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Picked up my fifth unconditional the day. :)

That's pretty good. What you applying for?

I never got any unconditionals and actually had to work in S6 (2 crash Highers, 1 Higher and 1 Advanced Higher <_< ) so I wish I knew the feeling :P

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I now have something like 6.5 to 7.5 hours of scheduled classes a week. Two of them are 'interactive lectures' with the great Finlay himself.

Get in.

Managed to get in Finlay's tutorial group for History of Scotland 1832-1914, a happy day.

Got 65 for the Modern Political Thought essay and 74 for Contemporary British Governance. Happy with the former and shocked at the latter, I did the whole thing in one night!

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That's pretty good. What you applying for?

I never got any unconditionals and actually had to work in S6 (2 crash Highers, 1 Higher and 1 Advanced Higher <_< ) so I wish I knew the feeling :P

Dundee - Mech Eng

Edinburgh - Mech Eng

Edinburgh - Mech Eng with Renewable Energy

Glasgow - Mech Eng

Strathclyde - Mech Eng

Will probably be going to Edinburgh.

I got 5A's last year which was a massive surprise consider I was predicted all B/C's.Really struggling this year though, failing NABs and everything. Realised at christmas that I should've at the start of the year but there's no point now.

Edited by ForzaDundee
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  • 2 weeks later...


I'm actually attempting to work this semester. I've already chosen the three questions for the three essays I need to get done for weeks eight and ten. Going to the library tomorrow to get hammered into some reading for them. f**k it, I'm even going to properly prepare for my Politics and HRM tutorials.

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I'm actually attempting to work this semester. I've already chosen the three questions for the three essays I need to get done for weeks eight and ten. Going to the library tomorrow to get hammered into some reading for them. f**k it, I'm even going to properly prepare for my Politics and HRM tutorials.

I've vowed to have this sort of forward planning every year since I started Secondary school. Despite that, with scarce few exceptions, I have almost always finished something no earlier than 24 hours before its deadline and have seldom started an individual piece of work (c.f. group work) properly more than a week before it's been due in.

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I got 5A's last year which was a massive surprise consider I was predicted all B/C's.Really struggling this year though, failing NABs and everything. Realised at christmas that I should've at the start of the year but there's no point now.

Even if you fail everything in sixth year (I assume you're doing some SYS?) you will still benefit from it, as any first year science stuff will seem like a piece of piss as you'll remember it, even if you fucked it up the first time around.


The advert for the training place I want just went up, so need to spend a few hours making sure it's absolutely perfect. Will even hand the application to the recruiters in person, rather than emailing it as I can't trust IT in this instance!

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I received a letter inviting me to interview for Psyc nursing but have turned it down, decided it was the wrong time for us as a family for me to embark on a uni course. Was delighted to get to interview though. :)

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Picking tutorial times for this semester today was fun.

The co-ordinator for my American history module managed to tell us that our first lecture of the semester would be taking place at four different times, in two different places. Good start. :unsure:

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Picking tutorial times for this semester today was fun.

The co-ordinator for my American history module managed to tell us that our first lecture of the semester would be taking place at four different times, in two different places. Good start. :unsure:

Gotta love Stirling Uni.

I picked what I wanted my seminar times to be as soon as the timetables came up a few weeks ago. Logged onto WebCT yesterday morning and found they're not running with one of the seminar times they said they were, so had to pick a new one, which meant rethinking my whole timetable as the new one clashed with another one...

Pain in the chops.

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Congrats to everyone getting unconditionals; it's a nice feeling knowning that you can afford to piss about in 6th year (not that it stopped me getting three As in my Advanced Highers, of course 8) ).

I've got a couple of months of my postgrad Diploma left, then the best days of my life are over. :(

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Any of the Stirling Uni lads fancy setting up a 6-aside fitba' team for the games coming up?


Aye I was saying to Dave yesterday. Try and get a team in. It gets played one night a week on the pitches outside the sports centre. If you have a sports membership it only costs a fiver a head for the full thing. Score odd otherwise.

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