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Okay, so you're not allowed to feed Gremlins after midnight. When does 'after midnight' end and you're allowed to feed them again?

Yes I'm watching ITV2 and I'm sad.

Hard question, logic would probably dictate sunrise or something like that, but then why would it not be sunset instead of after midnight.

My head hurts now.

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Sunrise. I don't take any chances before that and have never had any problems.

I took the chance once and I think I got away with it.

Hard question, logic would probably dictate sunrise or something like that, but then why would it not be sunset instead of after midnight.

My head hurts now.

Hmmm that would be the only logical answer but what time exactly is sunrise? It's very difficult to tell and if you're rushing to get to work mistakes can occur.

I haven't even got into the different time zones of the USA. Their bodies must know when they are changing time zone? We need answers.

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I took the chance once and I think I got away with it.

Hmmm that would be the only logical answer but what time exactly is sunrise? It's very difficult to tell and if you're rushing to get to work mistakes can occur.

I haven't even got into the different time zones of the USA. Their bodies must know when they are changing time zone? We need answers.

What?! :lol: Like a built in GPS?

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I'm looking for the name of a film i saw years ago. Basically, it's set in the future, and people are able to pay to be transported back to the past to be at the scene of famous disasters; The Titanic, train crashes, bombings etc.

I don't really remember much more, other than a scene in which a tourist is on a train that's about to crash, flipping a coin that will take him back to the present. Someone steals the coin and he dies in the crash.

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I'm looking for the name of a film i saw years ago. Basically, it's set in the future, and people are able to pay to be transported back to the past to be at the scene of famous disasters; The Titanic, train crashes, bombings etc.

I don't really remember much more, other than a scene in which a tourist is on a train that's about to crash, flipping a coin that will take him back to the present. Someone steals the coin and he dies in the crash.

No idea what your film is but, coincidentally, I was trying to remember a film I had seen when I was wee, about an alien robot suit or something called, Si(?) and a wee boy goes in it and it gives him like super strength and stuff. Anyone know of this film?

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I'm looking for the name of a film i saw years ago. Basically, it's set in the future, and people are able to pay to be transported back to the past to be at the scene of famous disasters; The Titanic, train crashes, bombings etc.

I don't really remember much more, other than a scene in which a tourist is on a train that's about to crash, flipping a coin that will take him back to the present. Someone steals the coin and he dies in the crash.

I really, really hope it was called "Stuart Dickson goes on a very expensive overpriced holiday"

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No idea what your film is but, coincidentally, I was trying to remember a film I had seen when I was wee, about an alien robot suit or something called, Si(?) and a wee boy goes in it and it gives him like super strength and stuff. Anyone know of this film?

Star Kid?

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Really don't expect anyone to know this, but; In LMA 2003 for the Ps2, at the end of the season summary there's a nice wee tune in the background. No idea what it is or what it's called sadly and there's not enough info on the box or manual.

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