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Is there anywhere for sledging at Glenshee?

Dunno about Glenshee.

I think they banned sledging at Cairngorm after an incident which I was unfortunate to witness a matter of metres away when I was young. A young toddler in a sledge went under one of the safety barriers and straight into a pothole in the ice sheet where he/she was swept down by the freezing stream below never to be seen alive again. I can still remember the mother going mental screaming "my baby, my baby!!!". Horrible. :(

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3 of my closest friends I've made at work are all leaving this month which is a bit shit. The place has a high turnover of staff but aye I'll miss them

I know what you mean, since Christmas we've changed 75% of our staff, who I'd gotten to know well. This Tuesday one of the 3 remaining, leaves as well. So it's me and another guy and a whole bunch of new, incompetent staff. Plus we never work together cause we do different shifts. Gonna miss the ugh leaving though, we've become mates and I even got an invite to his wedding. Not gonna be the same without him.

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Exact same as you guys. There are 3 people at work who I hope are in at the same time as me. They are decent for a laugh and make work bearable. 2 are leaving this week. Devastating news. I am chuffed for them for getting better jobs but they will no doubt get replaced with idiots or an idiot currently in the job will have his hours increased. I am currently looking for a new job as well so hopefully it won't bother me too much

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I know what you mean, since Christmas we've changed 75% of our staff, who I'd gotten to know well. This Tuesday one of the 3 remaining, leaves as well. So it's me and another guy and a whole bunch of new, incompetent staff. Plus we never work together cause we do different shifts. Gonna miss the ugh leaving though, we've become mates and I even got an invite to his wedding. Not gonna be the same without him.

Haha we'll be around the same with the turnover and the incompetent newbies. The 3 at my work have all been there at least a year it'll just be weird without them. Every time you seem to make new pals in there the people seem to leave it's just the way it is in work places with a high turnover. But at the same time I'm happy for them tho as my work is shite.

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Exact same as you guys. There are 3 people at work who I hope are in at the same time as me. They are decent for a laugh and make work bearable. 2 are leaving this week. Devastating news. I am chuffed for them for getting better jobs but they will no doubt get replaced with idiots or an idiot currently in the job will have his hours increased. I am currently looking for a new job as well so hopefully it won't bother me too much

This 100% I'm really happy for the guy, but I hate working with the new staff, plus we've got new boss's and I've not met them and who knows what they'll be like.

Still I barely work and will be offski soon enough.

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