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Probably a good thing. Nothing more annoying than getting to the library, being unable to see a free computer but seeing loads of empty chairs and computer booths with people's folders, bags and jackets.

You wait and wait and wait and an hour later there is still no-one there.

I think after twenty minutes we should be able to log them off, take their space and steal their jackets.

Agreed. Or you walk past and it's just dozens of people on Facebook or playing games.

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So, the library has now said that if you leave your computer unattended for 20 minutes another student - probably a weird lurker - can seize on it and log you off. They also then warn you that trying to harass that other student will result in you being banned from using computers.

Gutted I'm missing the hundreds of inevitable harassments sad.gif

Informally that's been the rule for years. About fucking time I say.

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I think after twenty minutes we should be able to log them off, take their space and steal their jackets.

Once upon a time, some absent student left their computer active so after a while I decided to go on to their user drive, copy everything into a hidden folder and leave only a word document in the normal bit saying "all your files have been deleted - don't leave your account open... only joking, they're in this hidden directory". I thought I was doing good in a sadistic way, but it all went horribly, horribly tits up as I somehow ended up deleting a whole pile of files rather than copying them. I was terrified for the rest of the week that I was going to be caught on camera and booted from the uni or something. I still feel pretty bad about it hoping there weren't any final year reports or whatever in there.

I quite like it in some normal libraries where you get 30 min sessions. If there's nobody around then you can just start up another one, otherwise somebody else in need gets a shot. You'd probably extend that for unis though as you wouldn't get much of a report typed out in that time. Anyone on Facebook for more than 5 mins should be punted though. Pisses me of in hostels when you want to check out maps, places to see / eat or whatever but there's always someone sitting on Facebook uploading their holiday pics to show off to the world. F**k off!

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During exam time I feel like a library hipster. I studied here in January and February when the place was dead and now I cant get a seat because of all you gloryhunting b*****ds.

Get out your bed earlier then.

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During exam time I feel like a library hipster. I studied here in January and February when the place was dead and now I cant get a seat because of all you gloryhunting b*****ds.

I study at the Darwin Library at Kings mostly during the semester but I've been doing most of my exam revision at the Main Library. :P

Yesterday my mate went to the library in the afternoon after having an exam in the morning. He couldn't get a computer so he switched one that someone had left their stuff at off (the person had the computer locked) and back on. He then logged in and used it. An hour later the person came back and wasn't too happy. He just lied and said that the library staff must have moved her stuff as it was like that when he got there. :lol:

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First exam over this morning, I was thinking I was going to fail, now that may well happen, but I'm feeling a lot more confident about it.

Shame I can't even relax, as I've got my next one tomorrow morning and then my final one on Thursday afternoon. It's not too bad thouhg, since the tutor gave us some major hints and has given us the 20 mark calculation number for number, it's just a case of remembering it, plus hoping the other questions are nice. Then Thurday's is an open book exam, which will probably be worse, cause I've got over 400 pages of notes for the exam. dry.gif

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So, the library has now said that if you leave your computer unattended for 20 minutes another student - probably a weird lurker - can seize on it and log you off. They also then warn you that trying to harass that other student will result in you being banned from using computers.

Gutted I'm missing the hundreds of inevitable harassments sad.gif

Excellent idea. People seem to think that if they put their bag on a computer desk that constitutes booking it from then until they can be arsed doing some work.

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I study at the Darwin Library at Kings mostly during the semester but I've been doing most of my exam revision at the Main Library. :P

Yesterday my mate went to the library in the afternoon after having an exam in the morning. He couldn't get a computer so he switched one that someone had left their stuff at off (the person had the computer locked) and back on. He then logged in and used it. An hour later the person came back and wasn't too happy. He just lied and said that the library staff must have moved her stuff as it was like that when he got there. :lol:

Me and two course-mates managed to nick a booth in the main library on Sunday just in time for the Old Firm game starting. People were walking past with looks of genuinely disgust when they saw our screen. Absolutely seething. :lol:

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Great fun if I remember correctly.


;lol: Mine are incredibly simple, being a student nurse, my bursary is set. It's only childcare and dependents allowance that's variable and all I need to do is prove that I have kids and that they'll be going to nursery. My husband's, on the other hand, has space for a diagram of the ins and outs of a cat's arse, a sample bottle for as many bodily fluids and other such excreta as he can produce and printing kit and retina scanner, just for the sheer hell of it.

I don't understand why anyone would leave these things until the last minute and then complain that they're waiting until December to get any money.

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I'm waiting until after my exams to deal with SAAS, in saying that I ddin't do it until end of May last year and mines was sorted within about a week. It's fine if you do it quickly.

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So, the library has now said that if you leave your computer unattended for 20 minutes another student - probably a weird lurker - can seize on it and log you off. They also then warn you that trying to harass that other student will result in you being banned from using computers.

Gutted I'm missing the hundreds of inevitable harassments sad.gif

Probably a good thing. Nothing more annoying than getting to the library, being unable to see a free computer but seeing loads of empty chairs and computer booths with people's folders, bags and jackets.

You wait and wait and wait and an hour later there is still no-one there.

I think after twenty minutes we should be able to log them off, take their space and steal their jackets.


That said for the first time ever my session actually expired and apparently you can get back on if you just login again blink.gif

It was pretty packed too by that time.

Informally that's been the rule for years. About fucking time I say.

Meh, I'm too polite sad.gif

Although we are surely the only uni that needs a rule to tell students not to harass people.

Once upon a time, some absent student left their computer active so after a while I decided to go on to their user drive, copy everything into a hidden folder and leave only a word document in the normal bit saying "all your files have been deleted - don't leave your account open... only joking, they're in this hidden directory". I thought I was doing good in a sadistic way, but it all went horribly, horribly tits up as I somehow ended up deleting a whole pile of files rather than copying them. I was terrified for the rest of the week that I was going to be caught on camera and booted from the uni or something. I still feel pretty bad about it hoping there weren't any final year reports or whatever in there.


Bit of a dick move to begin with tbh, you deserve that guilt.

Get your SAAS applications in.

Er, the deadline is the 30th June. They just seem to make up the amount I'm paid anyway, there is no logic to it whatsoever, 1.2, 1.8. 0.5...can we have the 1.8 back wacko.gif

Edited by Supras
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Er, the deadline is the 30th June. They just seem to make up the amount I'm paid anyway, there is no logic to it whatsoever, 1.2, 1.8. 0.5...can we have the 1.8 back wacko.gif

That might well be true, but I'd rather be ahead of the nuggets that submit five minutes before the deadline and get it wrong.

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It's great fun when you've got to phone them later in the summer and you get the countdown "you are now number 3 million in the cue...". I'm gonna sort mine next week for 3rd year, got an extra bairn to add on to it this year two, will probably scramble their system and f**k things up for everybody!

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It's great fun when you've got to phone them later in the summer and you get the countdown "you are now number 3 million in the cue...". I'm gonna sort mine next week for 3rd year, got an extra bairn to add on to it this year two, will probably scramble their system and f**k things up for everybody!

Another reason I want mine done out of the way before the rush starts at the end of June! I can't bear the phonecalls, and I'm bound to have to make one because there's always something else they want after I've sent everything they've asked for. We've another one to add this year as well, so between us, we'll well and truly balls them up.

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Get a job instead.

Yeah, having a job is actually less effort than filling out SAAS forms. Whilst I'm sitting making coffee for money I will be laughing at all my friends tearing their hair out filling out forms.

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I've got my final exam tomorrow and it's an open book exam, now I can't work out if this is a hiderence, since I've sort of neglected serious revision since I get my notes. But on the other hand, it's over several hundred pages long.

Any tips for making sure I can read and finding relevant parts if my notes and allowing enough time to write enough for 4, 25 mark questions. I'm thinking a highlighter and possibly typing out some set paragraphs I can just copy if the right question comes up.

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