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I have never had an open-paper exam, either across the subjects at Strathclyde or over here. Anyone who has an open-paper exam and fails should just chuck it tbh.

The Dutch grading system goes from 1-10 and you need 5.5 to pass. No-one gets a 10 and 9's are excellent. Got an 8 for History of IR which was good and a 6 for American Studies which was acceptable. It's a piece of fucking pretentious shit so all I want to do is pass.

But the most important news is that I've bought a stunning leather Finlay jacket before my presentation on Wednesday. With the red scarf combination I can't possibly fail. cool.gif

With the Finlay jacket and red scarf combo I can see a 10 on the horizon for your presentation.

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On the subject of Finlay's clothing, today was an impressive choice of attire from him.

The typical jean, shirt, and jumper combo with the leather jacket. However on top of the leather jacket was an huge brown overcoat. Only one more lecture with him this semester, so I hope he wears this red scarf to complete an already good look.

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I think I've only got one or two exams in January. Was talking to someone who does Geophysics at Edinburgh and he was talking about how his semesters are completely different and he doesn't do the same class for the whole year, boy was I surprised. Must just be a Civil Engineering thing. I hope I don't have more than two, cba with it during the festive period.

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3rd year has been pretty horrid in terms of workload. Got a decent grade back for one of the Marketing assignments but yet to hear about the other 2. The frustrating thing is, the most interesting, and probably the easiest module out of the 3 is the one I'll end up getting the shittest grade for. a 3.5k effort in 2 days isn't really enough time(for me anyway).

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I am getting an essay and draft dissertation chapter back tomorrow a bit nervous as my mate recieved poor in both, but he is doing different topics and different tutors/markers etc. I aslo have to come up with an essay question. I think I will do one on national identity in Britain, late 1700s (possibly focussing on scotland) or something to do with anti-catholicism in the 1780s, gordon riots etc.

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I have a Uni assessment due in for 3:30pm tomorrow. Maya keeps buggering up and I'm out of mental strength to continue. Going to take the 10% deduction and finish it over the weekend.

Is this wise?

Depends if you think you'll make more than that 10% back with the extra time.

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Fucking deadlines. I was under the impression that my Politics essay was in for tomorrow - so I've done it and it is ready to be handed in. Unfortunately this is not the case, rather it is my History essay that is in for tomorrow. I had the dates written down so I must have copied them down wrong (I'm a fucking idiot). In a vain attempt to get all my essays done before Sunday (I actually want to go to this final now County have a new manager) I'm pulling an all-nighter to get it done.

Also have a Geography essay for Monday. I have tried for the past month to get books for the essay, to no avail. c***s don't put them back in on time or just seem to keep them for a while past the date they need to be back in for :angry:

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Fucking deadlines. I was under the impression that my Politics essay was in for tomorrow - so I've done it and it is ready to be handed in. Unfortunately this is not the case, rather it is my History essay that is in for tomorrow. I had the dates written down so I must have copied them down wrong (I'm a fucking idiot). In a vain attempt to get all my essays done before Sunday (I actually want to go to this final now County have a new manager) I'm pulling an all-nighter to get it done.

Also have a Geography essay for Monday. I have tried for the past month to get books for the essay, to no avail. c***s don't put them back in on time or just seem to keep them for a while past the date they need to be back in for mad.gif

Get the f**k off this then.

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My politics essay is due for Monday and I was in the library till 8 working on it. 5 straight hours on it, and it's pretty fucking terrible, barely more than a random selection of notes that I've got to mould into a cogent essay tomorrow or over the weekend.

I don't go on Mondays but it's either that or wake up early on Friday. There are no good options.

That said I'm taking a very different approach with my essay this time, stick to the text, heavy analysis and simple structure. It's still shite though.

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Handed in an epic 18 page essay on Dutch/UK industrialism yesterday, which has freed up a massive amount of my time and energy. Have one multiple-choice exam, a presentation on the essay and a source analysis to do before Christmas. Piece of cake.

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My politics essay is due for Monday and I was in the library till 8 working on it. 5 straight hours on it, and it's pretty fucking terrible, barely more than a random selection of notes that I've got to mould into a cogent essay tomorrow or over the weekend.

I don't go on Mondays but it's either that or wake up early on Friday. There are no good options.

That said I'm taking a very different approach with my essay this time, stick to the text, heavy analysis and simple structure. It's still shite though.

Actually sounds like a good way to approach it. The main criticism of my first essay was not referring to the primary text enough.

What second question are you doing? Thinking of doing the Locke one on consent to enter civil society this weekend.

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I can't believe I've only got two weeks of my placement left. I'm really going to miss it when it's over, which is in stark contrast to how I felt in my first week when I was all ready to chuck it. I got to take a patient for a videofluoroscopy this week as well, which was really quite fascinating.

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The History exam went decent enough. Definitely have not failed so I don't have to chuck it:P

Think I answered the question pretty well, however, I still suck at timing. I had to rush the last paragraph and conclusion by attempting to put too much analysis in.

On the bright side, got an A2 for the second History Assignment and it's apparently been submitted to the archive and there's a chance of winning a prize :lol:

I'm aware with an A2 (A1 clearly being the best) that I have no chance of winning but it's good to have known you've done well.

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