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The New Raith Rovers Thread

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He does have a blind spot regarding certain players as all managers do and it has led him into making some bizarre choices. Davidson on Saturday being the most recent example of many.

That said, the players he's been accused of having a blind spot for - Davidson, Walker and Simmons in particular - are players I tend to agree should play if fit. As such I tend not to think it's as big an issue as the Tadé / Wilson bit.

Edit - prime example actually; people have been questioning why Walker hasn't been dropped or rested recently. both here and at the games. Much like the manager, I'm satisfied with the performances from Walker. He is a little out of form certainly but not massively so in my opinion.

Sometimes players need a metaphorical kick up the arse and in my opinion dropping Walker would do him the world of good in the long run.

He's been awful recently.

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He's been pretty poor, especially at Stark's. When players are given the impression that their place in the team is guaranteed however poor they play it doesnt give them any incentive to buck their ideas up, nor does it do much for squad morale when capable players sit on the sidelines waiting for their chance that never comes.

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Walker has been as bad this season as he was good last season .

When players are given the impression that their place in the team is guaranteed however poor they play it doesnt give them any incentive to buck their ideas up, nor does it do much for squad morale when capable players sit on the sidelines waiting for their chance that never comes.

Therein lies the problem I think .

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Our strongest 11 are not far off being on par with our strongest 11 last season so there no reason for them being less competitive.

A lot of pish. This team isn't half the team from last season, we're weaker in every department. The performances show you this.

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A lot of pish. This team isn't half the team from last season, we're weaker in every department. The performances show you this.

Actually it's mostly the team from last year. Considering it has 3 quarters of our statistically strongest defence from last year, largely the same central midfield - and certainly the central midfield that amny for a long time wanted but didn't get with Walker being pushed wide - it has at least one wide player in Williamson who has improved over last year and a strike force that still includes Baird.

Campbell and Simmons were by and large replaced. Only Tade wasn't and was by and large irreplacable anyway. squad wise you have guys like Callachan and Reynolds instead of Ferry and Weir. Granted I haven't seen that much of the Rovers, being stranded 400 miles away in fucking Berkshire, but the games I did see, Falkirk and Morton at home, we looked more than alright.

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^^ exactly. The team is every bit as talented as last season, it's something else that's missing.

Tadé. And pace.

Our goto punts no longer work, and Tadé was the one player in the team who could make something happen. I think even the FanTalk 'not bothered he's gone' lot have finally realised the damage that his departure has done to our team.

The pace point is all too evident as well. Our build up play is lumbering and chronically slow. Even the much-lauded 'passing game' that appears every so often is ineffective because he can't move the ball quick enough.

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We're a better footballing side than last season, for sure, but for some reason there seems to be a lack of urgency about our play. Last season we relied on our stout defence and Tade's pace and trickery (which was a bit hit and miss to be honest). If we can get the present team to be consistent I'd say we'd be better overall than last season. And remember, last season once January was out we were misfiring for the most part, just as we are now.

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We can get iritated arguing about facts and principles, but theres no point in getting heated over opinions and perceptions. We can all agree on the basic facts, that we're a wee bit different from last season, stronger in some areas and weaker in others, and our start to the league has been disappointing. The rest is all up in the air.

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Tadé. And pace.

Our goto punts no longer work, and Tadé was the one player in the team who could make something happen. I think even the FanTalk 'not bothered he's gone' lot have finally realised the damage that his departure has done to our team.

The pace point is all too evident as well. Our build up play is lumbering and chronically slow. Even the much-lauded 'passing game' that appears every so often is ineffective because he can't move the ball quick enough.

When you stop to think about it McGlynn's teams have never been all that pacy. There is usually one or two pacy guys in his teams but overall you couldn't look at any of McGlynn's rovers teams and say they were quick. Probably the quickest rovers team of McG's would be the one where you had Pelosi and Wilson bombing from full back, Carcary and Weir up top - and that team was pretty much pish.

What is lacking this year is the quick outball at fullback - for the first time since 2006 we don't have a lightning fast full back, last year the pace was concentrated in Wilson, Baird and above all Tade, now the team is slower, but really, Baird still has it and mcBride isn't slow. Believe it or not he might be the short term answer to the wide out ball.

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McBride has pace if you stick him on an athletics track, but he doesn't have "game pace", if that's a thing. He's not spending the game bombing past defenders, particularly when he has the ball.

I think that's something he can learn to a degree, adn there is no denying that he does lack for confidence. Like Williamson there is a decent player in there.

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When you stop to think about it McGlynn's teams have never been all that pacy. There is usually one or two pacy guys in his teams but overall you couldn't look at any of McGlynn's rovers teams and say they were quick. Probably the quickest rovers team of McG's would be the one where you had Pelosi and Wilson bombing from full back, Carcary and Weir up top - and that team was pretty much pish.

What is lacking this year is the quick outball at fullback - for the first time since 2006 we don't have a lightning fast full back, last year the pace was concentrated in Wilson, Baird and above all Tade, now the team is slower, but really, Baird still has it and mcBride isn't slow. Believe it or not he might be the short term answer to the wide out ball.

A fair point. I think maybe we've been spoiled with Tadé up front the last couple of seasons, and of course he was coupled with Baird last year. That was a pacey front line, and it did cause defences problems.

McBride could help solve the pace issues, but I've ran out of patience with him to be honest. He seems unable to beat a man, and he's forever loosing the ball. There was a spell last season for a month or so where he looked a player, but since then he's done nothing to convince me he's worth a starting place.

I don't know with him to be honest. Maybe he lacks confidence, or maybe he just isn't very good.

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I've given up on McBride, it was the game against Dundee which did it really. He came on, and you knew that he wasn't going to bring anything to our attack. I can only recall him giving the ball away from a throw in and that was all.

In all honesty, last saturday summed it up in that when I got in I couldn't be arsed even describing the match. Usually I'll offer my take before heading out to the pub, but last Saturday I could have taken the report from the Ross County game and added in "Queens score in the first half" and it would have covered it. It's taken up until now for me to even consider the game itself. Our home games just aren't an attractive proposition anymore. Ultimately, it's damaging the club massively on top of all the other reasons why we aren't sustainable at the moment. The players should all look at Mark Ferry and Craig Wilson and the situation they are in. The last time I checked, Wilson didn't have the consistency he had here in terms of getting in the team, while Ferry looks like he has retired as there aren't enough options for him.

Outwith Baird, who looks like he'll be offered a few contracts of SPL teams at the end of the season, and those who are under deals then the others will likely be offered part time contracts, or drastic pay cuts. Hopefully the club can pick up at Starks, but we really have been tragic there recently.

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McGlynn must have seen something in McBride to sign him for a couple of seasons, or maybe he imagined he did and its too late to do anything about it. Whatever, he's clearly a waste of a wage if he isnt going to get a game. He reminds me a bit of Fairbairn, signed from neighbours with a good record but who never made it here.

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