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Contemporary British Governance essay completed ahead of schedule, thank f**k. History exam on Monday, Modern Political Thought essay (I'm probably going for 'Assess Locke's doctrine of the right of resistance') for the 15th then that's me free until January exams.

That should be quite interesting. Relates conceptually quite closely to an essay I handed in on Monday on Locke's consent theory re: civil society. A lot of the modern interpretation is quite philosophically anarchist. Simmonds is a good place to do some secondary.

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I forgot I needed to hand in my Geography essay on Monday. I only remembered about it today. A 10 mark deduction because I'm an idiot <_<

Kinda surprised I never done any stupid shit like that. Plenty of time yet.

I've been hit by the central quandary of uni I promised to avoid during the summer, do the fucking course reading when they tell you to. I knew it was coming, I tried to read the book, but it genuinely made me very tired; it still does. You start off in a low gear, and I was focusing on some stuff outside uni, then all your assignments and essays come at once and you just want to get through them and I finally finished all mine at the weekend. Now, I'm focusing on my business exam on the 14th. Two fucking textbooks I have to read, one without a summary at the end of the chapter, and it's a notoriously difficult course and I have committed the central folly of writing down everything the lecturer said, and not having the time to read any of it. I'm not even going to start on the 'essential online resources' that I have never looked at.

I'm getting my group assignment back tomorrow or Friday, it's worth 40% and if it's shit I'm properly fucked. As it's an essential honours course I need a C3 average over the year and can't afford to fail any exams.

Couldn't really give a f**k about my other subjects though, trying and failing to watch an online lecture was the extent of my politics revision so far. I've never even heard of Lockes right to resistance and my knowledge of Marx is based on dubious socialist literature.

My business 1 course is worth 20% and is on the last day, turning up sober is a manageable goal but there will be no studying.

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My mind has been slightly bent by the fact that although I am a music student I am going to be writing an essay which is going to involve talking about the work of Kant.

Although my other essay is going to be an analysis of Absolution by Muse. cool.gif

The end of semester stress which comes with a course which is 5/6ths coursework, nearly crushed me last year. It has caused some kicking and screaming this year too - but out of my 6 deadlines in 9 days. 2 deadlines have passed and been met - another one is ready to go for tomorrow, another one needs photocopied for Friday, and then I have 1500 words for Monday and 2000 for Wednesday (and 2 gigs at the weekend) Yet I feel quite calm and confident that it will all go down smoothly. I must have organised myself or something. :o

Speaking of these gigs - any fans of orchestral music in Glasgow or Stirling? Student concessions are available at both these gigs and with the weather the way it is the crowds may take a hit, so I feel the need to shamelessly plug them to locals.

Kelvin Ensemble. - Saturday night Bute hall - Glasgow uni. (Nutcracker Suite, Troika and Danse Macabre/Jonathan Creek Themewink.gif are the most recognisable things from that)

Stirling Orchestra - Sunday Night, Albert Halls - Stirling (Enigma Variations and a Lark Ascending the big ones for that)

[/shameless plug]

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I have heard harrowing tales about Law.

It's horrendous. You lurch from one deadline to another convinced, no matter how well you've done in all the previous ones, you're absolutely certain to fail the next one.

Edit: yet for some reason, you just keep going.

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Any law is evil, luckily our Housing Law class was only half a credit, and the other half was some form of Transferable Skills class which brought up the horrible mark... :D :D

Raging at getting 53% for my SEA group report which we spent ages on... her main gripe seemed to what was clearly a formatting error that wasn't picked up... there was different numbers of rows in different tables, which unfortunately Office '07 didn't make easy with its awful tabling system! :angry:

She was talking about it on the marking sheet as though it was done on purpose... I mean how stupid does she think we are? We've got 9 f'cking degrees between the 5 of us, we ain't dumb! :angry: :angry:

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Got a fair bit of work to do over the next week. For Geography I've got an essay on Global Capitalism between the 15th and 19th centuries due for Monday, and for Italian I've got a timed essay to do on Monday morning, a 30 minute group presentation on Naples on Tuesday, and a reading and translation assignment for Thursday.

Good times.

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I worked out today that, because my results from third year were so good, all I need is a 2C (roughly 60%) in two modules this semester to all but guarantee me a 2:1 - as long as I get 3C (roughly 40%) or above in my other three modules this year (the other module this semester and the two I sit next semester).

Obviously I'll be aiming for more than that, but it's nice to know that all the hard work is hopefully about to pay off :)

Because of how well I've done in the class tests and assignments this year, in one of them (Algebra and Codes) I need 56 marks from the exam (worth 120 marks) to get a 2C, and in the other (Mathematical Modelling with Differential Equations) I need 63 marks from the exam (worth 120 marks).

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:( I have a law module next term, doesn't sound promising.

I had two law modules in second year. For both of them, the exams were open book, kinda - you could take as much notes into the exam as you wanted as long as it was in your own handwriting. It pretty much meant the exam came down to who had written the most, rather than who knew the most about law.

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I'm getting my group assignment back tomorrow or Friday, it's worth 40% and if it's shit I'm properly fucked. As it's an essential honours course I need a C3 average over the year and can't afford to fail any exams.

Well I'm properly fucked, first ever time I've failed anything at university and it was a shitty group assignment. No point in blaming the other members, there was no problem working together and I was responsible for more of it than anyone else. Taking a notoriously difficult second year course with 0 experience in the subject was perhaps too ambitious . It's funny, breeze my other subjects without going, the one where I turn up to every lecture and spend hours preparing for is the one I fail. The assignment was only worth 40% so it's not over yet, but the exam is ridiculously difficult and I need a D2 to pass and a C2 for a reasonable chance at honours. I'd take a D3 overall, anything to avoid an August resit. Either way, there's a good chance I will either resit the course next year or enter non honours third year then honours - both meaning an extra year at university. No other groups failed, and no one else in my group has ever failed anything before, I don't know what the f**k went wrong. A decision so seemingly insignificant as what tutorial group I chose could change my entire life.

I could do Politics at honours, but I don't like Politics, and don't think it is viable career option.

My business 1 course is worth 20% and is on the last day, turning up sober is a manageable goal but there will be no studying.

Got a B1, but it was seemingly insignificant I don't even remember writing it. 80% done, GPA of B1, chances of turning up sober decreasing.

I left in 5th year, and am a year younger than most second years, so kinda have a free year I suppose. Better to f**k it up now than in my honours year.

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Received an unconditional offer from Caley to do Web Systems Development. Not my preferred choice, but it's an excellent back up plan to have, means I don't need to apply for college either. Security, too.

Finally seeing my hard work I did last year pay off. Expecting conditional offers from Strathclyde and Glasgow before 2011, really happy though. :D

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I have a 40-question multiple choice test on the EU tomorrow, which makes up 80% of the mark. The lecturer says there won't be any problems with passing it.

I'm completely bemused as to what they're going to put in as questions and choices. Hopefully:

1. In what Continent is the EU based?

a Europe

b North America

c Asia

d Africa

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I have a 40-question multiple choice test on the EU tomorrow, which makes up 80% of the mark. The lecturer says there won't be any problems with passing it.

I'm completely bemused as to what they're going to put in as questions and choices. Hopefully:

1. In what Continent is the EU based?

a Europe

b North America

c Asia

d Africa

e It's not based anywhere because it's an Acid and you've just walked into the wrong exam Hall

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I have a 40-question multiple choice test on the EU tomorrow, which makes up 80% of the mark. The lecturer says there won't be any problems with passing it.

I'm completely bemused as to what they're going to put in as questions and choices. Hopefully:

1. In what Continent is the EU based?

a Europe

b North America

c Asia

d Africa

Glad I'm not taking that exam, I thought it was South America unsure.gif

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