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I've been offered a ticket in the Celtic end with a couple of cousins for the game against Dundee United

I hate Celtic but it will be, ahem, interesting to say the least.

Bayview for me tomorrow.

Gonna feel weird digging the gloves and scarves out for for the football once again.

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Phew! Thanks for clearing that up for us. There was me thinking that if I went out and got rat-arsed one night and did the same again the next day I'd end up completely hangover-free!

Sometimes you actually do if you keep it within a sensible limit the following day ie 3 or 4 bottles of Mangers or whatever. Not my strong point limiting myself though.

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Sometimes you actually do if you keep it within a sensible limit the following day ie 3 or 4 bottles of Mangers or whatever. Not my strong point limiting myself though.

Yup, 3-5 pints the next day early doors, means you can get a bit scran down you, then 3 litres of water, couple paracetomal and in yer bed early.

Right as mother fuckin' rain.

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The thing I want to share with P&B contains both a RTBC and a PTTYOYN.

I had my first Politics tutorial today. There seems to be a fascination with people using "flowerly" language to try and get a point across. It makes no difference to their point or their argument. I dislike this. On the plus side, I was sitting beside two absolute stunners.

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The thing I want to share with P&B contains both a RTBC and a PTTYOYN.

I had my first Politics tutorial today. There seems to be a fascination with people using "flowerly" language to try and get a point across. It makes no difference to their point or their argument. I dislike this. On the plus side, I was sitting beside two absolute stunners.

For all that it's superficial, it probably works as long as there's at least some substance behind it.

Saying "Machiavelli's a fuckin' cynic" won't exactly get you the same "street cred" with a tutor as "Machiavelli would appear, superficially at least, to be somewhat amoral on this issue". :P

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Debbie and Robert are a couple. Robert has dwarfism and Debbie seems to be a man pretending to be a woman. They are in the Eddie Stobart fan club and travel round Britain in a camper van taking pictures of HGV's. They are on TV just now.

Someone please tell me it isn't true. :(

Edited by orlandoblue
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Got caught up in a trainload of Celtic fans that had been at Tannadice on my way back to uni tonight. I saw the train was full of them as it pulled into the station so just thought I'd keep my head down and find somewhere quiet, but as I got on they all started pointing at me singing "there's only one Fraser Forster" and I had no escape route. Apparently I'm his twin (upon googling I look nothing like him).

Anyway, chatted away to a few of them between Perth and Stirling and they seemed like genuinely nice guys, insisted I drank their beer and we had a good laugh. Meanwhile, in the background their pals are singing all sorts of IRA, anti-Proddy and racist drivel. As I got off the train the guys I'd been speaking to began to join in with their pish.

I really don't get Old Firm fans.

Edited by Paco
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Got caught up in a trainload of Celtic fans that had been at Tannadice on my way back to uni tonight. I saw the train was full of them as it pulled into the station so just thought I'd keep my head down and find somewhere quiet, but as I got on they all started pointing at me singing "there's only one Fraser Forster" and I had no escape route. Apparently I'm his twin (upon googling I look nothing like him).

Anyway, chatted away to a few of them between Perth and Stirling and they seemed like genuinely nice guys, insisted I drank their beer and we had a good laugh. Meanwhile, in the background their pals are singing all sorts of IRA, anti-Proddy and racist drivel. As I got off the train the guys I'd been speaking to began to join in with their pish.

I really don't get Old Firm fans.

I get that sort of thing all the time, since I always walk down to Partick station after home games to catch a train back home. If Celtic or Rangers are at home I inevitably end up seeing loads of them cutting about.

Although the funny thing is, they're generally really sound (apart, as you say, from the bigotted pish that you're almost guaranteed to hear) and if they do dish anything out then you either just give it straight back or just try to see the funny side and have a laugh about it.

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People sing sectarian songs because others start them and it's just another song to sing along to. The majority of people who sing sectarian songs aren't actually sectarian or really give a massive toss about religion.

Fans of most clubs will have joined in with a song that's rather close to the bone at some stage, but they aren't bad people.

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People sing sectarian songs because others start them and it's just another song to sing along to. The majority of people who sing sectarian songs aren't actually sectarian or really give a massive toss about religion.

Fans of most clubs will have joined in with a song that's rather close to the bone at some stage, but they aren't bad people.

e.g. Dick ''I'm not a h*n but I'll belt out Derry's Walls'' Campbell

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People sing sectarian songs because others start them and it's just another song to sing along to. The majority of people who sing sectarian songs aren't actually sectarian or really give a massive toss about religion.

In my experience, that is total bollocks.

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In my experience, that is total bollocks.

I dunno. I remember at the semi-final replay against Celtic in 1997 there were a large contingent of Falkirk fans not too far from my dad and me giving it laldy with the "Cheer up Tommy Burns". I joined in for a couple of verses as I had no idea what a "******" was. My Dad told me to stop singing it and after the game explained what it meant.

I was just a wean at the time, though. I guess it's different if it's older guys belting out the showtunes.

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People sing sectarian songs because others start them and it's just another song to sing along to. The majority of people who sing sectarian songs aren't actually sectarian or really give a massive toss about religion.

Fans of most clubs will have joined in with a song that's rather close to the bone at some stage, but they aren't bad people.

I agree, let's face it if we didn't have friends who support one side of the Old Firm we'd be living a fairly lonely existence. I just don't understand why decent people, drunk or not, think it's acceptable to sing songs about Prodestants/Jews being whatever, hoping Walter Smith dies and about terrorist organisations on a packed train.

The guys I spoke to were decent guys, a couple of them even seemed fairly bright, and you can maybe be excused for joining in with songs as a young lad like Gaz posted about, but some of these lads were 40 plus with wives and kids. I just find it genuinely amazing that there's decent, bright guys so blind to what they're singing.

Maybe this is something everyone from Glasgow has experienced and I've been sheltered being from Fife, but certainly the overwhelming majority of OF fans I know grew out of the ***/****** phase about 15 (quite a few even grew out of the OF altogether and are now regulars at Stark's Park). Only the dregs keep it going, but these guys weren't dregs, just normal guys enjoying their day at the football like I've done countless times.

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My e-mail is finally working again through the university internet. I hadn't been able to get onto it for a week or so <_< Quite annoying when I needed to send a few important e-mails but at least everything is working now.

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