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Went to see a recording of 'Ask Rhod Gilbert' tonight at the BBC studios for his 35 minute show.

It was a good night but the recording took a total of 4 and a half hours! Didn't think it would be anywhere near that :huh:

I was there too.

I googled it last week and had read that the two pilot shows had taken four hours + to record, so expected similar.

I enjoyed it so much, I'm going again next week.

I thought Roxy was a waste of time and space (apart from the husband breathing bit that opened the door for quite a few subsequent jokes.)

Interesting to see how it's all done. Lots of references made to other bits in the show that might not make the edit, surely making life hard for the editor.

Wee Des was OK too.

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I played my first game of 5-a-side in the uni league tonight. 9 teams in the league, 8 games, a game every week.

We lost 6-5 to a team of 4th year students. Not a bad result but frustrating to lose a goal with a minute to go. Yours truly scored to make it 5-5 after we had been 4-1 down (I did almost miss but the ball dipped beautifully into the top corner of an empty goal). I don't think they quite expected to have a tough game, they were quite pissed off with each other when we made it 5-5. I can't believe I lasted the whole game after gashing open my knee within 30 seconds (apparently once the ball has gone, a hulking object smashing you into a brick wall isn't a foul. Who knew?). Then within 5 minutes I twisted my knee delightfully - it is now the size of a grapefruit. I carried on valiantly though. My first game of 5s in a couple of years so I lasted the 45 minute game quite well, even with my injury.

Encouraging signs. Even if it was a bit strange playing alongside somebody who was wearing a Huntly top.

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I was there too.

I googled it last week and had read that the two pilot shows had taken four hours + to record, so expected similar.

I enjoyed it so much, I'm going again next week.

I thought Roxy was a waste of time and space (apart from the husband breathing bit that opened the door for quite a few subsequent jokes.)

Interesting to see how it's all done. Lots of references made to other bits in the show that might not make the edit, surely making life hard for the editor.

Wee Des was OK too.

Yeah Roxy was terrible. Lloyd was easily the best out of the lot, I'd never seen him prior to this show too so I'll certainly be looking out for him on TV from now on.

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Had a solo talk today, which was set for 15 minutes. Had a pint beforehand to settle the nerves and ended up standing there talking for 31 minutes :ph34r:

If it was for anything that's summatively assessed you'll get absolutely slammed for going over by such a margin.

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In this essay on the consequences of maintaining reserved powers at Westminster, I can find many more reasons to support Scotland gaining much more control over its own affairs than Westminster retaining some power.

Although, when I think about it, I still think Westminster should control most of the powers that it does.

Just felt I had to say that really :lol:

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It baffles me how people who like football (playing and watching) can go through life being shite at it. In the grand scheme of things, I'm no better than average but have reasonable technique, passing and shooting skills and look quite 'natural' and fluid while running with the ball and could contrubute something to any game of 5's/7's unless the other boys were absolutely phenomenal.

It's not a difficult sport to be passable at, yet some people who love it are just garboose and I've never understood how this could happen.

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Well you've described my ability to a tee, though I hit the bar at the Morton Supporters' Sevens this year.

The best thing I can do is anticipate situations, which is probably helped by watching a lot of football, but the technical side is posted missing.

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I was pretty good at football when I was a young lad (compared to folk of a similar age), but I got bored of playing and so stopped for two or three years in my mid-teens, which resulted in almost everyone I knew overtaking me in ability.

When I started playing again, I mistakenly attempted to emulate what other people could do skills-wise, but because I didn't have the practice I wasn't able to do so and so looked even worse!

Not long after that though I realised that although I couldn't match them for skill I could train to be faster, stronger and have more stamina than the rest of them. I have a pretty decent shot and can pass and tackle reasonably well. I don't have the skill to beat ten players, but I'm a yard quicker than just about everyone I come up against and I'm pretty strong, so I can hold my own in just about any game I play in.

You're right in that anyone can practice to become a better player. A mate of mine likes watching football but until a couple of months ago hadn't ever played it. He filled in at fives for us one week and was hopeless, but within the past couple of months has improved just by working on things like his positioning, using his body size to stop players running easily past him, and just working on simple passes.

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I'm a defender by trade and do not have the skills to waltz round people and wouldn't expect that of others.

What I'm really meaning is you know that way when you watch someone play and their movement is all staccato and they're so uncoordianted and it's just obvious they're 'not a footballer'.

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I'm a defender by trade and do not have the skills to waltz round people and wouldn't expect that of others.

What I'm really meaning is you know that way when you watch someone play and their movement is all staccato and they're so uncoordianted and it's just obvious they're 'not a footballer'.

Well yeah, me. Co-ordination isn't one of my strong points it has to be said. I'm going to implicate port-ton in this as he plays with the grace of a blindfolded, drunken giraffe.

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I have the elegance of an Bambi having an epileptic fit whilst walking on ice when I play football. I wouldn't say I'm shite though. I'm mediocre (in relative terms obviously, not in the world of football terms) . I have seen a number of people worse than me but also a number of people better than me.

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I watch a lot of football but I'm attrocious with a ball at my feet (or anywhere near me for that matter).

I've given up playing 5's nowadays but when I did used to play I just kicked lumps out of people. I can't pass, can't dribble, can't tackle without fouling, can't shoot and can't header, despite being a big guy.

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I agree with Fudge. Theres so many different positions on a pitch theres a place for everyone.

Im a commanding centre half much like Cannavaro. Not the tallest but reads the game superbly and gets booked for moaning. I play at a modest standard although the top scorer in our league last season now plays for Cowdenbeath and we were the only team to beat them.

Playing football is fantastic as im back in my 2nd year after a 2 year break. Missing the Cowdenbeath games is tough mind.

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I posted something along these lines a couple of weeks back when I’d had a shocking game at 5s- I’ve been playing football in some shape or form for as long as I can remember. I can remember playing in the playground in P1 when I was 4 or 5 years old and I’m 28 now, so let’s say 23 years for argument’s sake.

Up until secondary school age I would be playing most days out the back with friends for a couple of hours a day daylight permitting, and even during secondary school we would play a fair bit down the park - especially during the summer holidays where would play for 7 or 8 hours- probably up until the age of 15/16. I also played for the BB team on a Saturday as well until that age.

I must have played for literally thousands of hours, but I’m still rubbish. I can’t think of another activity that I could devote so much time to but still be as bad! (although curiously I’m not a bad keeper at 5s / 7s).

I just don’t think I get any enjoyment out of playing football any more, partly for this reason.

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It baffles me how people who like football (playing and watching) can go through life being shite at it. In the grand scheme of things, I'm no better than average but have reasonable technique, passing and shooting skills and look quite 'natural' and fluid while running with the ball and could contrubute something to any game of 5's/7's unless the other boys were absolutely phenomenal.

It's not a difficult sport to be passable at, yet some people who love it are just garboose and I've never understood how this could happen.

I love zumba, but my lack of co-ordination means I'm not actually that good at it. Doesn't stop me loving it, but loving it won't make me good at it if I don't have a natural ability to do it right. I don't understand how that's baffling.

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