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Your source being the unbiased Anton Muscatelli? Glasgow University Guardian says that the university was working with a £7.3m budget surplus. Yeah its perhaps an unreliable source, but no less so than Glasgow University's bank manager Principal....

It was the official figures published in the University accounts. It was about 9 months ago. I seem to recall they were planning £10 million of cuts for the next academic year and that they were looking to increase other revenue streams by £15 million (mostly through fees on overseas students).

I wouldn't trust the Glasgow Guardian as far as I could throw it, which isn't very far as it's one of the least aerodynamic rags ever to have graced Hillhead.

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I'm all for cutting sociology too - but cutting Modern Languages just isn't on.

Thing is, the languages they plan cut are really 'unpopular' courses. 3 subjects - Czech, Slavonic and Polish (I think) - are the ones going to be dropped from the honours curriculum. One of my mates is graduating with Czech this year and it's her and one more person doing the course. And there's only 7 people graduating from Slavonic this year, too. Some other language departments might be streamlined over the next few years, but all this talk of Italian and German etc being wiped from the University is nonsense.

I can see where the University is coming from; it's all just a numbers game, really.

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Thing is, the languages they plan cut are really 'unpopular' courses. 3 subjects - Czech, Slavonic and Polish (I think) - are the ones going to be dropped from the honours curriculum. One of my mates is graduating with Czech this year and it's her and one more person doing the course. And there's only 7 people graduating from Slavonic this year, too. Some other language departments might be streamlined over the next few years, but all this talk of Italian and German etc being wiped from the University is nonsense.

I can see where the University is coming from; it's all just a numbers game, really.

No, its German as wel as the ones you mentioned and Italian, according to the email I recieved today.

If the university wants to play the numbers game, thats fine, but don't take public funds to do it.

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No, its German as well as the ones you mentioned and Italian, according to the email I recieved today.

If the university wants to play the numbers game, thats fine, but don't take public funds to do it.

That's what's being considered. No final decision has been taken and they're looking to consult further.

FWIW I'd drop the Slavonic stuff in an instant, but I'd hope they're able to keep running German and Italian, even if on a much reduced intake.

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No, its German as wel as the ones you mentioned and Italian, according to the email I recieved today.

If the university wants to play the numbers game, thats fine, but don't take public funds to do it.

Maybe I misread the email. I assumed it was the 'lesser' languages they were cutting altogether. Still, I can't see anyone shedding a tear at the Italian department going. I certainly won't.

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That's what's being considered. No final decision has been taken and they're looking to consult further.

FWIW I'd drop the Slavonic stuff in an instant, but I'd hope they're able to keep running German and Italian, even if on a much reduced intake.

I'd love to see examples where these consultations have resulted in the high heid yins changing their mind. I suspect they are thin on the ground- I can think of a few which have had no impact whatsoever (Diageo over Johnnie Walker, the SPL over league size). But we'll wait and see. They know fine well the arguments for and against making the cuts they are proposing.

As for dropping 'Slavonic stuff', is that because it seems useless? Theres plenty of stuff thats safe that might seem useless, particularly in the Arts and Social sciences side - Gaelic, Comparative Literature for example. But dont mistake the cuts as being for the good of education at glasgow university.

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I'd love to see examples where these consultations have resulted in the high heid yins changing their mind. I suspect they are thin on the ground- I can think of a few which have had no impact whatsoever (Diageo over Johnnie Walker, the SPL over league size). But we'll wait and see. They know fine well the arguments for and against making the cuts they are proposing.

As for dropping 'Slavonic stuff', is that because it seems useless? Theres plenty of stuff thats safe that might seem useless, particularly in the Arts and Social sciences side - Gaelic, Comparative Literature for example. But dont mistake the cuts as being for the good of education at glasgow university.

The point of consultations isn't to make them change their mind and carry on funding. It's to make sure that the cuts that are made balance the budget whilst causing the least disruption to the effective functioning of the University.

I'd get rid of Gaelic and Comparative Literature too if it saved German and Italian. Maybe scrap stuff like film studies as well.

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The point of consultations isn't to make them change their mind and carry on funding. It's to make sure that the cuts that are made balance the budget whilst causing the least disruption to the effective functioning of the University.

I'd get rid of Gaelic and Comparative Literature too if it saved German and Italian. Maybe scrap stuff like film studies as well.

You've obviously never had to deal with that department directly. Count yourself extremely lucky.

You're probably right with Film + TV courses, but they're far too profitable for the University to scrap. It'd never happen.

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You've obviously never had to deal with that department directly. Count yourself extremely lucky.

You're probably right with Film + TV courses, but they're far too profitable for the University to scrap. It'd never happen.

I've never dealt with the Modern Languages departments. I've heard the French and German ones are pretty good though.

That's a fair point about the income the Film & TV stuff. It probably attracts a lot of grants and discretionary investment from the actual sector. In terms of academic merit, I'm not at all convinced their place is in University education.

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I've never dealt with the Modern Languages departments. I've heard the French and German ones are pretty good though.

That's a fair point about the income the Film & TV stuff. It probably attracts a lot of grants and discretionary investment from the actual sector. In terms of academic merit, I'm not at all convinced their place is in University education.

I wonder if the same goes on with Gaelic. I'd have thought the Scottish government subsidises the teaching of Gaelic at university, although it wouldn't surprise me if Gaelic was pretty popular at the university anyway.

I think the entry requirements for film and tv are higher than the rest of the arts - because its so popular.

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Also, why should I let everyone else know that I know the right answer. I don't care what anyone else thinks or knows. I attended uni for purely selfish reasons, to get MY degree, not to give others the answers, not to fuel my ego and not to relieve the lecturer of their duties.

If anything it helps you prepare for the workplace, what during meetings you're gonna shit yourself and not say anything. And I feel it contributes to my understanding of the course.

There are round about 20 of us in my new year and we largely keep quite quiet in the tutorials, even when we had our literature classes where there was so much opportunies for interpretation (which last one semester), it did rile the lecturer a bit though as he freaking loves the books he's teaching (so do I but I kind of avoid speaking out loud if noone else is in case it looks... kinda attentiony?).

So is that what the other people are thinking? Fine, f**k them.

Apparently, the Hetherington was donated for use by students as a club though - its not Muscatelli's to sell. I think this is the reason why the university are just letting them get on with it. One of my pals says theres free food going about as well.

Sociology isn't being cut, anthropology is being merged into sociology basically to get rid of one member of staff. Had a lecture from her yesterday and she was practically in tears. My problem with what is happening at the university is that you rarely hear Muscatelli taking about striving to improve academic standards, its always about saving money here, there and everywhere.The university has a budget surplus. Glasgow University is a publicly funded institution, the emphasis shoud be on providing a decent education which helps graduates get jobs. Cuts to modern languages and nursing - 2 areas with high employability after graduating - are being proposed. If Muscatelli wants the university to be private he should just go ahead and do it. I should add I am the opposite of a socialist - but universities arent set up to make money and shouldnt be run as such.

I was on TV last night, was walking past someone as they were interviewed :P

I don't think I've ever been in that building.

I actually know one of the prominent Glasgow socialists, he's openly fascist, which is no longer a quandary apparently.

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Stupid cnuts managed to lose £50K. Have they ever thought that it is partially their actions that are forcing the university to make cuts. The university should board the place up with them inside, pikey barstewards.

That didn't really have anything to do with ACAAN, I think it just happened to be a convenient empty building.

Glasgow Uni socialists are without doubt the most annoying people on earth, they have no idea what debate is ie they just tell your their own crackpot ideas then if you dare to try and answer back at them they just get louder and coming up longer and more complex arguments until you eventually give up.

When they occupied the computing building over some Palestine issue they said that GU should give scholarships to Palestinian students and refuse entry to Israeli ones. I pointed out that is affirmative action and actually slightly illegal and also fascist, which kinda goes against everything they stand for. Their response to this...... no intellectual argument or points, no reasoning at all.... gather round me and say i was a war criminal and write about me on their facebook page (i believe infidel was the term used) laugh.gif

I agree that cutting courses and staff is wrong but i just don't wanna associate myself in any way to their wee "club"

Apart from them Glasgow is a good uni to be at, word of warning if you're wanting to do a science degree just don't expect any work to be handed back on any short timescale dry.gif

They're always outside the QM with their papers and lately have been known to bark meaningless rhetoric through megaphones lately.

I'm doing music - and it sometimes still takes an eternity for work to be returned. Sometimes its quick, but not often. It's generally a good place to be though. Although I wish there were more modules offered by music. Taking performance this year has been such a pain.

I'm not hugely bothered by Czech or Slavonic getting chopped if theres that few students - but Polish, German and Italian?! That's what I'd heard and that's what I really don't get.

Allegedly the Glasgow Uni's guardian's interview was absolutely bullshit, that what I heard from the guy who did qmunicate's interview.

Gaelic seems like a popular course actually, it seems fairly profitable. So that shouldn't be cut. Although I would be in favour of Gaelic funding in general being cut back a bit. I think people overestimate how relevant the language is to our cultural history in central scotland, so it's probably a bit of a waste of time funding bilingual signs at places like Partick station.

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I only have two modules this semester, Advanced Management Accounting and Auditing.

I know it's early doors yet but both seem like they'll be straightforward enough if I do the work.

Going in early doors tomorrow to get some notes typed up and printed off.

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I'm not hugely bothered by Czech or Slavonic getting chopped if theres that few students - but Polish, German and Italian?! That's what I'd heard and that's what I really don't get.

Allegedly the Glasgow Uni's guardian's interview was absolutely bullshit, that what I heard from the guy who did qmunicate's interview.

Gaelic seems like a popular course actually, it seems fairly profitable. So that shouldn't be cut. Although I would be in favour of Gaelic funding in general being cut back a bit. I think people overestimate how relevant the language is to our cultural history in central scotland, so it's probably a bit of a waste of time funding bilingual signs at places like Partick station.

The fact they are cutting German - which is a popular subject (the email of the summary of the minutes from the meeting of the Court even says this) - just proves that student numbers are completely irrelevant, whether thats high or low numbers. Its all about whether they can make money from research - which obviously disadvantages some subjects more than others. The cuts are about changing the direction the university is headed in, and its annoying hearing Muscatelli trying to deny it.

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The fact they are cutting German - which is a popular subject (the email of the summary of the minutes from the meeting of the Court even says this) - just proves that student numbers are completely irrelevant, whether thats high or low numbers. Its all about whether they can make money from research - which obviously disadvantages some subjects more than others. The cuts are about changing the direction the university is headed in, and its annoying hearing Muscatelli trying to deny it.

Sad but true.

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I'm not sure what you mean by that, I don't think university transfers are common and so I'd suspect now you'd have to start again at clearing (just a suspicion though, not fact).

To be perfectly honest, I'm in Dundee as often as I can with my mate studying up there, and it seems a brilliant city for studying in my experience. I'm not sure how you could be 'sick' of it and want to stay anywhere else in Scotland, it's not too much different. And much more fun IMHO.

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Does anyone know easy it is to transfer university or apply to a good one this late?

I've finally decided I'm sick of Dundee. I really hate the city and want to move.

I'm not sure what you mean by that, I don't think university transfers are common and so I'd suspect now you'd have to start again at clearing (just a suspicion though, not fact).

I suspect there might be a little bit more to it than just loathing Dundee... anyway I vaguely knew a few people who did their first years at Stirling and switched to do courses at other universities. I don't know if they did the same thing or anything but its not all that uncommon and I am sure it can be done. Phone up UCAS or something.

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Does anyone know easy it is to transfer university or apply to a good one this late?

I've finally decided I'm sick of Dundee. I really hate the city and want to move.

Well f**k off then.

The campus seems to be full of moaning minies like you who find the least little thing wrong with the city, university or both just to be "rebellious".

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