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Who's Going To Uni?

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Uni you went to/are at now:

Edinburgh University

Best thing about it:

Its has a pretty good reputation and is centrally located in the capital. The library and many other buildings have recently been refurbished and i have to admit it looks very impressive.

Worst thing about it:

Full of stuck up snobs and it seems to take an age to get exam results back although it vastly improved this year. Some of the planning for tutorials in the early years was very poor but i dont need to worry about that anymore. I assume it was due to a large amount of building work being undertaken.

What is life in the city like:

Edinburgh is an ok city. No more than that, everthing is too spread out for my liking.

Rating the university alone: 9/10

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Uni you went to/are at now:

Edinburgh University

Best thing about it:

Its has a pretty good reputation and is centrally located in the capital. The library and many other buildings have recently been refurbished and i have to admit it looks very impressive.

Worst thing about it:

Full of stuck up snobs and it seems to take an age to get exam results back although it vastly improved this year. Some of the planning for tutorials in the early years was very poor but i dont need to worry about that anymore. I assume it was due to a large amount of building work being undertaken.

What is life in the city like:

Edinburgh is an ok city. No more than that, everthing is too spread out for my liking.

Rating the university alone: 9/10

Thats bollocks. There is a few but there is plenty of sound people.

Uni you went to/are at now:

Edinburgh University

Best thing about it:

It has good facilities and I like its location near the centre of the city.

Worst thing about it:

I can't say I'm a fan of having to do 'outside' subjects from your degree subject though I assume its like that in the first year at most uni's so I'll say the lack of a set date for exam results being released. I dislike checking every day for a couple of weeks, crapping yourself.

What is life in the city like:

I like Edinburgh, the nightlife probably isn't as good as Glasgow but its a good city to live in.

Rating the university alone: 9/10

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Uni you went to/are at now: University of Stirling

Best thing about it: Course was really good (Philosophy) and the teachers made the subject worth studying

Worst thing about it: It's in Stirling (well near Stirling technically)

What is life in the city like: For a student, not good at all. 2 clubs, both of which are as bad as each other, some of the pubs are OK but again not great. Absolutely full of Old Firm fans. Price of a pint was cheap compared to here though which is good for a student. Very little in the way of outside entertainment though, there was the occasional comedian who came through and about once a semester a band worth seeing would play. That's about it.

Rating: 4/10

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For the sake of people applying for uni, help with choosing which one. Just rough questions to answer to give an idea of what they are like, to help your fellow p+b'rs.

Uni you went to/are at now:

Best thing about it:

Worst thing about it:

What is life in the city like:

Rating: /10

Won't say much as I'm tired, but I'll compare my two unis.


Best thing - For a kid, so not me anymore, it was TFI - Phil made the Friday cheap drink and entertainment top class! He was meant to quit it back when I was in third year (2005) but seems to still be doing it!

Worst thing - My department is stuck in with civil engineers (the remedial students of the class)... you'll also get the shittest exam timetable possible!

City - I love Glasgow, I was born, went to uni, worked and my birth was registered within an area of about 200 m2.

Rating - 8/10

Edinburgh Napier

Best thing - hardly any Scots go to it, so you meet lots of different people.

Worst thing - having to adapt to a sort of Pidgin English to try and be understood. It's also got a terrible reputation as a university!

City - Edinburgh is gorgeous, we stayed in a nice new house in Newington. Great place to stay!

Rating - 6/10

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Edinburgh Napier

Best thing - hardly any Scots go to it, so you meet lots of different people.

Worst thing - having to adapt to a sort of Pidgin English to try and be understood. It's also got a terrible reputation as a university!

City - Edinburgh is gorgeous, we stayed in a nice new house in Newington. Great place to stay!

Rating - 6/10

I can testify for that, thats where I am now, I just dont get the reputation thing, I went because of the course and the way they help you, its a lot more interactive than the likes of Edinburgh.

And yes there are a lot of people from far of, of the guys I have on my course, one is from Inverness, Isle of Skye, Manchester and I am sure there is a Latvian guy, and thats just to name a few.

Being from Edinburgh I obviously lovve it, its always helpful knowing the place, as I feel like I have far superior knowledge to the other guys, which is always nice, so I know all the best places.

Overall - 7.5/10

Just a quick word of advice, dont be put off by a unis reputation, some have been around for ages, your Edinburghs and Glasgows, but more often than not thier methods are old fashioned, whereas the new unis are more up to date in teaching methods, i.e computerised. Go with your instinct of the uni, dont go for a name or reputation, go for the course and how you feel about the place, so if it were so easy, I would advise you to go without knowing the name, obviously thats not possible.

Also make sure to go to as many open days as possible and always ask questions, dont just sit there too shy to ask, you wont get too far at uni by being shy and retiring.

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Also make sure to go to as many open days as possible and always ask questions, dont just sit there too shy to ask, you wont get too far at uni by being shy and retiring.

I never went to any open days and don't worry about being shy, excessive alcohol consumption will take care of that.

Anyway for myself:

Glasgow University

Best thing:

Dunno really, I quite like the campus I suppose.

Worst thing:

Too many students, and the weather is shit *not contained to Glasgow Uni*.


Glasgow is alright I suppose.



Sorry for the shit report, too much uni work <_<

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Uni you went to/are at now:

Edinburgh University

Best thing about it:

Good location and excellent reputation.

Worst thing about it:

There are a lot of posh twats, which can mean you need to tone your accent down to be understood by most people. Should say there are a lot of people from all over the place that I've made friends with though.

What is life in the city like:

I really like it, everything I want is within walking distance of my flat. In terms of going out at night, there are so many clubs (some shite admittedly) that there's somewhere cheap to go every night of the week. It's pretty safe to wander about at night as well, at least in the area where I live.

Rating the university alone: 8/10

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Best thing about it - sports facilities are second to none. For me it's handy for travelling, on a good day with no traffic I am only 22 minutes door-to-door.

Worst thing about it - too few computer labs. Seems to accept students solely on their refusal to keep quiet in the library and clog up every single corridor.

City - I went to Uni as a mature student so haven't had much experience of student nightlife, but I used to go out in it all the time when I worked at the Pru. It's pretty decent.

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Why the hell did they merge the threads? As if one extra thread on the GN would make any difference at all. They werent even the same topic just both contained University. Strange one. It could have been helpful for potential students, now they will need to scroll through 100plus pages.

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Why the hell did they merge the threads? As if one extra thread on the GN would make any difference at all. They werent even the same topic just both contained University. Strange one. It could have been helpful for potential students, now they will need to scroll through 100plus pages.

Yeah, to think that the recently posted topic "WWE......WTF" was moved but not merged in the Other Sports forum.

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Why the hell did they merge the threads? As if one extra thread on the GN would make any difference at all. They werent even the same topic just both contained University. Strange one. It could have been helpful for potential students, now they will need to scroll through 100plus pages.

I agree, I think it is an absurd decision. Why merge? It was sufficiently different from this one to merit inclusion imo, but now its useless. Not happy.

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At this rate General Nonsense is going to consist of just the RTBC and PTTGOYN threads.

Mind, if this gets rid of the awful pun thread (note: not a thread about awful puns but an awful thread about puns) I can't complain too much.

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At this rate General Nonsense is going to consist of just the RTBC and PTTGOYN threads.

Yeah, I'm amazed they haven't merged cameron/clegg, may 2011, defence cuts, and the US midterms together. Who is it that is doing all this merging anyway? Is it the mods unprompted? Is someone complaining?

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Maybe we should just have a "latest news" thread and then all current affairs could be posted in there.

No doubt someone would then want a "latest news forum" so that they didn't have to read political discussion on general nonsense. Because general nonsense is getting out of control, which is why you're not allowed to talk about technology, phones (e chat), games (gaming), bands or gigs (music), any non football sport (misc other sport), gambling (gambling forum), or pretty much anything else.

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The picture and word association threads have to be up there for the worst threads that have ever been on. Hundreds of pages of folk playing Wackaday? f**k's sake.

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Right Stirling folks. What would happen to me if I was to pull out of a module at this stage in semester 5? I'm fucking hopeless at it and am wasting time trying to learn it. I haven't failed a module yet at this point (have passed 11). Would it simply be a case of sitting an extra module in semester 7? Would it affect my honours status (not an honours core module) and would it affect my SAAS?

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The picture and word association threads have to be up there for the worst threads that have ever been on. Hundreds of pages of folk playing Wackaday? f**k's sake.

Also add the "last one to post here wins"* thread and, of course, the pun thread to this list.

*Two guys that stay in the same fucking house posting UTTER FUCKING SHITE to each other, Jesus Christ.

Edited by Gaz
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Right Stirling folks. What would happen to me if I was to pull out of a module at this stage in semester 5? I'm fucking hopeless at it and am wasting time trying to learn it. I haven't failed a module yet at this point (have passed 11). Would it simply be a case of sitting an extra module in semester 7? Would it affect my honours status (not an honours core module) and would it affect my SAAS?

I don't know about your degree, but in Semester three, you get a choice of taking two or three modules. If you took three, then you might have an extra one so that you can drop the one you've failed. But by semester five, its usually an honours module, is it part of your core degree? Or is it one you've chosen? It depends how core and key it is.

Also add the "last one to post here wins"* thread and, of course, the pun thread to this list.

*Two guys that stay in the same fucking house posting UTTER FUCKING SHITE to each other, Jesus Christ.

They're dreadful behemoths, and of course, anything that might be a bit similar is merged in to them. Feel free to add your views on the thread merging in the complaints forum btw!

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