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I'm probably reading too much then. Should reading core texts just be fine for most of the time (other than when doing essays)?

I have stuck to the core texts but added in a few of the additional texts.

We had core reading, essential reading, highly recommended reading and I did nothing till the exam. This year I am trying to try <_<

For my history last year it was a case of trying to find sources to fit my arguments, although the other way round is probably better.

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Did you get in?

Yeah, I got a couple more A's and C's in 6th year. I don't do B's! I went back to the same course as a mature student and was hitting between 60-70% grades. Didn't complete though as I had my little boy and didn't go back.

I'm finally getting into the swing of things at uni. Adapting to a work load for 4 subjects ( :o ) has been hard going. I fucking hate Geography with a passion although the next few lectures are on Singapore and I love Singapore as a city and know a bit about it - so I'm sorted for that. Got a Geography essay for end of November, but I'm not worried about that yet.

History is great. Finlay seemed like a king for the only lecture he has done. Patricia Barton's lectures are dry and boring. Thankfully I have a dictaphone which means I get a wee snooze during the lecture. The guy I have for tutorials (Dr Johnson) is good, seems like he could be a hero.

Politics is interesting. Professor Mitchell whilst getting a bit over-excited at times, is really good. Thon Greek guy seems decent enough. Haven't had a tutorial yet.

HRM is good. The lecturer is good, and the course is interesting so far. I like the tutorial arrangment of one every fortnight.

The volume of reading I have had to do is astounding.

Grography was a bit of a bore for a while and I really didn't like my tutorial leader as he had no idea. But some of thestuff later in the semester in lectures is interesting. It's a human based course rather than physical.

I think Prof Mitchell is a great lecturer.

HRM can't be taken by monotone Cliff anymore then?! :lol:

How long did it take folks to get a response from their chosen Unis?

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Grography was a bit of a bore for a while and I really didn't like my tutorial leader as he had no idea. But some of thestuff later in the semester in lectures is interesting. It's a human based course rather than physical.

I think Prof Mitchell is a great lecturer.

HRM can't be taken by monotone Cliff anymore then?! :lol:

How long did it take folks to get a response from their chosen Unis?

The current lecturer I have is Chris Moore. The man has the worst hairstyle known to man. It makes Bobby Charlton's comb over look exquisite. Words can't explain the monstrosity of what is essentially 5 strands of hair slicked back. He also dresses like someone trying to take the piss out of the early 90s. But thankfully he doesn't have a monotone voice.

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I only recently learned that no physical Geography is taught at Strathclyde. It's a fucking cheek to allow someone to graduate with a degree in 'Geography' when you've only done half the subject.

So do I.

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Quite enjoying uni at the moment. My workload isn't too much but I really need to get into doing more. I absolutely despise Computing Science, well 1 half of it is alright as I have already covered the stuff in Higher Info Systems but the programming is abysmal. Possibly the most boring thing I've ever done. I can do some of the stuff but other parts I just don't get at all. Already looking forward to dropping it in 2nd year. Liking Maths at the moment again, I covered it last year but this year I am finding it more interesting and inevitably easier since I did make an attempt at it last year. Surprisingly, I'm really enjoying Stats at the moment. The workload isn't much with 1 report a week and some questions for each tutorial. But I'm sure I'll need to get my finger out very soon.

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I'm in Honours year and the workload has been ramped up considerably. I have a test tomorrow, another test on Monday and then another one next Friday. Also an essay due in in November and two other tests before exams in December.

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Quite enjoying uni at the moment. My workload isn't too much but I really need to get into doing more. I absolutely despise Computing Science, well 1 half of it is alright as I have already covered the stuff in Higher Info Systems but the programming is abysmal. Possibly the most boring thing I've ever done. I can do some of the stuff but other parts I just don't get at all. Already looking forward to dropping it in 2nd year. Liking Maths at the moment again, I covered it last year but this year I am finding it more interesting and inevitably easier since I did make an attempt at it last year. Surprisingly, I'm really enjoying Stats at the moment. The workload isn't much with 1 report a week and some questions for each tutorial. But I'm sure I'll need to get my finger out very soon.

Are you at Glasgow?

I know quite a few first year computing students there.

I'm in Honours year and the workload has been ramped up considerably. I have a test tomorrow, another test on Monday and then another one next Friday. Also an essay due in in November and two other tests before exams in December.

Shit <_<

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Are all the Politics students raging left wingers?

I feel like a Daily Mail columnist for being more in the centre :unsure:

In my experience, the stereotype generally holds true, although not nearly to the extent you might think.

I think Law students must be among the least right wing at Glasgow, although the lefties still have the numerical edge.

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After Christmas, I am apparently only in on a Monday, for 6 hours. unsure.gif

Its meant to be a full time course, I suppose once when my option module comes in, it wont be so bad.

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Are all the Politics students raging left wingers?

I feel like a Daily Mail columnist for being more in the centre :unsure:

I did politics and I'm not. I heard some amount of rubbish from left wing folk in my tutorials tho - apparently Obama is 'almost a God' - umm no he's Hilary Clinton with a pair of bollocks and black skin......

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Did anyone else notice the work load increasingly dramatically when they moved into second year?

No, I have found this year a piss walk compared to last year, well not yet, but come January, I'll only be doing 4 subjects.

The increased options in my coursemeans the godawful fucking pretentious clique I was in last year is fragmenting. Thank f**k, I can actually talk to some people on my course without some pretentious arse/privately educated fuckwit who thinks they know everything butting in about someone they've heard of doing a concerto of a work of a composer that was alive at the same time as the one we mentioned in the last lecture.

and before anyone asks, yes. I am drunk.

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