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Who's Going To Uni?

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They're going to stop paying me soon, so its a case of accumulating as many hours as I can in order to be able to eat over the winter. I'm in a similar position to you. Most of my stuff working, just need a paper, and the thesis writing is underway. Done by spring I hope.

Yeh, luckily I'm funded through to march so can afford to dump the teaching, not really a natural at it anyway.

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Went to Uni at Edinburghfor my degree, IMO No where near as good at Falkirk College.


My timetable isnt as bad as first feared though its still a bit heavier than first year. My labs also worked out so I can continue my part time job on a Thursday. biggrin.gif

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Mine was fourth year, but it'll be the same.

The timetables are dependant on department, Civil Engineering sent out there draft timetables last week. Don't ask why we're tied in with the tape measures but there's not that many students to deal with I suppose.

You'd be best sending a quick email to your advisor of studies, as they will tell you where/when you'll find your information.

It's called a privilege :D

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Although 3rd year will be a killer over the forthcoming months, I already have the opinion that it's a lot more organised than previous years. In 2 of my subjects, lectures will be recorded. In the other one, there is a presentation which is a lot less formal than last semester.

Bring it!

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Anyone at Strathclyde know what the deal is in regards to regestering etc for second year? Done the online registration on pegasus however thought I might have been sent some kind of info in regards to timetables and the like by now?

I was thinking the same... do we need to go up and hand in a SAAS award notice to say they're paying tuition fees?

Edit: I also have no idea when we're to register for tutorials... if I go up and find that's already started and History tutorials taken by Richard Finlay are full I'll be devastated. sad.gif

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I was thinking the same... do we need to go up and hand in a SAAS award notice to say they're paying tuition fees?

Edit: I also have no idea when we're to register for tutorials... if I go up and find that's already started and History tutorials taken by Richard Finlay are full I'll be devastated. sad.gif

Craig, they don't require any of the paperwork, if you were able to register online it means that they have received the necessary assurances from SAAS.

So you're good to go.

I had to go in to pay my fees in person, so checked about the loan, etc, when I was in and they said that was all dealt with by the online registration process.

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It should be pointed out, the fabled 30 hours of time in the library Exuberant was describing includes sitting on the floor reading the metro.

Attending my first year business lecture today we had a discussion in lecture etiquette and I realised how much I despised first years. The lecturer commented that first years are expected to do 2 hours reading a day for Business Management alone and forbade the taking of notes during lectures. It was fucking bizarre and I think some of the first years bought it. Obviously, lecturers need to encourage their students to work hard but setting unrealistic expectations isn't going to help matters. If they do fulfill the requirements they become Exuberant or - more likely - they do insufficient amounts of studying. Still the course is split over 1 assignment (20%), two tests (20% each) and then the final exam is only worth 20% which will certainly take some pressure off at exam time.

Still, the 2nd year Politics course is ridiculously over subscribed, they are going to need to start capping applicants.

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I was thinking the same... do we need to go up and hand in a SAAS award notice to say they're paying tuition fees?

Edit: I also have no idea when we're to register for tutorials... if I go up and find that's already started and History tutorials taken by Richard Finlay are full I'll be devastated. sad.gif

I'd imagine it would be next week for tutorial sign up but who knows <_<

We will need to make sure we get Andy Judge again this year for the politics tutorials, if he's still doing them that is!

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It should be pointed out, the fabled 30 hours of time in the library Exuberant was describing includes sitting on the floor reading the metro.

In fairness, I was waiting for someone to get a pass for the library because they'd forgotten their Matric card, and it's week 1...

Still, the 2nd year Politics course is ridiculously over subscribed, they are going to need to start capping applicants.

Complete Labour joke of a human being as the course co-ordinator. "Oh we were oversubscribed but we didn't want to exclude anyone by putting a cap on the numbers for Politics 2A...." FUCKING MAN UP and tell people with shit marks to get to f**k.

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In fairness, I was waiting for someone to get a pass for the library because they'd forgotten their Matric card, and it's week 1...

Complete Labour joke of a human being as the course co-ordinator. "Oh we were oversubscribed but we didn't want to exclude anyone by putting a cap on the numbers for Politics 2A...." FUCKING MAN UP and tell people with shit marks to get to f**k.

you know, and I'll probably have to have a shower after saying this, but as tory an idea as that comes across, too many times in my academic career this has happened. It wouldn't surprise me if they get money per student. Look they're borderline entry requirements get them to f**k. at best it ends up in lab based stuff with barely enough stuff and you end up dissecting stuff in threes and then theres the fire regs ffs. at worst they end up as your lab partner and you end up dragging them along.

and I say that as one who thinks education should be encouraged as a life long thing.

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you know, and I'll probably have to have a shower after saying this, but as tory an idea as that comes across, too many times in my academic career this has happened. It wouldn't surprise me if they get money per student. Look they're borderline entry requirements get them to f**k. at best it ends up in lab based stuff with barely enough stuff and you end up dissecting stuff in threes and then theres the fire regs ffs. at worst they end up as your lab partner and you end up dragging them along.

To be honest, even if you're dissecting stuff by yourself in "Politics 2A", then you're probably being taught some pretty flawed politics.

For the record, I pretty much agree though. I'm all in favour of having the numbers entering uni high and letting people find their own level, but entry requirements need to be enforced.

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To be honest, even if you're dissecting stuff by yourself in "Politics 2A", then you're probably being taught some pretty flawed politics.

For the record, I pretty much agree though. I'm all in favour of having the numbers entering uni high and letting people find their own level, but entry requirements need to be enforced.

To be honest, you'd need to do more than dissect Aristotle and Marx to try to find even a sentence of interest.

I think Universities take on too many people as it is. More rigorous enforcement of entry requirements and better selection processes is sorely needed. It runs the risk of making it too exclusive on economic grounds, but if you find a way of ensuring that genuinely clever people from poorer backgrounds can still go to University, they SHOULD be institutions of the relative intellectual elite.

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The worst protagonist for taking on anybody is Edinburgh Napier.

Due to having recruitment centres in India and Hong Kong, they encourage high numbers of Asian students to enter their courses, regardless of their ability to speak English. They take £10,000 a year off them, and many end up completely failing due to the language barrier.

Seven students in my Masters Information Systems Development course in 08/09 got thrown out for all handing in the same essay in the Web-enabled business class.

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Up until last year, Stirling were pretty horrific at letting people in despite failing to achieve the grades. I was offered to go in at 3rd year after getting my HND at college but opted to go in at 2nd year. My flatmate from last year had a conditional of an A in his college graded unit and got in with a C. Seems to have changed this year though.

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Up until last year, Stirling were pretty horrific at letting people in despite failing to achieve the grades. I was offered to go in at 3rd year after getting my HND at college but opted to go in at 2nd year. My flatmate from last year had a conditional of an A in his college graded unit and got in with a C. Seems to have changed this year though.

I went into uni last year at the third year stage, there really is no point to first and second year as they are just background science.

Looking back on it, it was probably a benefit to miss second year as I failed Biochemistry badly (well I didn't go as Biology bored me), and that was in this course as well for no really valid reason!

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