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I'm dying for a beer

I, too, could go a beer.

Two hours ago I told myself I was going to turn off the computer because I couldn't be arsed with it. Two hours later, I'm still on it and I'm still bored shitless, but still I'm not going to turn it off.

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Does anyone remember

song. Never realised how sexual it was when I was a kid.

Remember it? I never forgot it! It's on my ipod. She also was involved in


First wank material

The sexual content of the video was obviously no mystery.

Personally I like a bit of time to myself but nearly a week with not a thing to do and not a person around will test my ability to amuse myself. Obviously an epic wankathon is on the cards first of all but once that novelty wears off I'm going to be bored as f**k. sad.gif

For those of you who live alone and/or have no mates, what do you normally do (apart from posting on here)? Anyone with any suggestions, I'd appreciate them. Tbh I reckon I could lose half a stone, might just take this opportunity to eat almost nothing and get myself in ideal shape for all the Christmas/new year nights out ahead.

I pretty much lived alone with everybody bar a couple away for two months in the summer, a complete waste of part of my life (I wasn't working or anything). Watching whole series back to back and a lot of films I had never previously had the chance to see passed the time amongst other things... I'm pretty easily amused.

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Cmon Fudge, even the most frigid of minds would surely wander

I'm sure if the mood took him he could w**k in his room. To be fair, the are all quite hot. He should stay here for Christmas. They're the sort of girls that would appreciate a 'nice' guy

Edited by Fudge
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Why not just go to a pub every night and get rat arsed? 'Tis Christmas after all!

Hmm, not one to go to the pub on my own, maybe it's an east coast thing.

only wear pants for the week.

Cut about in your boxers all week doing whatever you want to, a la Risky Business.

Interesting. Some guys coming to fix a window at some point over the next few days, so that's a risky strategy.

Aye, she's currently operating under the pseudonym D. Cameron at 10 Downing Street.

Hey...right on comrades!

Oh no you didn't, you go girlfriend.

There are 4 girls going to stay here. That should be sexy, but it's really not. I just want my bed.

Should've been quicker on the uptake with that offer for a few ciders at Fudge's.

I pretty much lived alone with everybody bar a couple away for two months in the summer, a complete waste of part of my life (I wasn't working or anything). Watching whole series back to back and a lot of films I had never previously had the chance to see passed the time amongst other things... I'm pretty easily amused.

Thankfully it's only a few days for me, then I'll return to having a normal social life. Reckon this will be me by Wednesday:

There's some amount of losers kicking about.

Do you fancy expanding on your point or are you just going to make vague, general comments?

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Thankfully it's only a few days for me, then I'll return to having a normal social life. Reckon this will be me by Wednesday:

I made it sound like I spent two months watching TV shows, I wasn't quite that bad. I was just in a situation like yours, i.e. with not many people I knew well about the place and on my todd in a flat. It's not as bleak as it sounds, time will fly by.

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Found myself in a weird situation where my flatmates and everyone I know in Glasgow is going home for Christmas, but I can't go untill the 23rd. It's not like I have anything useful to do in this time, and when I say everybody I know in Glasgow I really mean everybody.

For those of you who live alone and/or have no mates, what do you normally do (apart from posting on here)? Anyone with any suggestions, I'd appreciate them. Tbh I reckon I could lose half a stone, might just take this opportunity to eat almost nothing and get myself in ideal shape for all the Christmas/new year nights out ahead.

I generally don't do anything for christmas itself. I think I went into Uni last year and did a bit of work. Most people are busy with their families and suchlike, so I don't bother them. Take the opportunity to walk around your flat naked, thats always a thrill!

Cut about in your boxers all week doing whatever you want to, a la Risky Business.

Edited, dammit, dave258 got there first. :(

Edited by xbl
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I made it sound like I spent two months watching TV shows, I wasn't quite that bad. I was just in a situation like yours, i.e. with not many people I knew well about the place and on my todd in a flat. It's not as bleak as it sounds, time will fly by.

Some people love their own company and you get others who can't spend 20 minutes on their own doing anything without hunting out people to spend time with them like a bunch of needy arseholes. Personally I go a bit funny when i have too much of either. By the end of Freshers week I'd had an amazing time but all I wanted was a bit of time to myself for a day, guarenteed by Thursday I'll be choking for a night out of some variety.

Fair play if you can do that for two months but it wouldn't be for me.

I generally don't do anything for christmas itself. I think I went into Uni last year and did a bit of work. Most people are busy with their families and suchlike, so I don't bother them. Take the opportunity to walk around your flat naked, thats always a thrill!

Edited, dammit, dave258 got there first. sad.gif

You might've remembered me moaning a few weeks about having to choose which side of my family I'd spend with Christmas with. One thing I wouldn't consider was spending it with no family, what's the point in that? Come on xbl Christmas is for being with your family, get back to your maw's for a scran on the 25th. wink.gif

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You might've remembered me moaning a few weeks about having to choose which side of my family I'd spend with Christmas with. One thing I wouldn't consider was spending it with no family, what's the point in that? Come on xbl Christmas is for being with your family, get back to your maw's for a scran on the 25th. wink.gif

Why? I just spent the last few days visiting my various family homes (mums, dads, ex kind of step mum, kind of ex kind of step dad) and spending time with them. I get on great with my family, I don't need a special day to see them. I'm away out of the country straight after christmas, I've got things to do before then, I'm not a christian, I don't need to eat a "festive" meal or get stupid presents, so why the obligation to do family stuff? I'm quite happy doing my thing thanks! :D

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Why? I just spent the last few days visiting my various family homes (mums, dads, ex kind of step mum, kind of ex kind of step dad) and spending time with them. I get on great with my family, I don't need a special day to see them. I'm away out of the country straight after christmas, I've got things to do before then, I'm not a christian, I don't need to eat a "festive" meal or get stupid presents, so why the obligation to do family stuff? I'm quite happy doing my thing thanks! biggrin.gif

Pah, spoilsport.

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My great gran passed on after a relatively short fight with leukaemia a couple of weeks ago. We had the funeral today. A nice quiet family affair and was very fitting. It was nice to see some family we normally don't see a lot of who live down south as well, especially given the weather causing travel issues.

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