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They gave him a column in The National! A fictional fucking character! I think that was the point where any hope I had for the publication died.

Dragged the publication down after the stellar analysis delivered by a ginger dog.
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Why did I not know about the day that George Galloway thought Kevin Keegan was taking the piss out of him - over Twitter - from space? 



Galloway has turned into a poor impression of himself
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Ewan Murray hahahaha.

What a fucking nightmare this p***k has had the last wee while.


You don't realise how much of a p***k this guy is until you see the shit he gets from 'fellow' journalists.
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Why did I not know about the day that George Galloway thought Kevin Keegan was taking the piss out of him - over Twitter - from space? 



Probably because you, like I presume almost everyone, are blocked by Galloway?

Even the Twitter account of a uni society I used to run has, bizarrely, been blocked by George Galloway.
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Has anyone come up with a Tivo / Sky + style thing for twitter?

One of the most annoying things is when you're watching a match on a stream (even a legit one like sky go / BT sport player) and it's about 2 minutes behind live, and you're scrolling through twitter only for a goal update to be tweeted as you've forgotten you're behind time. Being able to set a delay would be ideal.

Edited by Fuctifano
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Can't believe some of the marks on here offering up Big Sam, Galactic Kevin Keegan, USA Soccer Guy and Angry Salmond as worthwhile Twitter accounts to follow. Parody accounts by their very nature are garbage and shame on anyone recommending them with a straight face.

As for The National, I think it was columnist Matthew Fitt who dragged the organ into new, uncharted depths - CLICK.

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1 hour ago, Francesc Fabregas said:

Can't believe some of the marks on here offering up Big Sam, Galactic Kevin Keegan, USA Soccer Guy and Angry Salmond as worthwhile Twitter accounts to follow. Parody accounts by their very nature are garbage and shame on anyone recommending them with a straight face.

As for The National, I think it was columnist Matthew Fitt who dragged the organ into new, uncharted depths - CLICK.

I went off the National the first day when their big photo spread had a furious looking female Olympian athlete waving a giant Saltire with Hampden behind her and dark stormy clouds threatening from above, straight out of the Leni Riefenstahl hymnbook. 

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Had a discussion with a Labour supporter who insisted every vote not for Labour was a vote for the Tory's. I pointed out that Labour was in disarray and I couldn't vote for a party I didn't believe in. The discussion went on a bit along the same lines before she told me not to complain if the Tory's got in. If this is going to be the Labour party line then they're screwed even more than predicted.

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