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Who's Going To Uni?

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Hmm. Last night wasn't bad. My flatmates are maybe a bit quieter than I was hoping for. Nice enough, but quiet. They're around my age, though, which is good. Last night wasn't bad, but I can't see them being the type who'll be out all that often.

I feel like an old man here. Just want to tuck most of the other first years in and read them a bedtime story.

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Hmm. Last night wasn't bad. My flatmates are maybe a bit quieter than I was hoping for. Nice enough, but quiet. They're around my age, though, which is good. Last night wasn't bad, but I can't see them being the type who'll be out all that often.

I feel like an old man here. Just want to tuck most of the other first years in and read them a bedtime story.

Ya big paedo.

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First day was alright, I couldn't register properly because I haven't been approved by my adviser of studies or something, about an hour in a queue for nothing but I was talking to a guy from Philadelphia for most of the time so it wasn't that bad.

The free beers in the union were undoubtably the highlight, manage to wrangle three but am going out elsewhere tonight so didn't want to have any more.

Also signed up for a fives tournament on Saturday.

Edited by Supras
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I've recently realised that it was absolutely the right decision for me to stay at home, and I'm so glad I did.

From what I've gathered from those in Halls, I'm actually quite glad I decided not to go into them. I caught up with a couple of ex-schoolmates who basically said that their Hall was a bit of a dive, the microwave is a health and safety hazard, and the showers don't work properly.

First day was alright, I couldn't register properly because I haven't been approved by my adviser of studies or something, about an hour in a queue for nothing but I was talking to a guy from Philadelphia for most of the time so it wasn't that bad.

The free beers in the union were undoubtably the highlight, manage to wrangle three but am going out elsewhere tonight so didn't want to have any more.

Also signed up for a fives tournament on Saturday.

A couple of people I spoke to were in the same boat with regard to registering. I was able to register today because I filled in all the courses I wanted to do this year on the Pre-Registration, so it was Faculty Approved before today.

Free beer in the GUU Hive was decent. We bailed after a couple to the QMU BBQ and siphoned off burgers by the ancient art of skipping the queue and rejoining it after getting your first burger, and repeating ad infinitum.

I never came across a Fives Tournament Advert. We spent most of our day being hounded by the OTC.

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I've recently realised that it was absolutely the right decision for me to stay at home, and I'm so glad I did.

You still registering on Monday mate?

I might as well throw £1200 away as soon as possible. :lol:

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Dusk. Was. Fucking. Epic.

It's exactly like I remember it from when it used to be Enigma, right down to the broken glass all over the shop. There was a bird there in three quarter length trackie bottoms. :lol: Good times.

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I know some of you on here are going to hate me for this, but I just bought a Law Society hoodie.

You shouldn't be worried about here - the hundreds of people per day looking at you thinking 'what a fucking weirdo' ought to bother you.

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How can you possibly treat yourself with disdain? That's quite an achievement.

1) As responses go that's up there with 'I know you are, but what am I" i.e around the mental age of a prepubescent girl....

2) It's very easy to treat yourself with distain, self loathing isn't uncommon among those who seek psychiatric help across the world and really isn't an achievement.

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