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The New Raith Rovers Thread

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Does anyone have any idea of what the season ticket prices are for next season? Asking for a friend[emoji848]
I assume the club have realised after the last few weeks that nobody wants to buy one so haven't bothered putting them on sale.
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I assume the club have realised after the last few weeks that nobody wants to buy one so haven't bothered putting them on sale.

I did my best to make sure they knew how we all felt [emoji102] having spent a couple of Saturdays with the Mrs though my friend told me he wanted to get one depending on the price[emoji102]


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20 hours ago, McGuigan1978 said:


These kind of comments can get right in the bin.

Considering we’ve barely got two coppers to scrape together, I’m not sure how we’d manage to pay a transfer fee to Clyde, so I’m presuming the rumour is guff.

What is mortifying, is the amount of comments from folk who’d be fine with taking him.

As for the, ‘he hasn’t committed a crime’ brigade, I’d point you in the direction of Lord Armstrong’s findings on the case, which make for pretty bleak reading in regards to his behaviour that night. They’re online if you ever fancy a look.

I certainly wouldn’t be back if we brought him onboard.



14 hours ago, McGuigan1978 said:

My view is based on the opinion of a Judge who interviewed 20 witnesses over the course of 10 days.

Seems a more reasonable approach than “Y U BULEEV DRUNK GURL???”

A voice of reason amidst a sea of stupidity.

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A voice of reason amidst a sea of stupidity.

I can see both sides. I’m not really on either. You and McGuigan are on the Helen Lovejoy side. Then there’s the sleazy fucks who see nothing wrong with tag-teaming some woman who is so pissed she can barely stand.

The same Helen Lovejoy types on here are the first to back up criminals on various topics on here over the years. It’s all about rehabilitation according to some. Except for paedos and rapists because that doesn’t sit well with the Helen Lovejoys or the Masses.

I agree that we’re marketing ourselves as a “community club” but like it or not, these horrible sex offender types are part of the community. If we’re not going to lock them up forever or kill them, then we should try to rehabilitate them and make them useful members of the community again. Do people think the state should pay them some money and just try and keep them indoors and hidden away from polite society?
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2 minutes ago, Scary Bear said:


I can see both sides. I’m not really on either. You and McGuigan are on the Helen Lovejoy side. Then there’s the sleazy fucks who see nothing wrong with tag-teaming some woman who is so pissed she can barely stand.

The same Helen Lovejoy types on here are the first to back up criminals on various topics on here over the years. It’s all about rehabilitation according to some. Except for paedos and rapists because that doesn’t sit well with the Helen Lovejoys or the Masses.

I agree that we’re marketing ourselves as a “community club” but like it or not, these horrible sex offender types are part of the community. If we’re not going to lock them up forever or kill them, then we should try to rehabilitate them and make them useful members of the community again. Do people think the state should pay them some money and just try and keep them indoors and hidden away from polite society?


This is true however it's a bit like various other controversial topics, I know it has to happen but I'd prefer anywhere but here and to be fair I'd rather he wasn't in a job in the public eye again, even if it is just in front of 2000 punters at Starks.

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The bottom line is, Goodwillie and Robertson had sex with a woman who was incapable of consent. 

No consent should equal no sexual activity but for whatever reason these two wrang anes thought it'd be fine. 

It's just a rumour but count me out too if the rumour somehow bore fruit. 

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To be fair it’s currently Clyde’s USP. They should have a radio advert.

“Are you a bit rapey? Don’t like those coloured fellas? A bit violent? Like showing your cock to mum’s pushing prams during your lunch break? Hey, we don’t judge! Come to Clyde FC! You can get back in the game and try and resurrect your fucked career at Clyde FC. That name again. Clyde FC.”

You must be the funniest guy on this forum.

Goodwillie will probably sign for Livi. They had no problem taking ‘cock flasher’ Lithgow and ‘home run’ Gallacher off our hands.
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1 hour ago, Scary Bear said:


I can see both sides. I’m not really on either. You and McGuigan are on the Helen Lovejoy side. Then there’s the sleazy fucks who see nothing wrong with tag-teaming some woman who is so pissed she can barely stand.

The same Helen Lovejoy types on here are the first to back up criminals on various topics on here over the years. It’s all about rehabilitation according to some. Except for paedos and rapists because that doesn’t sit well with the Helen Lovejoys or the Masses.

I agree that we’re marketing ourselves as a “community club” but like it or not, these horrible sex offender types are part of the community. If we’re not going to lock them up forever or kill them, then we should try to rehabilitate them and make them useful members of the community again. Do people think the state should pay them some money and just try and keep them indoors and hidden away from polite society?


No, but to be a footballer for a professional club is a privileged position. Fans go to the game on a Saturday and for 90 minutes they use it as a release from the struggles of daily life. I can guarantee there will be people affected directly or indirectly by rape that support Raith, how are they going to feel when they see a rapist playing for their club, fans singing his name, kids idolising him etc.

Rehabilitating them into society yes, but not as a footballer. 

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6 minutes ago, pub car king said:

When's the green carpet getting delivered.

Given the crap drainage at SP since the pitch was levelled in the 90's I think there'll be a shedload of work still to be done before the plastic arrives.

If in doing so they discover graver issues (as Sim alluded to in his interview) it might take even longer and cost a lot more.

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No, but to be a footballer for a professional club is a privileged position. Fans go to the game on a Saturday and for 90 minutes they use it as a release from the struggles of daily life. I can guarantee there will be people affected directly or indirectly by rape that support Raith, how are they going to feel when they see a rapist playing for their club, fans singing his name, kids idolising him etc.
Rehabilitating them into society yes, but not as a footballer. 

So if they can’t do the only thing they’re good at that rehabilitation will take a bit longer. Who decides what jobs they can and can’t do?

What level of crime could a footballer commit where members of the public would judge him safe to resume a footballing career?

Plenty drink drivers among them. Plenty who’ve carried out nasty physical assaults who are still playing. Must be plenty fans who see these types resuming their football careers who have been affected by this sort of crime.

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Doubt it's true. Tough one to try and justify to be honest. Clyde got ripped a new one on Sportsound a couple of weeks ago for keeping him on after he was proved in the Civil Courts. His goal scoring form was good but it really does come at a price. What with Sim going on about making us a community club and what image we want Raith Rovers to have, do you think he'd then go and sanction the signing of a rapist?

Civil Court does not make him guilty of being a rapist
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7 hours ago, Scottydog said:

Given the crap drainage at SP since the pitch was levelled in the 90's I think there'll be a shedload of work still to be done before the plastic arrives.

If in doing so they discover graver issues (as Sim alluded to in his interview) it might take even longer and cost a lot more.

Ask Penman what he done with the good top soil when the new stands were built and the pitch levelled that' the problem

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