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30 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

How do the stats people calculate how many miles a player covers in a game? Are the players chipped? Noticed that Bet365 have started naming the player on the ball as well in live play.

See the things that players wear that looks like sports bras, thats got all the monitoring kit in it. Presumably the clubs release certian info from it to the stats people.

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See the things that players wear that looks like sports bras, thats got all the monitoring kit in it. Presumably the clubs release certian info from it to the stats people.
if i was the stats people that owned the technology i would be leasing it to clubs and also broadcasters. not sure if this is what happens but surely if a dumb ass like me can work that out these companies can!
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1 hour ago, welshbairn said:

How do the stats people calculate how many miles a player covers in a game? Are the players chipped? Noticed that Bet365 have started naming the player on the ball as well in live play.



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Possession stats have been kept in football for a lot longer than sports bras and distance covered. Did they have a guy sitting with a bunch of stopwatches during the 90s, starting and stopping them depending on who had the ball?
Sadly no. They literally count the number of passes by each team and allocate a percentage. If one team had 2 minutes of having the ball and made 8 passes in that time but the other team had the ball for 8 minutes but jist stood about and only made 2 passes, then the first team would be said to have had 80% of possession. The guy from OPTA mentioned it a few weeks ago on the Totally Football Show podcast.
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1 hour ago, Bairnardo said:

See the things that players wear that looks like sports bras, thats got all the monitoring kit in it. Presumably the clubs release certian info from it to the stats people.

You don't see the bra when Ronaldo whips his top off for no reason.

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Going for a promotion at work within the next week or so. Only ever had interviews for outright jobs in the past, so this is new ground being broken.

It’s quite hush hush as to who’s going for it, but guessing maybe 6-8 others alongside me. One of whom seems to be the one being groomed for the job, another seems to be brown nosing the bosses in the lead up to next week.

I’m qualified for the job, but I’m quiet and worry about being forgotten in amongst the pack. Any tips to help me stand out, either in the lead up to the interview or during the interview itself?

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1 minute ago, anotherchance said:

Going for a promotion at work within the next week or so. Only ever had interviews for outright jobs in the past, so this is new ground being broken.

It’s quite hush hush as to who’s going for it, but guessing maybe 6-8 others alongside me. One of whom seems to be the one being groomed for the job, another seems to be brown nosing the bosses in the lead up to next week.

I’m qualified for the job, but I’m quiet and worry about being forgotten in amongst the pack. Any tips to help me stand out, either in the lead up to the interview or during the interview itself?

I've heard it relaxes you if you go in naked.

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5 minutes ago, anotherchance said:

Going for a promotion at work within the next week or so. Only ever had interviews for outright jobs in the past, so this is new ground being broken.

It’s quite hush hush as to who’s going for it, but guessing maybe 6-8 others alongside me. One of whom seems to be the one being groomed for the job, another seems to be brown nosing the bosses in the lead up to next week.

I’m qualified for the job, but I’m quiet and worry about being forgotten in amongst the pack. Any tips to help me stand out, either in the lead up to the interview or during the interview itself?


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18 minutes ago, anotherchance said:

Going for a promotion at work within the next week or so. Only ever had interviews for outright jobs in the past, so this is new ground being broken.

It’s quite hush hush as to who’s going for it, but guessing maybe 6-8 others alongside me. One of whom seems to be the one being groomed for the job, another seems to be brown nosing the bosses in the lead up to next week.

I’m qualified for the job, but I’m quiet and worry about being forgotten in amongst the pack. Any tips to help me stand out, either in the lead up to the interview or during the interview itself?

When they ask you what you'd like to be doing in 5 years time, say not what you're doing for starters, I'm way better. Shows ambition which is what they're looking for. Otherwise just talk as honestly as you can without any bullshit and hope they get bored of the brown noser's shite and the rest and give you the job.

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Going for a promotion at work within the next week or so. Only ever had interviews for outright jobs in the past, so this is new ground being broken.

It’s quite hush hush as to who’s going for it, but guessing maybe 6-8 others alongside me. One of whom seems to be the one being groomed for the job, another seems to be brown nosing the bosses in the lead up to next week.

I’m qualified for the job, but I’m quiet and worry about being forgotten in amongst the pack. Any tips to help me stand out, either in the lead up to the interview or during the interview itself?

Make sure you find out if its for example a competency based interview and have examples for each competency. Or it may be a job knowledge/management ability type thing. Have a word with HR and see if they’ll give you anything to prepare. Dont worry about brown noser etc these tend to be the folks who dont prepare for the actual interview and just think they’ll get it through sucking up.
They’ll expect the nerves but just try your best to be positive and confident, remember they want someone to lead a team so you have to convey that you are the man for the job.
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5 hours ago, welshbairn said:

How do the stats people calculate how many miles a player covers in a game? Are the players chipped? Noticed that Bet365 have started naming the player on the ball as well in live play.

They just ask the players afterwards how far they ran, and the players have to promise not to lie. 

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8 hours ago, anotherchance said:

Going for a promotion at work within the next week or so. Only ever had interviews for outright jobs in the past, so this is new ground being broken.

It’s quite hush hush as to who’s going for it, but guessing maybe 6-8 others alongside me. One of whom seems to be the one being groomed for the job, another seems to be brown nosing the bosses in the lead up to next week.

I’m qualified for the job, but I’m quiet and worry about being forgotten in amongst the pack. Any tips to help me stand out, either in the lead up to the interview or during the interview itself?


7 hours ago, welshbairn said:

When they ask you what you'd like to be doing in 5 years time, say not what you're doing for starters, I'm way better. Shows ambition which is what they're looking for. Otherwise just talk as honestly as you can without any bullshit and hope they get bored of the brown noser's shite and the rest and give you the job.

Talking honestly is a dangerous policy. I recommend lying through your teeth, especially when they ask why you want the job or what you see as the biggest challenges. 

Remember that you are looking for a step up so you need to convince them that you are good for the higher level role and not just good at your current job. As a general rule, higher levels require more people skills.  This is where the lying comes in again. 


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10 hours ago, anotherchance said:

Going for a promotion at work within the next week or so. Only ever had interviews for outright jobs in the past, so this is new ground being broken.

It’s quite hush hush as to who’s going for it, but guessing maybe 6-8 others alongside me. One of whom seems to be the one being groomed for the job, another seems to be brown nosing the bosses in the lead up to next week.

I’m qualified for the job, but I’m quiet and worry about being forgotten in amongst the pack. Any tips to help me stand out, either in the lead up to the interview or during the interview itself?

Well, I've been offered every job I've ever been interviewed for by doing the following:

1. With a few exceptions, they're not going to waste their time and yours interviewing you if they don't think there's a chance they'll employ you (I appreciate there are some council jobs where they invite people there to make up the numbers). But assuming that's not the case, it's yours to win. 

2. Best bit of advice ... ask lots of questions. I'd rather employ someone who was competent and keen to learn than someone who could do it in their sleep. Think up as many questions as possible and don't wait until the end to ask them. Instead, turn the interview into a chat. They'll typically start with a "Tell me why you want this role?" or "Tell me more about yourself?" type question ... when you've answered accordingly, make your last sentence a question ... e.g. "will there be an opportunity to learn x in the new role?" ... this makes it clear that you have finished your spiel (without a slightly awkward .... "errr. that's it") ... and puts the impetus back on them. Again, this makes it more like a normal conversation rather than a one-sided interview, and help alleviate any misconceptions that you're "too quiet"

3. Many folk cringe at questions like "Tell me where you want to be in 5 years" .or "Tell me where you had to work hard to succeed" type questions (of course, they might not ask you these questions, but preparing for them is easy and is good interview practice anyway)... all you need to do is remember (or make up if you haven't got any) ... 3 or 4 situations (preferably in work but it could be something outside work) where you worked hard / did something good / learned something useful. You can adapt these to answer any awkward type questions they might have for you

Good luck!


Edited by Cardinal Richelieu
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