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Not sure if this deserves a thread of its own, so i'll maybe start one if i feel it does.

Do cats and foxes often fight each other?

We got a cross between a Persian and a Ragdoll a couple of months ago. A few nights back I heard an animal making a screeching/wailing sound in the street outside. I looked out and saw our cat squaring up to a fox about double it's size before watching the fox scarper down the street with its tail between its legs while our cat about turned and swaggered back up our drive.

I've never been overly keen on cats but the ballsy little fucker instantly gained my utmost respect with that show of feline hardness.

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I saw a fox maul a cat either Monday or Tuesday morning around half 5. I hate cats, so was quite pleased. The fox stopped for a minute, still, and watched me pass. Being honest I was more frightened than the fox appeared to be.

Long live foxes.

I seen a fox smeared across south street this morning. Horrific.

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saw a dog chasing a fox down my street on tues night ... fox hopped between the wee shop and a cottage, dog kept running. Idiot.

then yesterday morning there was an injured fox in my works multi story car park. different.

but yeah, foxes avoid confrontation if they can. my Chihuahua (laugh, its the mrs who picked them) chased one off before he was even 1 year old. lil crazy bas

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I seen a fox smeared across south street this morning. Horrific.

With my sick mind, I've got 'Road-kill 0-10 Scale' to entertain me with on long journeys. There's no such thing as a perfect kill so realistically it's 1-9 (0 would be alive, so it wouldn't be roadkill I suppose).

Anyway, most points are awarded on artistic merit so any sort of smear automatically gets bonus points, as does the type of animal (a knocked over rabbit would be a 2 maybe, a pine marten way up there), hence a smeared fox is easily looking at a 7.5+ from what you describe, maybe even an 8. I reckon for a 9 you'd be looking for a bit of spray shooting across the road though, ideally from the middle lines out to the kerb. Messiness drops points though which you'd get for an assorted mess of 'fox'. A clean decapitation however... serious brownies there.

As I said, sick. sad.gif

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There's these new (I say "new" but I've only started seeing them out and about in the past couple of weeks) vans with sirens going around Glasgow. They look like a cross between a police van and an ambulance. Does anyone know what they are for?

I know they aren't police vans because they have something else written on the side, with Scottish Government underneath.

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I saw a fox maul a cat either Monday or Tuesday morning around half 5. I hate cats, so was quite pleased. The fox stopped for a minute, still, and watched me pass. Being honest I was more frightened than the fox appeared to be.

Long live foxes.

You actively hate a type of animal? huh.gif

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There's these new (I say "new" but I've only started seeing them out and about in the past couple of weeks) vans with sirens going around Glasgow. They look like a cross between a police van and an ambulance. Does anyone know what they are for?

I know they aren't police vans because they have something else written on the side, with Scottish Government underneath.

I saw something like one of them drive along Byers Road yesterday. There were two suited men inside, looked pretty dodgy tbh..

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I drove through a big puddle the other day which impaired the performance of my car. As far as I can make out after disconnecting leads from plugs it was only running on two cilinders. I removed and cleaned the plugs that were soaking wet and tryed to give it all a blast out. The car ran ok for a wee bit but it's back to struggling and misfiring.

Does anyone know how to get the water out, is it just a case of dumping the oil and starting again? Just hoping its something home fixable rather than a garage fix.

Thanks in advance for any help.

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We got a cross between a Persian and a Ragdoll a couple of months ago. A few nights back I heard an animal making a screeching/wailing sound in the street outside. I looked out and saw our cat squaring up to a fox about double it's size before watching the fox scarper down the street with its tail between its legs while our cat about turned and swaggered back up our drive.

I've never been overly keen on cats but the ballsy little fucker instantly gained my utmost respect with that show of feline hardness.

foxes are a regular occurence in my street as im only yards away from caird park, seen groups of them strolling down the road,

even had them chasing the light from my laser pointerlaugh.giflaugh.gif

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Guest The Phoenix

They're all playing SAFC in pre-season friendlies?

There is only one 'brain' between all three of them ? :unsure:

They all failed to respond to the BBC Sport "Price of Football" Survey - the only three teams not to do so,

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