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On 12/09/2020 at 15:31, Bairnardo said:
On 12/09/2020 at 15:27, 101 said:
Where you heading off to? 
Nothing beats cutting about some random place on your own, it's the best.

What age does this become a thing? When I was in my 20s I wouldnt have dreamed of it. Probably would have even hated being in a pub by myself. Now I should be overjoyed to go exploring somewhere abroad on my own and being in the pub alone is to achieve Nirvana.

We can a truce, ✌️

I was 13 when I got locked up on my own, ok that's a little out there, but then it made me very insulated when going away for holidays (crazy but true)  I've only had 1 holiday with friend in 1994 Crete 

1st day we all checked in 14 boys 2 girls (1 of the girls I had kissy kissy before in Scotchland, then told her to f**k off, but paid and came) 4 to the room,  Right above a Chinese restaurant/bar. Cool

Lets get the demographics here before we go any further.....


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1 hour ago, ICTChris said:


Did you have a particularly young looking mask on?


I had the face of a young person on.

1 hour ago, SlipperyP said:

You do look fucking daft walking about with that scout cap on TBH, 

It worked though.

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4 minutes ago, DiegoDiego said:

From Wikipedia:

The "valley" between the strands of a rope or cable. Before serving a section of laid rope, e.g. to protect it from chafing, it may be "wormed" by laying yarns in the cuntlines, giving that section an even cylindrical shape.

That was what Jim Traynor's BBC radio phone-in show was called, if I remember correctly.

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4 hours ago, SlipperyP said:

We can a truce, ✌️

I was 13 when I got locked up on my own, ok that's a little out there, but then it made me very insulated when going away for holidays (crazy but true)  I've only had 1 holiday with friend in 1994 Crete 

1st day we all checked in 14 boys 2 girls (1 of the girls I had kissy kissy before in Scotchland, then told her to f**k off, but paid and came) 4 to the room,  Right above a Chinese restaurant/bar. Cool

Lets get the demographics here before we go any further.....


You should 're-write some Enid Blyton books for the modern age.


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6 hours ago, SlipperyP said:

We can a truce, ✌️

I was 13 when I got locked up on my own, ok that's a little out there, but then it made me very insulated when going away for holidays (crazy but true)  I've only had 1 holiday with friend in 1994 Crete 

1st day we all checked in 14 boys 2 girls (1 of the girls I had kissy kissy before in Scotchland, then told her to f**k off, but paid and came) 4 to the room,  Right above a Chinese restaurant/bar. Cool

Lets get the demographics here before we go any further.....


How many of the 16 made it back from Crete?

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12 hours ago, MixuFruit said:

I was wondering when they'd finally start doing something about their noisy neighbours in subs and fishing boats turning sonar and echo location up to eleven. Sadly it looks like a suicidal piece of desperation.

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3 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

I was wondering when they'd finally start doing something about their noisy neighbours in subs and fishing boats turning sonar and echo location up to eleven. Sadly it looks like a suicidal piece of desperation.

Not paying enough attention; I initially thought you were replying to Sarge's Famous Five reference, above. Then the comment took a disturbing turn.

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18 minutes ago, Curmudgeon said:

I don't know what Timmy the dug has seen in that boy's erse, but the intense concentration in his eyes is quite unsettling.

Not only that, but the boy seems fully aware and is holding position so that Timmy can get a good look.

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7 hours ago, Shandön Par said:

How many of the 16 made it back from Crete?

All 16, however, I think only spoke to about 4 again in my life.

It did open my eyes a bit, how boys of 18 & 19 were so dependent on their parents.  It was more or less a kindergarten away day. 

Second night was hilarious, when I necked 2 eccies (bought from some tramp).  I think the strip (street) in Malia closed for thought the next evening....We were told that some Hibees were in town and fucked up a pub at the top of the street.  Not a man of fighting, I went looking for some peace.....

ETA - there was no Hibees in town.

Edited by SlipperyP
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