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The New Raith Rovers Thread

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I’m fucking devastated that I essentially can no longer support the club I have loved for as long as I can remember. I’m struggling to put into words how annoyed/upset I am about this. I cannot go along and support that. 
I have literally just accepted a job which allowed me to go every week. Beyond gutted that a club which I felt really matched my values has decided to throw it all away in a terribly misguided attempt at promotion. Everyone at the club has completely fucked it with this. 
I'm pretty much the same, hopefully taking on a mo day to Friday job to get the weekends off with my dad as quality football time. I think I'll be doing it at Brunton Park instead with a pint in my hand prematch.
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5 minutes ago, 19QOS19 said:




He's been playing in the lower leagues for a reason. Quality wise he would have been far higher than Clyde all those years but thankfully there is still some morals in our game and clubs steered clear of giving a rapist a higher platform.



So what you are saying that it's ok for him to play in the 3rd tier, but not the 2nd tier? Help me here because I can't understand why it's been OK to play pro level (albeit PT) but not OK to play FT? 

You can't have it both ways. 

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11 minutes ago, foreverarover said:
49 minutes ago, itzdrk said:
It's usually about contrition as much as the crime so Declan Gallagher would be your opposite example of Goodwillie. 
Rape is so low, so horrid that even if he had shown some (never had, never will) then normal people can't look past it. 

We hounded out Gallagher when we found he was training at the club whist on prison leave.

That's fair enough. 

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1 minute ago, steakngravy said:

Why not give the man a chance and if he does well support him if it doesn't work out how long a contract has he been given. Yes I don't like perv's but was he not found not guilty but a civil case ruled otherwise. I am prepared to give him a wee chance .

Fucking, and indeed, hell. 

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2 minutes ago, steakngravy said:

Why not give the man a chance and if he does well support him if it doesn't work out how long a contract has he been given. Yes I don't like perv's but was he not found not guilty but a civil case ruled otherwise. I am prepared to give him a wee chance .

Face Palm GIF

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3 minutes ago, SirJimmyofNic said:

To all the people not going back and or canceling subsciptions, please think again, your only hurting the club, take it out on the  cnut that signed/ sanctiond this fiasco


Quite simply, no. I don't see why I'd give money to a club who have actively decided to proceed with signing Goodwillie. I'm not wasting a Saturday afternoon venting at a player or manager. 

It's like the Brexit of football transfers. People told them not to do it. They did it. Now people are saying "oh no, don't hurt the club". The club have done this themselves. 

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The other depressing thing is that, just like Clyde, every single one of those players will just welcome him into the dressing room and have no issues with it.
How the hell would you know that. What a stupid comment. They may not like it but won't make a song and dance about it. That doesn't mean they agree with it. You have to remember these other players have families, mortgages and bills to pay. Walloper.
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2 minutes ago, steakngravy said:

Why not give the man a chance and if he does well support him if it doesn't work out how long a contract has he been given. Yes I don't like perv's but was he not found not guilty but a civil case ruled otherwise. I am prepared to give him a wee chance .

Eh? WTF? Did the female he raped have a chance?

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2 minutes ago, steakngravy said:

Why not give the man a chance and if he does well support him if it doesn't work out how long a contract has he been given. Yes I don't like perv's but was he not found not guilty but a civil case ruled otherwise. I am prepared to give him a wee chance .

Suggest you read renton's post and consider this stance.

11 minutes ago, renton said:

So I wrote this and fired it off into John SIm's junk folder never to be read.

Thought I'd leave it here as my tear stained resignation.



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Go to the game tomorrow, and be very vocal about it

Is this a member of the Raith board that’s trying to use a rapist to boost crowds and income to the club? Serious question, because I can’t imagine why you can’t understand that people don’t want to be seen to contribute to a rapist’s wages. Decent human beings don’t want to put another penny into the club, because that goes towards a rapist’s wages. But you think the solution is to give the club more money? Turning up sends out the wrong message, whether you complain or not.

Signing Goodwillie sends out a clear message - Raith Rovers board does not care about morals and have ignored fans who have been vocally against this signing for the last month now. So why would turning up to a game and lining their pockets be a good way to take a stand against that?
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2 minutes ago, ATLIS said:

Goodwillie is far below us, we at least require folk to display that they've moved on and are remorseful for their actions. Where that places us on the morale scale, who knows? But it's fucking miles from Goodwillie

Livingston are Timpsons IMO. 

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Why not give the man a chance and if he does well support him if it doesn't work out how long a contract has he been given. Yes I don't like perv's but was he not found not guilty but a civil case ruled otherwise. I am prepared to give him a wee chance .

"Give him a chance boys. He's just a wee bit pervy".

f**k me.
So what you are saying that it's ok for him to play in the 3rd tier, but not the 2nd tier? Help me here because I can't understand why it's been OK to play pro level (albeit PT) but not OK to play FT? 
You can't have it both ways. 
I don't think he should have been playing football at any level. I've no idea how you think my post was in any way saying it was acceptable for him to be playing for Clyde.
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2 minutes ago, Brashy's Boots said:
4 minutes ago, SirJimmyofNic said:
Go to the game tomorrow, and be very vocal about it

That'll sort them eh? Oh they won't like that. Ffs.

Aye ffs right enough, starve the club if cash and watch us plumet down the  leagues again maybe never to recover 

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14 minutes ago, Raith Against The Machine said:

Well, that's the final whistle for me. It's been fun. 

Like everyone else, this football club has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. One of my earliest memories is having my photo taken in my parents' back garden wearing the full "Kelly's Copiers" kit, the one they recently re-released. I loved that shirt. 

I've been a season ticket holder for somewhere in the region of 20 years. For the last fifteen that's meant a 100 mile round trip for home games. I didn't mind. It was worth it. 

It's something I do with my Dad. Going to Rovers games. It's a shared passion, and it's nice to feel part of something bigger. Something that carries with it the hopes and dreams of a community. Something that does good for that community too, and uplifts it. Well, it was nice, until tonight. 

I can't in good conscious go on from here. I thought about it, before when the rumours first emerged, and again today when they resurfaced. Could I just ignore what he did? Could I maybe just sit on my hands, support the other ten players and ignore him? No, I'm afraid I can't. 

I can't put my name alongside his, or alongside this club. "Who do you support mate? Oh aye, they just signed..." No thank you, not in my name. 

People seem all too willing to forget that rape isn't some buzzword. The way this conversation gets framed sometimes you'd think it was like that open goal Chris Iwelumo missed. "Oh, don't sign him, he did that thing that one time". He raped a woman. There's a human being who has to live her life in a totally altered state because of the actions of this man. Nobody mentions her much. I hope she's okay tonight, as her rapist's name reverberates around yet again. I can't imagine she is. 

So from that incredibly significant impact, to an incredibly small one. I'll be logging off. There's no reason for me to post here anymore, a man without a football club. There's not much call for journeymen P&B posters. I expect I'll still lurk from time to time, the draw of lower league football is just too strong, but it won't be the same. 

I might pop up now and again, like Yoss does. He always was the best Rovers poster on here. And I might pop up at Stark's Park again. Hopefully just once he's gone. Maybe a year or two. But maybe longer. Can I in good faith cheer the manager who signed him? Or the owner who paid his wages? Maybe I'll have a new team by then. Only time will tell.

Goodnight everyone. Enjoy your football. 

Great post. I’d be in the exact same boat if the Pars had signed Goodwillie.

It’s really the only rational response unless you condone your football club employing rapists. To see so many people *excited* about the signing and trying to justify it is utterly depressing.

I can only assume that these folk don’t grasp the severity of his crime and are stuck in some tribal football bubble. I prefer to think that than just accept they’re deeply misogynistic rape sympathisers.

Unsurprised to see Scary Bear outing himself as complete c**t, though.

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6 minutes ago, steakngravy said:

Why not give the man a chance and if he does well support him if it doesn't work out how long a contract has he been given. Yes I don't like perv's but was he not found not guilty but a civil case ruled otherwise. I am prepared to give him a wee chance .

It shouldn’t matter whether he scores 20 goals or none.

You seriously don’t care that he raped a woman? You’ll instead judge him on how well he kicks a football?

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7 minutes ago, RavyDavy said:

So what you are saying that it's ok for him to play in the 3rd tier, but not the 2nd tier? Help me here because I can't understand why it's been OK to play pro level (albeit PT) but not OK to play FT? 

You can't have it both ways. 

When Clyde signed him they were near the bottom of the pile in League 2 (finished 9th the season he joined). He couldn't go any lower and still be in the professional game in Scotland. (He probably shouldn't have even got that chance) For the all the goals he has scored he has stayed there because no-one wanted to deal with the baggage of signing a sex offender.

Edited by mrpaddyx
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To be fair the players don't really have a choice about that. They are contracted to play. You can't think that many, if any, will be pleased by this and the unwanted attention it will now put on the club.

Again just astonished we have done this.

You’d expect the employees of any workplace to voice their concerns should a rapist start working with them. Football will/should be no different. There must be at least one player in that Rovers dressing room or employee list who wants to ask the club what the f**k they’re playing at and wanting away.

It would be so easy to come on here and act all high and mighty and gloat about this but I’m genuinely gutted for all the decent Raith fans. I honestly really feel for you guys, and I did honestly think at one stage we could have been experiencing what you are now and if we were I’d be looking for a new club to support. Fucking hell lads, what to say. 


Aye, I came to say a similar thing. Ultimately, I just feel really disappointed for the many decent Rovers fans who want to wake up thinking this is all some hideous nightmare.
No. I’m unlikely to stop supporting Rovers. I get the outrage - although like most things on here these days and on Twitter - it’s completely hysterical outrage. Give it a week or two and these same people will be outraged about something else
I would rather we hadn’t signed him as this will just alienate a large chunk of our fanbase, but we have. I would have thought the previous alarm shown by fans in December was the end of it, but no. Maybe the club will reconsider if enough fans pull their support.

Just so I understand you correctly, you don’t want to see DG playing for you, but you won’t stop going to the games.. but you hope the Club will reconsider if enough people don’t go to the games?

Goodnight everyone. Enjoy your football. 

Terrific post. You’ve nailed a lot of the nuances here and, as I said in my reply to Rugster, I’m a bit heartbroken for the likes of yourself. I already get the impression the club thought this was going to be, at worst, an unpopular signing, maybe with a reduced attendance for a few weeks before folk forgot about it.

Instead, this is such a dark day for (what once was) your football club.
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