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Who's Going To Uni?

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Received an unconditional offer from Caley to do Web Systems Development. Not my preferred choice, but it's an excellent back up plan to have, means I don't need to apply for college either. Security, too.

Finally seeing my hard work I did last year pay off. Expecting conditional offers from Strathclyde and Glasgow before 2011, really happy though. :D

My application is still under consideration, they do interview for the course I applied for.

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That took about 25 minutes and was incredibly easy. Almost certain I got at least 38/40, with a good chance of getting 40. The presentation is worth 10 in that class so if I got an 8 or above in that I have a chance of getting a 10 grade.

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Glasgow university has cancelled the exams on Wednesday and Thursday.

Surprised, I was sure they were just going to tell them to grim and bear it, sadly doesn't affect me.

I still need to head up on Thursday and Friday, so hope it clears a bit by then. Studying at home is shit dry.gif

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Glasgow university has cancelled the exams on Wednesday and Thursday.

Surprised, I was sure they were just going to tell them to grim and bear it, sadly doesn't affect me.

I still need to head up on Thursday and Friday, so hope it clears a bit by then. Studying at home is shit dry.gif

It cancels both of my Law exams :D

That said they're rearranged for January some point so I'll have some revision over the holidays which is a bit of a pain.

I got up this morning, with a slight air of dread after a pretty morbid revision session for my Law and Government exam yesterday and Sunday, walked the hour's journey into Uni because the 44 bus was off, felt a bit shit when Greggs didn't have any Bridies and I had to go for some daft Festive Bake, walked up the library stairs floor by floor looking for a quiet desk (would have gone straight to Level 7 but the lift queues are huge because one on each shaft is out of order), eventually found a desk in the Level 7 Law Annexe, turned on my laptop to try to procrastinate and suddenly my inbox has an email saying that I don't have the exam I specifically came in to revise for! Mixed emotions... <_<

I am now going to the Beer Bar. Politics does not need 6 days' revision so I am now zoning out of LLB 'Doing actual work and constantly worrying about the next deadline' Mode into Arts 'Yeah man actual student life' Mode.

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I am now going to the Beer Bar. Politics does not need 6 days' revision so I am now zoning out of LLB 'Doing actual work and constantly worrying about the next deadline' Mode into Arts 'Yeah man actual student life' Mode.

Politics ain't an easy exam, particularly when you haven't been to any lectures and the conetnt of the course makes it difficult to bluff. I've got my Hobbes stuff off spark notes, the book is the biggest pile of pish you could ever set your eyes on. It makes no sense whatsoever. Have read the entirity of the Communist Manifesto (which is only about 40 pages) but wouldn't fancy any of the exam questions from last years exam - although the format is changing. Look a bit more at Locke and Rousseu and I should be sorted and I really am hoping for a B for my second essay, I have got more and more confident since handing it in.

And I'm putting in an incredible amount of work for business - which for me is about 3 hours a day. Would be absolutely gutted if I fail it after all the work I've put in over the semester.

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Nae chance of the mora's exams being off? Absolute nightmare getting in with lack of public transport for people living outside Stirling.

The official email we got as invigilators was that we should assume exams are going ahead unless specifically cancelled, but if people can't make it, then deferment requests will be treated sympathetically, and the rule about not letting in those arriving late is being relaxed.

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They sent the email at 8.45, had I been less lazy I would've been leaving the house at like 8.30 latest. That's just bullshit.

We'd been to Gilmour St and back by then having discovered no trains running, my husband works in one of the teaching labs, they were a bit late off the ball and should have made the decision an hour earlier before people started the commute.

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We'd been to Gilmour St and back by then having discovered no trains running, my husband works in one of the teaching labs, they were a bit late off the ball and should have made the decision an hour earlier before people started the commute.

Yeah I live close but I know someone who comes from Falkirk area, he would've been in Glasgow when that email was sent.

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Yeah I live close but I know someone who comes from Falkirk area, he would've been in Glasgow when that email was sent.

I walked in the Colville building before I found out they had stopped classes yesterday! :angry:

At least there was no conductor on the way down the road so I didn't feel quite so bad. :)

I do however have cinema tickets for Thursday, so they better fix the trains! :angry:

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I walked in the Colville building before I found out they had stopped classes yesterday! :angry:

At least there was no conductor on the way down the road so I didn't feel quite so bad. :)

I do however have cinema tickets for Thursday, so they better fix the trains! :angry:

I wonder what they'll do with my maths, because the double lecture was cancelled today, and we're supposed to have the tutorial on thursday but we've not been taught what we'll be studying. The notes are pretty shit as well.

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I wonder what they'll do with my maths, because the double lecture was cancelled today, and we're supposed to have the tutorial on thursday but we've not been taught what we'll be studying. The notes are pretty shit as well.

Mate uni looks like being over for the week, let's not get hopes up...

I've missed one compulsory lecture and I don't see my old boss making his way through the snow on Thursday to give it... :(

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