer more.

- you're only entitled to statutory minimum redundancy after 2 years of service.

- redundancy pay of up to £30k is tax-free (although pay in lieu of notice and back holiday pay are not).

Hope that helps, and that it doesn't come to that. Redundancy is horrible - happened to me just over 2 years ago.

That's great, thanks for that.

Have they trawlled the over 50's?

A few people went who were only a couple of years off retirement. I know in my office of 15 it'll be cut to around 9 or 10 so a few will be going.

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Will I have any exams during January at uni, in first year?

I know I definitely don't in HRM and Politics, but I'm not sure about History.

you don't even have to sit an HRM exam in may if you do well enough over the course of the year.

p.s. HRM is shit

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Right I've turned to the PnB masses for help (god save me :o)

I've bought a new car and I want to register it with a number plate I've bought, (the car is still unregistered)


I need insurance to register my car


I need my car registered to insure my car

So, what the f**k am I supposed to do? :huh:

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Does anyone know if individual mens clothes sizes (S, M, L, XL etc) have gotten bigger in recent years, because it's nigh on unconceivable I can be a size small?

I'd like to know the answer to this question!. Recently I've been buying all my clothes in small if I want it to fit me properly and medium if I want it a bit baggy, yet I'm 6"1. Odd stuff.

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I'm a small in about 80% of brands I own. I could easily wear a medium in all of them an not look stupid but my chest and back are bigger than my waist so anything on the baggy side tends to hang off me so I have to err on the side of small (depite the fact I'm 5 foot 11, over 11 stone and quite well built).

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Depends on the brand of clothes I would have thought, I can vary between medium and large. A large fred perry top would be baggy on me but a medium top from say next cuts me in half. I'm 6 foot 2 and 13 stone since were playing that game.

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Right I've turned to the PnB masses for help (god save me :o)

I've bought a new car and I want to register it with a number plate I've bought, (the car is still unregistered)


I need insurance to register my car


I need my car registered to insure my car

So, what the f**k am I supposed to do? :huh:

The car will have to be registered by the supplying dealer with the DVLA,You can then register your private place in either DVLA at the Gyle Edinburgh or DVLA West Campbell St Glasgow.

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Does anyone know if individual mens clothes sizes (S, M, L, XL etc) have gotten bigger in recent years, because it's nigh on unconceivable I can be a size small?

I buy all my stuff small now as well, after mainly going medium. I wonder if it's because I've lost a bit of weight, but I doubt it.

Back in the day I used to be large because I was tall. I dread to think of some of the baggy get-ups I used to wear.

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I buy all my stuff small now as well, after mainly going medium. I wonder if it's because I've lost a bit of weight, but I doubt it.

Back in the day I used to be large because I was tall. I dread to think of some of the baggy get-ups I used to wear.

Was clearing out my wardrobe recently and it wasn't just the style of the clothes, it was the sheer size of them that disgusted me. Far too big and baggy, I must have looked like a complete twat.

If anyone's interested I'm 6"1 and weight 10 and a half stone.

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