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Linking In Images


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Well, how do you? I know people like Feyenoord have a wee picture in their signature and when you click on it it takes you to another site. How do you do that? Can you do it just using the 'coding' that is already on this site that folk use for chaning font size/colour etc. or what?

Cheers! :)

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Aye that's it, can you PM the code or whatever it is Ruggy?

Edited To Include:

Just seen your post below but could you still PM us it? Will be easier for me to cut/copy and paste. All this HTML stuff is way over my head and I'll probably bugger it up! :lol:

Edited Again:

And now your post has dissappeared! :blink:

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you need to use your code button Ruggy -


Ah, so that's what that button's for :lol:

Cheers Ned, didn't know that. ;)

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