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Things you want to share with P&B

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We've all been in that situation. You've thought of or done something that you can't place in RTBC or PTTGOYN but it didn't quite justify a whole thread, even though its content was comparable to many things that fitted into the former two threads.

Fear not. Instead of being crushed and finding another thread to sabotage in anger, use the "Things You Want To Share" Thread!

I'll set the ball rolling:

I thought I might need a new electric toothbrush after it felt weaker and weaker on my teeth and gums. I thought it was just that the bristles were worn out, but then I noticed that unlike my last electric toothbrush, this one had an easy battery replacement slot. To satisfy my curiosity, I scavenged around all my remote controls looking for a new-ish AAA battery. Now my electric toothbrush is like an industrial machine.

Over to you...

Edited by Überschwänglichen
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I was rather drunk last night and I invented a new sandwich, THE ABERDEEN BUTTERY SANDWICH! Probably the finest sandwich of all time! You heard it here first, you have to butter the buttery AND the bread and add wee pinch of salt. Here's your dinner!

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I was rather drunk last night and I invented a new sandwich, THE ABERDEEN BUTTERY SANDWICH! Probably the finest sandwich of all time! You heard it here first, you have to butter the buttery AND the bread and add wee pinch of salt. Here's your dinner!

I hope when you're having a coronary you'll be able to post and let us know how that feels. :P

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There is/was a lassie in the year above that I get on really well with, and so much so that I was contemplating asking her out. But, as it turns out, she's 'seeing' this absolute c**t of a human being that I so happen to know.

Raging to say the least, and I do feel I'll be using this thread a fair bit, cheers partickfan.

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There is/was a lassie in the year above that I get on really well with, and so much so that I was contemplating asking her out. But, as it turns out, she's 'seeing' this absolute c**t of a human being that I so happen to know.

I'm going to borrow what was a piece of "Platinum" advice (you get the full complement when you pay Div £10) and quote Dunc:

"Hit him with a brick."

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I took a test on Facebook to find out what Metal Band I would best be suited to play in.

Apparently it's the late and apparently lamented Pantera.

I have no idea if this is good or bad, hence sharing this with you all here.

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I'm going to borrow what was a piece of "Platinum" advice (you get the full complement when you pay Div £10) and quote Dunc:

"Hit him with a brick."

:lol: It wouldn't really be as bad if she was seeing a nice boy, but this guy is just a complete tool. This girl could do a million times better than this arsehole and I guess that's the most frustrating part. Ach well, I guess it's her mistake to make.

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It wouldn't really be as bad if she was seeing a nice boy, but this guy is just a complete tool. This girl could do a million times better than this arsehole and I guess that's the most frustrating part. Ach well, I guess it's her mistake to make.

I'm sure we've all been there. I know I have.

I never actually hit him with a brick, but if you're lucky enough to watch him have a mini-emotional breakdown and furiously punch a wall, injuring his knuckles in the process, have a chuckle on me.

Edited by Überschwänglichen
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I'm currently a bit drunk. This is the first time in something like 5 weeks that I haven't been a drunken mess on a Saturday night, so I suppose that's good going. Maybe slightly drunk, but not not completely ruined; it's an improvement.

Yeah, just thought I'd share that.

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Guest The Phoenix

Somewhere for you to post your non funny, oh so predictable posts?

I don't actually post any of those.

Please feel free to continue with yours though.

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