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Can you be done for planning to commit a crime, even if you don't do it?

Hypothetically, if the police invaded my house and found every single bit of equipment and plans I'd need to rob a bank (all obtained perfectly legally) but I hadn't actually done it, could I be charged?

Would it not come under conspiracy to commit?

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Can you be done for planning to commit a crime, even if you don't do it?

Hypothetically, if the police invaded my house and found every single bit of equipment and plans I'd need to rob a bank (all obtained perfectly legally) but I hadn't actually done it, could I be charged?

You'd have a hard time disproving conspiracy to commit the crime.

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Probably being whooshed here...

Damn, cannae find the picture of the parrot being whooshed which would have been perfect here.

I'll be in Edinburgh tomorrow shopping and possibly doing some touristy things. I'm looking for a new watch, leather strap, round face, analogue, under 60 quid. Anyone got any recommendations on shops I can visit?

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If two duck-sized lions were to fight a lion-sized duck, who would win?

The lions. They can bite and have claws, the duck just has a blunt beak and there's only one of him. He'd be in a pancake with spring onion and cucumber before he could say "quack off, you big-toothed b*****ds".

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The lions.  They can bite and have claws, the duck just has a blunt beak and there's only one of him.  He'd be in a pancake with spring onion and cucumber before he could say "quack off, you big-toothed b*****ds".

I googled it, as far as im aware it hasn't ever happened.

We've just spent the last 20 minutes debating this in my office and we reckon the duck would win.

I think the duck. It'd just stand on the lions or peck f**k out of them.

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