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The Tate's are a weird one, obviously awful for all the reasons @Miguel Sanchez has shared above. What's interesting to me is having seen some earlier clips (Andrew is still trying to pretend he has hair) the move to Romania and all the cars and that seemed originally to be about more of a tits and Top Gear type format, with them doing fun pranks like pissing on each others tyres or some shit while they drive around the Bucharest ring road. Think they both gave reality TV and mainstream lazy celeb stuff a go as well, so the manosphere stuff is just what stuck. 

It's all very obviously juiced though. The money aspect is from some money laundering shit and some heavy backing rather than anything to do with crypto. The "popularity" is largely due to guys in more desperate financial situations in the developing world signing up and fulfilling one of the key tenants of hustlers university - create a tiktok account called "TateFacts" or something and upload a video an hour of one of them shouting and being epic. So it ends up like a lot of that content, impossible to avoid if you use those platforms unless you block all those accounts on sight.

I'm sure there's a few folk in America mainly who are stupid enough to like it but for the young ones it's no different to everyone making horrible jokes they stole from Borat when I was in high school and they'll grow out of it in a year they realise it's a bad way to behave. There might be some uni age types who actually believed it but unfortunately for them globohomo has the mainstream culture war pretty sewn up so they'll just end up more ostracized and isolated until eventually the FBI entrap them in some terrorism 

The scale of the money they claim the pyramid scheme makes is fascinating though, like how could there be that many people who will chuck them that money every month. Reminds me of when the Rock released a tequila you can't buy anywhere and doesn't make a profit but apparently is worth billions of dollars.

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4 minutes ago, Genuine Hibs Fan said:


The scale of the money they claim the pyramid scheme makes is fascinating though, like how could there be that many people who will chuck them that money every month. Reminds me of when the Rock released a tequila you can't buy anywhere and doesn't make a profit but apparently is worth billions of dollars.

I don’t understand money and the world tbh. The Coffeezilla guy who makes YouTube videos about scammers did a piece on the Andrew Tate university and it’s such an obvious scam, clearly a load of bullshit. I can’t imagine who is signing up for it.

But then Coffeezilla did a series of videos about Logan Paul’s crypto project that never worked and he found people who’d invested $50,000 in it and lost the lot. It just seems insane, people sinking money that most people will only ever spend on a. House into a crypto currency game by some idiot YouTiber. So these people are out there.

The video about the Liver King exposing his PED use mentioned that in the nine months or so he built his social media following he sold $100m worth of his supplements, which is just an insane figure to me. Alex Jones makes millions selling Brain Force 3000 as well.


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3 minutes ago, King Ian said:

For all the money he has and girls he gets, I can’t help but think Tate’s life is rather empty.

Scrape through the degenerate nonsense, and he makes some good points though.

Only thing is, a lot of scraping is required..

Isn't that like saying even a broken clock is correct twice a day?

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9 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

I don’t understand money and the world tbh. The Coffeezilla guy who makes YouTube videos about scammers did a piece on the Andrew Tate university and it’s such an obvious scam, clearly a load of bullshit. I can’t imagine who is signing up for it.

But then Coffeezilla did a series of videos about Logan Paul’s crypto project that never worked and he found people who’d invested $50,000 in it and lost the lot. It just seems insane, people sinking money that most people will only ever spend on a. House into a crypto currency game by some idiot YouTiber. So these people are out there.

The video about the Liver King exposing his PED use mentioned that in the nine months or so he built his social media following he sold $100m worth of his supplements, which is just an insane figure to me. Alex Jones makes millions selling Brain Force 3000 as well.


Yeah exactly. There's an element of you'd be surprised how many people there are out there with quite a lot of money who are incredibly thick. I worked in a call centre years ago for one of the mainstream dating sites, just normal customer service cancelling subscriptions, helping folk add pictures (occasionally fielding a call from someone who's account had been banned because they posted dick which was saved onto the advisor version of the site as reason for removal, always a fun shock when they called up and we had to explain why they no longer had an account). Two guys came over to work for us who had been about a month at a call-a-psychic place and the stories they told were insane, regulars spending 100s a day. Said they were sickened by it but tbh don't know what they expected in that job.

Likewise, in the 21 odd months I was there I couldn't count the number of folk who got scammed on the dating site. Guys whose accounts get nuked in like a day by the moderators so they convince these women in the first few messages to get offline, then tell them they're a soldier who found diamonds in iraq and need help getting them out of Dubai or some such. Had one women who chucked 100 grand her parents had left her as inheritance at them and was left waiting at Newcastle airport. 

The scale of the examples you gave though still don't make any sense to me, you're right. I guess there's many billions of people out there and platforms give folk a global reach now. 

Additionally, though, the culture war aspect of scams now means no one actually has to really believe Liver King's not on PEDs, by supporting him you are owning your perceived enemies so you can either pretend not to see it or just ignore it.

I'll have to give Coffeezilla a look, the guy who did the PED video on Liver King was very good, although his wider persona seems very odd as well. Bit of a beamer to realise halfway through doing it that he emailed you asking for help with PEDs years ago. Can't believe the guy cast such a wide net looking for help and thought no one would leak it.

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Just now, throbber said:

This was Tates car crash response


Tbf he's got her there, her tweet does suggest that she is the one with small dick energy. I in fact like him now. Also admire his commitment to getting owned in a tweet with a million+ likes and being like "I'll have the last laugh here!"

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15 hours ago, ICTChris said:

Andrew Tate’s dad was a chess grandmaster who worked for the CIA as a linguist #controlledopposition 

Anyway, here’s a Christmas punch up in a Georgia waffle house. I’ve not watched it with the sound on so apologies if they say naughty words.

Textbook chair block from the Waffle House cook, amazing stuff. Get her to lay into Andrew Tate, the c**t wouldn’t last two minutes.

Why can't the folk who film these things stand still and stop shouting so we can hear what the actual fighters are screaming at each other???

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1 hour ago, Detournement said:

The World Cup in America is going to be absolutely wild and there's still another 3.5 years of social decline to come before it kicks off. 



They have already had a World Cup fairly recently so should not have been awarded another one.

Edited by Richey Edwards
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6 minutes ago, Richey Edwards said:

They have already had a World Cup fairly recently so should not have been awarded another one.

TBF, they had two bids to choose from, with the other being Morocco, who will apparently get to host a World Cup roughly around the time of the heat death of the universe.

As the tournament gets bigger, the number of interested parties appears to be decreasing. Plenty of countries willing to declare interest, but presumably the beancounters sit them all down at some point with a list of terrifying numbers, so they drop out. Basically the only people hosting them from here are countries with existing infrastructure, or wealthy regimes who need to sportswash what they've been up to in other areas.

1 minute ago, Richey Edwards said:

I am 32 years old. Are you attempting to claim that I am old now?

You're definitely middle-aged.

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4 minutes ago, Richey Edwards said:

I am 32 years old. Are you attempting to claim that I am old now?

You're not young at least. 

1 minute ago, Brother Blades said:

Is Italy now part of America? Or are you shite at arithmetic? 

1994 to 2026 is 32 years. You must have went to a dodgy school. 

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Just now, Brother Blades said:

Is Italy now part of America? Or are you shite at arithmetic? 

Saying "32 years" is meaningless anyway. It's like when commentators come out with shit like "Arsenal haven't beaten Finklebury Amateurs in 83 years", when that's literally the last time they played each other.

The States last hosted the World Cup seven tournaments ago - that's the actual statistic.

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1 minute ago, Richey Edwards said:

Whenever someone calls me young, I usually reply that if I was a footballer it would nearly be retirement time.

That doesn't stop, by the way. I'm more than a decade older than you and well on the way to looking like Santa Claus, but elderly folk will still refer to me as a "young man".

People remain weirdly in denial about the way time and aging works.

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