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Can kids replace these status symbols? Bit of boasting about how wee Jack or Lily sleeps through the night and has learnt to use the toilet?

Actually, who the f**k boasts about a fucking telly. That man has no penis.
I don't boast about anything I own and I'm in no way materialistic but when it comes to TV's I like Sony and won't buy any other type for my livingroom. I think finding a product you like/prefer is different to what is being discussed here though.
I agree with the point, although if someone has been on a genuinely interesting holiday (like touring South America, not going to Benidorm) then I quite enjoy them talking about it for a bit. 
The nicest place I've been is Cuba. But I've never discussed it any more than say Alcudia. A holiday is for me (and my family). I'll speak about it when I get back and folk ask how it was but outwith that I'll never go on and on. There was a woman at my last place of work who went to Turkey for the last 12 years and would go on and on about it as if it was the first time she'd been. I couldn't care so I assume other folk think that about my holidays and don't go about it.

As if to demonstrate my point, my wee cousin who I'm pretty close to asked me the other day if this holiday will be the first time I've been abroad. She was shocked when I told her I'd been abroad 7 times [emoji38]
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Yeah I wasn’t meaning that I enjoyed people wittering on about their holiday when people aren’t interested. Just that if it’s a bit of an unusual holiday I’ll probably ask more about it and actually want them to talk about it incase it’s something I’m interested in doing myself.

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Yeah, I'm not talking about people actually have interesting discussions about things or experiences.  I'm not even talking about wanting to have nice things (Sony TV or whatever), it's about showing off and boasting about them.  Your possessions, wealth etc don't make you a good or interesting person, they are nice to haves but aren't the defining element of your personality.

A guy I work with is terrible for it - as someone once said about him, if you say you've been to Tenerife, he's been to Elevenerife.   


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Yeah, I'm not talking about people actually have interesting discussions about things or experiences.  I'm not even talking about wanting to have nice things (Sony TV or whatever), it's about showing off and boasting about them.  Your possessions, wealth etc don't make you a good or interesting person, they are nice to haves but aren't the defining element of your personality.
A guy I work with is terrible for it - as someone once said about him, if you say you've been to Tenerife, he's been to Elevenerife.   

Aye I call those people 'Two Shits' - you've just had a dump, they've had two. Funnily enough the woman I mentioned about Turkey is the one from my last workplace. I have one at my current workplace as well. I assume it's a legal requirement for companies to hire at least one?
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7 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

Yeah, I'm not talking about people actually have interesting discussions about things or experiences.  I'm not even talking about wanting to have nice things (Sony TV or whatever), it's about showing off and boasting about them.  Your possessions, wealth etc don't make you a good or interesting person, they are nice to haves but aren't the defining element of your personality.

A guy I work with is terrible for it - as someone once said about him, if you say you've been to Tenerife, he's been to Elevenerife.   


You work with Granny Danger?

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1 hour ago, Scary Bear said:

Can kids replace these status symbols? Bit of boasting about how wee Jack or Lily sleeps through the night and has learnt to use the toilet?

Actually, who the f**k boasts about a fucking telly. That man has no penis.

I like talking to my colleagues about their children - if you want to build good relationships with people you should engage with them on what is important to them, and nothing is more important to someone than their children.  I'd rather hear about what someone has done with their kids than have a banal discussion about the news or something like that.

You can get people who boast about their kids though, although being a new father I am maybe a bit more understanding of that.  I was thrilled when my wee man rolled over onto his side for the first time.

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There's few things uglier than people who are obsessed with their material possessions, boasting and showing off about them.  There's nothing wrong with having nice things or valuing something but when you make having them a central part of your character and try to use them to make other people feel bad about themselves, it marks you out as lacking.
ETA, that's probably not an unpopular opinion.  You do see a lot of people who behave like this though - as I get older I can't believe the number of grown men I encounter who spend significant parts of their life boasting about their car or their television or their latest holiday.
Choose life
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Good one.


He may be the biggest moron on this entire forum, definitely top 5, but he kind of has a point.


ETA... For the record, I don’t not under any circumstance condone the use of the word “whineass”.


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Dogs owners don’t realise how much their animals f**k up a quiet walk or a nice day. Barking, shitting and jumping up on people while you are forced to pretend you like it. “Aww nah it’s ok”

No it’s not okay that you can’t control your pet you dickhead.

I do like dogs but there’s nothing worse than a walking route full of dogs barking and their owners just letting them do whatever.

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10 hours ago, D.A.F.C said:

Dogs owners don’t realise how much their animals f**k up a quiet walk or a nice day. Barking, shitting and jumping up on people while you are forced to pretend you like it. “Aww nah it’s ok”

No it’s not okay that you can’t control your pet you dickhead.

I do like dogs but there’s nothing worse than a walking route full of dogs barking and their owners just letting them do whatever.

The correct etiquette in these situations is to grab the dog 's front paws and push them apart until its heart bursts through its fucking ribcage.

Edited by tongue_tied_danny
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10 hours ago, D.A.F.C said:

Dogs owners don’t realise how much their animals f**k up a quiet walk or a nice day. Barking, shitting and jumping up on people while you are forced to pretend you like it. “Aww nah it’s ok”

No it’s not okay that you can’t control your pet you dickhead.

I do like dogs but there’s nothing worse than a walking route full of dogs barking and their owners just letting them do whatever.

“It’s ok he’ll no bite you, he’s just playin’”

Get your fucking slavering dog away from before I batter it.

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Dogs owners don’t realise how much their animals f**k up a quiet walk or a nice day. Barking, shitting and jumping up on people while you are forced to pretend you like it. “Aww nah it’s ok”
No it’s not okay that you can’t control your pet you dickhead.
I do like dogs but there’s nothing worse than a walking route full of dogs barking and their owners just letting them do whatever.

Pick it up, chuck it in the river.
Yours truly,
Slippery P.
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