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5 hours ago, Zetterlund said:

US inmate faces first nitrogen execution.


Leaving aside the capital punishment debate in general, how hard is it to kill someone 'humanely'? They've already botched an execution by lethal injection and have now come up with a new experimental way to do it.

Why can't they just put people to sleep as if they're in for an op, up the dose a bit so they don't wake up?

Bonkers country.

There’s a few items at play here:

1) The inability of States to get so called “capital punishment” drugs. They were using a two or three drug cocktail, one that knocked them out and then a paralytic to kill them most recently, however drug companies started prohibiting the use of their drugs for this. Since the drugs are controlled, they aren’t that easy to get ahold of, and the States did it through third-parties for a while before it got tightened up and that route was closed.

2) That worked once the in stock medications started aging out/passing the use by date…because if you use a drug after that date it might harm someone…which falls afoul of the “cruel and unusual” punishment issue.

3) That led to States trying new “cocktails”, which started having clearly painful death occur, again causing issues with “cruel and unusual punishment”.

4) That led to a search for new methods that didn’t rely upon controlled medications or experts that might decline to assist.

5) The newer methods are subject to legal appeals simply because no one has studied them to see if they are truly “peaceful” or “merciful” (yes, the irony is completely lost upon the lawmakers involved).

6)  Additional issues were occurring with a lack of people trained in placing IV’s willing to participate in executions. Which, of course, results in inexperienced people trying to do the job and botching it.

Edited by TxRover
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7 minutes ago, Miguel Sanchez said:

Can't they just shoot them?

Yes, they can, but there have been several issues there. First the State has to have it designated as a legal option for killing people. Then, in most cases because it’s a multiple method state, the convict has to select that method…Court rulings haven’t cleared shooting as clear on the cruel and unusual issue, but consider the choice to waive that. There have been several boo-boos on firing squads worldwide which allow appeals and court fights, and the last successful one was 2010 in Utah. You also have to find willing shooters, ones you trust will actually shoot on command and aim accurately. This results in strangeness like fixed, single shot weapons, with the State still worried the designated executioners might not fire on command. So you need a decent number of “shooters”, only one gun with a blank and multiple guns with live bullets…but that still leaves possible claims by any two of the shooters regarding trauma from participating.

Edited by TxRover
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1 minute ago, TxRover said:

Yes, they can, but there have been several issues there. First the State has to have it designated as a legal option for killing people. Then, in most cases because it’s a multiple method state, the convict has to select that method…Court rulings haven’t cleared shooting as clear on the cruel and unusual issue, but consider the choice to waive that. There have been several boo-boos on firing squads worldwide which allow appeals and court fights, and the last successful one was 2010 in Utah. You also have to find willing shooters, ones you trust will actually shoot on command and aim accurately. This results in strangeness like fixed, single shot weapons, with the State still worried the designated executioners might not fire on command. So you need a decent number of “shooters”, only one gun with a blank and multiple guns with live bullets…but that still leaves possible claims by any two of the shooters regarding trauma from participating.

I was thinking more blindfolded and a 45 to the back of the skull. Can't miss that.

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Just now, Zetterlund said:

I think I'd take Kim Jong Un's anti-aircraft gun approach over any of Murica's current options.


I have a sneaking suspicion that the existence of the death penalty might cause more than a few of the shootouts with police, criminals deciding to go on their own terms. After all, the average death penalty takes 227 months between conviction and execution…yep, 18 years and 11 months.

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1 minute ago, Miguel Sanchez said:

I was thinking more blindfolded and a 45 to the back of the skull. Can't miss that.

Too close to use more than one shooter, so the executioner “knows” they did the job, which isn’t considered acceptable. Also, to be honest, it’s not assured. There have been a number of people in robberies and such shot in the head and survived.

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19 minutes ago, GordonD said:

In counterpoint to the crap nurses thread, I was in St. John's in Livingston from Wednesday of last week to Tuesday of this one, and the nursing staff couldn't have been better. Except for waking me up at 2am to take my blood pressure.


"Your blood pressure is quite high, Mr D"

"No bloody wonder, you woke me up at this time of night" 

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8 hours ago, Zetterlund said:

US inmate faces first nitrogen execution.


Leaving aside the capital punishment debate in general, how hard is it to kill someone 'humanely'? They've already botched an execution by lethal injection and have now come up with a new experimental way to do it.

Why can't they just put people to sleep as if they're in for an op, up the dose a bit so they don't wake up?

Bonkers country.

There was a wee bit on the news here last night. Some protester type want's further testing to make sure "it's safe". I thought the whole point was to ensure it WASN'T safe?

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4 hours ago, GordonD said:

In counterpoint to the crap nurses thread, I was in St. John's in Livingston from Wednesday of last week to Tuesday of this one, and the nursing staff couldn't have been better. Except for waking me up at 2am to take my blood pressure.


"Wake up until I take your blood pressure. Now just lie still"

"I was, until you woke me up!"

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i'm probably  the hardest man on this website,. TBH, nae c**t stepping up, to get the shoein, as expected.

f**k off, have great weekend, see you all, when you collect your minerals. Uncle Slip


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