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I am starting to like the band R.E.M. after many years of not bothering with them.

Old age mocks us all. Liking REM is merely the outside symptom of a personality converging towards the middle ground. Gone are the firebrand politics nad socialist newsletters - it's the Observer from now on in kiddo ;)

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If anyone ever fancies taking steroids, reading

story might put you off.


I was gonna have a real ale watching the champions league later, but f**k it, steroids it is. I'm the suggestible type.

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Just back from taking a shite in work and I'm about to wipe and see this fucking giant spider sitting in the corner, about half the size of my fucking hand.

Now, I normally don't mind spiders, just don't like biologically engineered arachnowarriors who have the potential to bolt up my skants on the floor and burrow deep inside my arsehole later on in the day without me knowing. Never wiped so fast in my life.

Is anyone else noticing these huge beasts around this autumn? Caught about 3 in my house in the past week and they have even bigger b*****ds in my work.

Aye, we had one at work, guy caught it under a pint glass, the thing basically was the same size as the rim. I fucking hate spiders and all, just didn't look tbh.

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Thought you were struggling to find a part-time job?

Was I?

Cigarettes = flushing money down the drain. Wise up.

Quite true, been giving some serious thought recently to giving up. I notice you didn't pull me up on the beer or toys. Good man.

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