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1 hour ago, DA Baracus said:

Forgot to add a bit about my older brother's story.

One of the kids had 4 kids of her own, so he was a step grandfather before he was 30 (not all were born before he was 30 though).

My brother and his partner had chickens in the back garden for a period. One of them died when she was away. A day after she got she asked him why there was a chicken in the bin. One of them had died so he had just lobbed it in to the black bin outside.

Here is your brother, I assume, with his Dunfermline themed pet. 

the simpsons episode 24 GIF

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On 09/07/2020 at 17:34, DA Baracus said:

I have my own theory about it, and it isn't that.

Is your theory that your brother has a massive wanger and he's the only man his missus could find who could touch the sides and satisfy her overstretched lady parts?

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Just now, Dee Man said:

Is your theory that your brother has a massive wanger and he's the only man his missus could find who could touch the sides and satisfy her overstretched lady parts?

It is not.

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1 hour ago, Sergeant Wilson said:

Sadly true. A mate (really) was familiar with a young lady of dubious hygeine. He brought her and her little friends to a few pubs, gigs etc. Scabies was rife for a few weeks before we worked out the source.

Very unpleasant! 

Was her name Gentian Violet ?

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Watching a programme this morning with subtitles on and a song started playing. The subtitles read *You Spin Me Round by Dead or Alive plays*. Thought it was a bit strange given deaf people won't have any clue what that is.

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44 minutes ago, 19QOS19 said:

Watching a programme this morning with subtitles on and a song started playing. The subtitles read *You Spin Me Round by Dead or Alive plays*. Thought it was a bit strange given deaf people won't have any clue what that is.

The pedant in me says it could help those who may have endured hearing loss later in life rather than having been born cowdenbeath. For example those who went deif after listening to "You Spin Me Round"..

The idiot in me says that if the subtitle said "Pete Burns" a teuchter would say "fuxake, ah ken that already" 

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1 hour ago, 19QOS19 said:

Watching a programme this morning with subtitles on and a song started playing. The subtitles read *You Spin Me Round by Dead or Alive plays*. Thought it was a bit strange given deaf people won't have any clue what that is.

On one of the episodes of the (American) The Office, the subtitles read "Playing 'Smoke on the Water' badly", which amused me more than what Steve Carell was actually doing at the time. But yeah, as @tamthebam says, it's probably aimed at those who could hear at some point.

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4 hours ago, 19QOS19 said:

Watching a programme this morning with subtitles on and a song started playing. The subtitles read *You Spin Me Round by Dead or Alive plays*. Thought it was a bit strange given deaf people won't have any clue what that is.

Stock, Aitken and Waterman's first Number One single. Arnie going back to 1985 to knock off those 3 c***s should be the theme of the next Terminator movie, IMO.

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On 09/07/2020 at 11:34, DA Baracus said:

Having just checked he was 22, not 21, at the time he moved in with them.

She was 32. Two different fathers for the kids (4 and 1 split).

I have my own theory about it, and it isn't that.

If you don’t mind sharing, what’s your theory? Why would a 22 year-old dude sign up for 17 (SEVENTEEN) years living with a woman ten years older than him, plus her 5 (FIVE) children.

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1 hour ago, Duszek said:

If you don’t mind sharing, what’s your theory? Why would a 22 year-old dude sign up for 17 (SEVENTEEN) years living with a woman ten years older than him, plus her 5 (FIVE) children.


My mum bullied my older brother a lot for some reason. Not sure why or when it started but I first recall it being a thing when we moved house in 1995. It got progressively worse over the years and he tried to spend as much time as possible away from her. My parents were friends with a family who lived down the road, as my dad served in the navy with the husband of that couple, and I suspect that this one of the main reasons we moved to where we did. They had a son and we all went on holiday a couple of times. Both times my older brother travelled and stayed with them.

I knew the bullying really upset him. He used to be a really good rugby player to the extent he had trials with professional teams. The bullying really fucked him, knocked his confidence and he stopped playing. Looking back it's obvious he was in a bad place. 

He then meets a woman who is nice to him. She treats him well and they get on. They start going out and he sees a way to escape and be away from my mum. It should be acknowledged that my brother and my former partner genuinely liked and cared for each other, so I don't want to do them a disservice. 

I think in a way she was a bit of a mother figure. Not in a dreadful way, but a deep psychological way.

He stayed because he loved her. Also her kids were, and are, really sound people, so he probably enjoyed living with them.

I haven't spoken to him about this yet, but it must really hurt that he doesn't see them anymore and isn't really a part of their life anymore. He pretty much was a father to the youngest. I really hope he isn't trying to replace that hurt with his new partner. I've met her and she's really nice and they do genuinely love each other, and they are really affectionate, something I never saw with my him and his (soon to be) ex wife, so I am leaning towards this not being a replacement for the massive aching hole in his heart, but I do have concerns.

I'll need to speak to him about it soon.

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12 minutes ago, DA Baracus said:


My mum bullied my older brother a lot for some reason. Not sure why or when it started but I first recall it being a thing when we moved house in 1995. It got progressively worse over the years and he tried to spend as much time as possible away from her. My parents were friends with a family who lived down the road, as my dad served in the navy with the husband of that couple, and I suspect that this one of the main reasons we moved to where we did. They had a son and we all went on holiday a couple of times. Both times my older brother travelled and stayed with them.

I knew the bullying really upset him. He used to be a really good rugby player to the extent he had trials with professional teams. The bullying really fucked him, knocked his confidence and he stopped playing. Looking back it's obvious he was in a bad place. 

He then meets a woman who is nice to him. She treats him well and they get on. They start going out and he sees a way to escape and be away from my mum. It should be acknowledged that my brother and my former partner genuinely liked and cared for each other, so I don't want to do them a disservice. 

I think in a way she was a bit of a mother figure. Not in a dreadful way, but a deep psychological way.

He stayed because he loved her. Also her kids were, and are, really sound people, so he probably enjoyed living with them.

I haven't spoken to him about this yet, but it must really hurt that he doesn't see them anymore and isn't really a part of their life anymore. He pretty much was a father to the youngest. I really hope he isn't trying to replace that hurt with his new partner. I've met her and she's really nice and they do genuinely love each other, and they are really affectionate, something I never saw with my him and his (soon to be) ex wife, so I am leaning towards this not being a replacement for the massive aching hole in his heart, but I do have concerns.

I'll need to speak to him about it soon.

Cheers for sharing that. Quite a story. Difficult to imagine why a mother would want to bully her son. Hope this new woman works out well for him.

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15 hours ago, Duszek said:

Cheers for sharing that. Quite a story. Difficult to imagine why a mother would want to bully her son. Hope this new woman works out well for him.

I don't know, and maybe never will. I want to confront her one day. She's a drunk, so that may play a part. Not a stumbling around, pished all the time drunk. But she drank every day. She was, for a long time, a functional alcoholic. She had a good job and she was good at it. She drank many nights though and usually passed out in front of the TV. After she lost that job, through no fault of her own (genuinely; was due to the owners being scumbags), she gave up. Her losing her job was years after my older brother met his (soon to be) ex wife and moved out though.

She started drinking every single night. She doubted her abilities. She thought she could never get as good a job again, so never once tried. She settled for a shite entry level job that she hated and never once tried to change it. She 'retired' a couple of years ago (she was 'made redundant') and now sits at home all day waiting for wine o'clock. It's sad and I feel guilty for not doing more, but my dad is in massive denial on one hand but also knows and desperately hides the truth. 

She absolutely relies on my dad. She couldn't function without him. He pays for everything. He pays for her car, her food and her wine. I don't even think she goes to the job centre to sign on. She's 60 so I think she's too young for her pension. 

My old man opened up a bit that she is developing bad arthritis and often hears her crying at night (they have slept in seperate rooms for years; it's claimed it's because of his snoring, which is massively loud to be fair, but I suspect other reasons). She refuses to go to the doctor for some reason.

This is going to sound so bad, but I mean it. I hope she dies before he does. She couldn't cope without him. She would be gone within a year at most. It would be unbearable sad and painful to see her degradation. She would drink herself to death. If my dad dies before her, she gets his full will/estate. I don't care about the money. I'd rather have 0p and my dad, but if she had it she'd just spend it on wine. At least now my dad can sort of restrict her drinking, but if she had some cash she would absolutely spend it on wine.

When my dad was diagnosed with leukaemia in December the fear of his death was bad, but the fear of him dying before my mum and then having to be witness to her living death was just as bad. Thankfully he seems to be doing well now, but he's on a countdown clock.


Terrible thoughts to have I know, but that's how I feel.



Edited by DA Baracus
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I'm afraid to speak to her and my dad about her drinking and obvious mental issues.

She's exceptional childish when confronted about her drinking. I've seen my dad do it a few times and she's went mental, being incredibly petulant and unbelievable immature. Frankly she's a massive c**t when even asked about it. 

She is massively in denial over it. My dad is a bit too, despite also knowing of the issue.

I'm afraid to talk to him about it too. But I want to do it. I want to get her help, not just for the drinking but for her mental issues. I want to know why she quit on life. I want to know why she bullied my older brother.

I want to discuss things with them both before it's too late.

It's nonsensical, but I'm scared to do it. I've went periods where I haven't spoken to them for over a year, so know I can live without them, but I'm still scared.

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15 minutes ago, Joey Jo Jo Junior Shabadoo said:

TOTP 1989 is my favourite show on the TV. A weekly Friday night treat. Tonight's delight has Big Fun by Inner City as Mark Goodier's background music throughout the show.

It’s just lead me to learn that Sydney Youngblood and Soul II Soul has a bit of a “feud”.

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