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The New Raith Rovers Thread

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The Christmas period, baltic conditions, standard of football being guff for months....1200 home fans is no bad going imo.


However, next home game is on the 20th. A lot of folk will have broken off work for Christmas. Ordinarily, people might meet up with friends and head to Starks for what is an attractive fixture. Be interesting to see what happens.

Unless we start playing better, something has to change in the New Year. I'm not sure which other club would have refrained from sacking a manager after the league results we've had in 2014.

Edited by Scary Bear
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I never wanted to be one of 'those' fans. But as long as we're getting pumped every other week and struggling to bottom of the league teams, I won't be spending what little disposable income I have on home games anymore. I just don't hate myself that much and I'm sure I'm not the only one.

He's a nice bloke and I'd love to see Murray do an Alan Pardew and turn things around but there's just no sign of that corner being turned anywhere. He won't be sacked, the board can't afford to sack him. The Alan Pardew theory is the slim bit of hope I have left for Murray now.

Here's hoping Santa brings him Tactical Awareness for Christmas...but as I've just found out, Santa isn't real. Thanks guys :(

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Would it be possible and worthwhile for a moderator or the original poster to add a poll to this thread to ask if folk would be in favour of a protest at the home match against Hibs maybe with the yes options being split into regardless of Dumbarton result & only if we lose to Dumbarton? that would gather opinion on it rather than just a few of us saying it'll happen.

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I'm desperate for him to turn it around. However as the games go by it has become increasingly clear that that we won't see that.

His only saving grace maybe if he picks up a absolute worldy of a loan signing along with the return of Barr etc.

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Would it be possible and worthwhile for a moderator or the original poster to add a poll to this thread to ask if folk would be in favour of a protest at the home match against Hibs maybe with the yes options being split into regardless of Dumbarton result & only if we lose to Dumbarton? that would gather opinion on it rather than just a few of us saying it'll happen.

Only if the people that vote yes declare so, the rest of us can then all point and laugh.

The club directors read the fan boards, they hear the groans and see fans leaving at games.

Painting "Murray out" on yer mums best bed sheet will just make you look stupid.

Edited by mojito
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I see our players are clearly fazed by yesterday's disaster by being given Monday off work to enjoy a piss up in Ireland, left last night after the game!

Get grant Murray it f**k! Any half decent manager would be cancelling a Xmas night out and getting them into training and beast img the shit out of them for a week, so they understand this cannot be happening..

8 home games, 2 wins 2 draws 4 defeats 20 goals lost, 10 scored! That's a terrible stat considering its murrays team of players! He has chose this team, has trained them and sets them up every week! These stats are not down to bad luck

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I can't see what a protest would achieve. The board can see the same football we can, and I'm sure they can hear the fans at full time. Either they don't think it's worth spending the money on ending his contract (which I could understand) or they've seen and heard enough from him to think he can turn it around (which looks increasingly unlikely, but I could still understand) and a protest would do nothing to change either of those, but would only contribute to an even more negative atmosphere at the club, which would only demotivate the players further.

If anything, rather than a protest, there should be a concentrated effort to vocally back the players during the 90 minutes that they're on the park. Yesterday the atmosphere soured a little after the fourth (obviously) but until that point, the South Stand was really quite encouraging. I'd rather see energy put towards that than towards a protest which is unlikely to achieve anything.

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There's absolutely no reason Murray should still be in a job. None at all. The man himself probably knows that. Sadly if a 5-1 doing from bottom of the league at home isn't enough to punt him then nothing is. Easy to say the red card made it special circumstances but we've had Hill fit for weeks and still he's persisted with Perry, who we all know is diabolical. Hopefully that's at least the end of him.

If Nade did dive (and in all honesty I thought he did) he should be fined. Highlights will be interesting.

4-1 down, ten men, five minutes to go. Centre half off for a striker. Calamitous.

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The atmosphere after the fourth was weird. Little seethe, little booing - just a mass exodus of disgruntled souls.

I thought so too. It was as if everyone had just given up, quite rightly, and the only sound was seats clattering as people made their way from the ground.

Weirdly, at half time, the crowd were very supportive of the team. A little booing as soon as the whistle went but as they made their way to the tunnel everyone got behind them. Not often have I heard that when behind at half time but it was a welcome surprise.

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At full time there were two Rovers fans at the bottom of the South Stand heartily applauding Rovers off the pitch and berating anyone who dared to direct any sort of abuse towards Murray at full time, reminding everyone that "he won us a trophy". They may well be the only two remaining supporters of Murray among our support.

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At full time there were two Rovers fans at the bottom of the South Stand heartily applauding Rovers off the pitch and berating anyone who dared to direct any sort of abuse towards Murray at full time, reminding everyone that "he won us a trophy". They may well be the only two remaining supporters of Murray among our support.

I left after the fifth, shouting and sweating at anyone who would have responded against my opinions. I've calmed down now. I'd had a few drinks as well, which doesn't help. Usually id just sit and laugh and how comical we are conceding goals at will, but yesterday was definitely the final straw for me.

Yes we can argue that it was Perry, and then the referee for being a complete bellend towards us by sending him off after just 2 minutes. Other referees could have given the yellow and had a strong word saying "come on now, it's the second minute, calm the f**k down" but not Crawford Allan, give him any sort of chance to send you off and it will happen. He despises us for some reason. Perry is however, absolutely shite and him and Watson are horrendous together. The problem then stems from the manager actually picking this complete farce of a player in the first place.

Hill is far from a complete saviour as well. His red card record is nothing short of disgraceful in my opinion. But he's still a damn sight better than Perry.

The only positive to take from that game is that he won't actually be playing next week. Callachan did well going forward and looked hungry. McKay was good as well, but Grant Anderson was definitely the best of a bad bunch. And he even gave away the fifth goal!! :lol:

We need a leader on the park, either in midfield or at the back. An old head. We simply don't have that. The players look lost when they go to retake kick off after losing a goal. All that pressing at the start of the second half should be getting done in the first five minutes of every match for Christ sake. Everyone knows we play better, pressing high up the pitch and forcing mistakes. Do that against most teams in this league and it will stop them playing!! Obviously this tactic can't be performed throughout the whole game, but it's just disappointing that the team just waits for the inevitable of conceding a goal and plodding through the match. The effort in the first half as well was pretty poor from some players. At one point Mckay was just sauntering to take a corner. It just comes across as "I canny be arsed being here coz we're getting beat" attitude.

The only way we are going to progress this season, is if Murray is relieved of his duties. It's as simple as that. He has lost the great majority of fans, and it's the fans that have the greatest voice, no matter how stubborn the board are. Man United gave Moyes a 6 (SIX) year contract. Out the door in one season. When it simply isint working, something has to change. Even more so with relation to football management.

Edited by Wardy
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I left after the fifth, shouting and sweating at anyone who would have responded against my opinions. I've calmed down now. I'd had a few drinks as well, which doesn't help. Usually id just sit and laugh and how comical we are conceding goals at will, but yesterday was definitely the final straw for me.

Yes we can argue that it was Perry, and then the referee for being a complete bellend towards us by sending him off after just 2 minutes. Other referees could have given the yellow and had a strong word saying "come on now, it's the second minute, calm the f**k down" but not Crawford Allan, give him any sort of chance to send you off and it will happen. He despises us for some reason. Perry is however, absolutely shite and him and Watson are horrendous together. The problem then stems from the manager actually picking this complete farce of a player in the first place.

Hill is far from a complete saviour as well. His red card record is nothing short of disgraceful in my opinion. But he's still a damn sight better than Perry.

The only positive to take from that game is that he won't actually be playing next week. Callachan did well going forward and looked hungry. McKay was good as well, but Grant Anderson was definitely the best of a bad bunch. And he even gave away the fifth goal!! :lol:

We need a leader on the park, either in midfield or at the back. An old head. We simply don't have that. The players look lost when they go to retake kick off after losing a goal. All that pressing at the start of the second half should be getting done in the first five minutes of every match for Christ sake. Everyone knows we play better, pressing high up the pitch and forcing mistakes. Do that against most teams in this league and it will stop them playing!! Obviously this tactic can't be performed throughout the whole game, but it's just disappointing that the team just waits for the inevitable of conceding a goal and plodding through the match. The effort in the first half as well was pretty poor from some players. At one point Mckay was just sauntering to take a corner. It just comes across as "I canny be arsed being here coz we're getting beat" attitude.

The only way we are going to progress this season, is if Murray is relieved of his duties. It's as simple as that. He has lost the great majority of fans, and it's the fans that have the greatest voice, no matter how stubborn the board are. Man United gave Moyes a 6 (SIX) year contract. Out the door in one season. When it simply isint working, something has to change. Even more so with relation to football management.

Sending him off was not him being a bellend. It's him doing his job correctly. If it was the other way around you'd be fuming.
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Yes we can argue that it was Perry, and then the referee for being a complete bellend towards us by sending him off after just 2 minutes. Other referees could have given the yellow and had a strong word saying "come on now, it's the second minute, calm the f**k down" but not Crawford Allan, give him any sort of chance to send you off and it will happen.

You are kidding aren't you? The referee correctly applied the laws. Doesn't matter if it was the second minute or second last.
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