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Anyone been keeping up with the big poker scandal from last week, which seems to be growing arms and legs at an alarming rate? 

 A high stakes poker game has seen the woman from the above video facing allegations of cheating after she called her opponents $130,000 raise with Jack 4 offsuit (for anyone that doesn’t know poker, that’s a combination of cards that will very, very rarely see you win against a raise that size, the fact she won in such a spot is where the cheating allegations have come from, with people claiming she knew her opponents cards). 

After she left the table she volunteered to give her opponent the $135k back, which he accepted, and this is something else which has people suspicious. If you won a hand fair and square you would be very unlikely to offer the money back. It has now came out that a member of the production team that works at the casino, and was one of only a few people who had access to players cards in real time, was caught taking chips worth $15,000 from the table, from the stack of the woman accused of cheating no less. Was this him taking his payment for letting her know her opponents cards? Was it just a coincidence and the guy is just a thief? It’s rumbling on as we speak and nobody is sure just exactly what’s happened, but it’s getting stranger and stranger by the day.  

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8 hours ago, IrishBhoy said:

Anyone been keeping up with the big poker scandal from last week, which seems to be growing arms and legs at an alarming rate? 

 A high stakes poker game has seen the woman from the above video facing allegations of cheating after she called her opponents $130,000 raise with Jack 4 offsuit (for anyone that doesn’t know poker, that’s a combination of cards that will very, very rarely see you win against a raise that size, the fact she won in such a spot is where the cheating allegations have come from, with people claiming she knew her opponents cards). 

After she left the table she volunteered to give her opponent the $135k back, which he accepted, and this is something else which has people suspicious. If you won a hand fair and square you would be very unlikely to offer the money back. It has now came out that a member of the production team that works at the casino, and was one of only a few people who had access to players cards in real time, was caught taking chips worth $15,000 from the table, from the stack of the woman accused of cheating no less. Was this him taking his payment for letting her know her opponents cards? Was it just a coincidence and the guy is just a thief? It’s rumbling on as we speak and nobody is sure just exactly what’s happened, but it’s getting stranger and stranger by the day.  

Interesting, unless this is a publicity stunt by the production company.

These are people with more money than sense and professional 'liars', she could have just bluffed her way through that risking the loss because she read him well enough to know he too had nothing. The employee has been sacked for stealing.

But you're right, handing back the money is the oddest part, she claims she felt vulnerable after being cornered in a dark hallway and felt pressured into it.

She also claims she thought she had a Jack 3.

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7 minutes ago, johnnydun said:

Interesting, unless this is a publicity stunt by the production company.

These are people with more money than sense and professional 'liars', she could have just bluffed her way through that risking the loss because she read him well enough to know he too had nothing. The employee has been sacked for stealing.

But you're right, handing back the money is the oddest part, she claims she felt vulnerable after being cornered in a dark hallway and felt pressured into it.

She also claims she thought she had a Jack 3.

I don’t think it’s a publicity stunt because if some of these high rollers think the security of the casino is compromised they won’t be going any where near it. It’s already not a good look having the employee stealing chips from the table. 

She was asked during the hand if she had a pair of 3s and she said no. She also said after it she thought her opponent had A high, but called with J high? There was literally only a few hands that her J4 could beat; 78 suited and 67 suited are probably the only hands her opponent raises that she’s favourite against, and even at that it was only something like 53/47.

I can’t make heads nor tails of it because it’s such a terrible play, that you can’t really explain it without thinking she either knew his cards or got a signal that her J high was good. 

Her opponent Garrett has came out and posted this earlier - https://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/29/news-views-gossip/garrett-adelstein-report-likely-cheating-hustler-casino-live-1813491/#post57848911

…where he dishes out a fair amount of allegations against her, someone else at the table and the guy from the production  


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9 hours ago, IrishBhoy said:

Anyone been keeping up with the big poker scandal from last week, which seems to be growing arms and legs at an alarming rate? 

 A high stakes poker game has seen the woman from the above video facing allegations of cheating after she called her opponents $130,000 raise with Jack 4 offsuit (for anyone that doesn’t know poker, that’s a combination of cards that will very, very rarely see you win against a raise that size, the fact she won in such a spot is where the cheating allegations have come from, with people claiming she knew her opponents cards). 

After she left the table she volunteered to give her opponent the $135k back, which he accepted, and this is something else which has people suspicious. If you won a hand fair and square you would be very unlikely to offer the money back. It has now came out that a member of the production team that works at the casino, and was one of only a few people who had access to players cards in real time, was caught taking chips worth $15,000 from the table, from the stack of the woman accused of cheating no less. Was this him taking his payment for letting her know her opponents cards? Was it just a coincidence and the guy is just a thief? It’s rumbling on as we speak and nobody is sure just exactly what’s happened, but it’s getting stranger and stranger by the day.  

Was mentioned on HIGNFY and then this, reading it all I'm not sure what to think. Does seem to be a bit bad looser vibes from the guy but her story has changed. 


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2 minutes ago, RH33 said:

Was mentioned on HIGNFY and then this, reading it all I'm not sure what to think. Does seem to be a bit bad looser vibes from the guy but her story has changed. 


I think it’s more the fact she called $130,000 all in, with a horrible hand that couldn’t improve to a straight, flush etc. After seeing the flop, which was terrible for her hand, the best she could hope for was either 2 jacks or 2 fours coming out, to give her three of a kind. Although (unbeknownst to her) the jacks would have be no good because a J gave her opponent a straight. So she was chasing 6 cards at best, on a flop with 2 clubs and a pair of 10s on it. It should have been the easiest fold of her life after the guy Garrett continued to bet, the fact she didn’t fold but went all in for 130k with no made hand, then ended up winning with J high is rightly drawing suspicion. 

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3 hours ago, IrishBhoy said:

I think it’s more the fact she called $130,000 all in, with a horrible hand that couldn’t improve to a straight, flush etc. After seeing the flop, which was terrible for her hand, the best she could hope for was either 2 jacks or 2 fours coming out, to give her three of a kind. Although (unbeknownst to her) the jacks would have be no good because a J gave her opponent a straight. So she was chasing 6 cards at best, on a flop with 2 clubs and a pair of 10s on it. It should have been the easiest fold of her life after the guy Garrett continued to bet, the fact she didn’t fold but went all in for 130k with no made hand, then ended up winning with J high is rightly drawing suspicion. 

I've played a bit Texas and I'd fold them everytime and I'm playing for 10p!

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12 minutes ago, RH33 said:

I've played a bit Texas and I'd fold them everytime and I'm playing for 10p!

Yep I think that’s the problem, almost everyone would be folding that hand when presented with a raise, never mind a $130,000 raise. 

Some people are saying ‘well she won the pot so it was a good move’, but against all the cards her opponent could have had in that position she would be lucky to win 1 out of 10, but she put $130 odd grand in to a pot to win $270k. So she’s getting odds of evens for a hand that she’s a 9/1 underdog in. Not very sensible to say the least. 

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22 hours ago, RH33 said:

Was mentioned on HIGNFY and then this, reading it all I'm not sure what to think. Does seem to be a bit bad looser vibes from the guy but her story has changed. 


If you swim in an industry full of sharks, don't be surprised when you get your arse bitten. Collusion in poker (TV and non TV) is not uncommon, it's just the being caught that tends to happen less.

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On 08/10/2022 at 02:07, IrishBhoy said:

Anyone been keeping up with the big poker scandal from last week, which seems to be growing arms and legs at an alarming rate? 

 A high stakes poker game has seen the woman from the above video facing allegations of cheating after she called her opponents $130,000 raise with Jack 4 offsuit (for anyone that doesn’t know poker, that’s a combination of cards that will very, very rarely see you win against a raise that size, the fact she won in such a spot is where the cheating allegations have come from, with people claiming she knew her opponents cards). 

After she left the table she volunteered to give her opponent the $135k back, which he accepted, and this is something else which has people suspicious. If you won a hand fair and square you would be very unlikely to offer the money back. It has now came out that a member of the production team that works at the casino, and was one of only a few people who had access to players cards in real time, was caught taking chips worth $15,000 from the table, from the stack of the woman accused of cheating no less. Was this him taking his payment for letting her know her opponents cards? Was it just a coincidence and the guy is just a thief? It’s rumbling on as we speak and nobody is sure just exactly what’s happened, but it’s getting stranger and stranger by the day.  

I've kept up to date with it - i'm so deeply invested in it!
I run my own online poker club (cheap plug) so actually, great interest in it and the group chat has been flying as you could imagine.

For me, I wanted it to be just a great play by RJL because I cannot stand Garrett at all, he's smarmy, arrogant and just an out n out luckbox.
However the more the story unfolds, and changing of stories, the little things that are starting to appear i'm leaning towards collusion of some sort.
The not overly fussed about the play - there is 100% more to it than just that one hand of course, its the explanation of why she calls, well she cant really explain but that's another story, the whole stealing of the 3 £5000 chips from her stack by an employee with a criminal record and money issues (15k is about 10% of the hand in question - usual cut % ....lol) - not pressing charges, then changing to pressing charges, the DMs that shes clearly wrote because of the continued ellipses she uses when writing her own tweets and notes that appear in the DM. Use of language such as 'wasn't not' used between Brian(thief) and RJL.
There too many coincidences for it not to have 'something'

I am here for it all lol

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