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Out of the mouth of babes...


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Two crackers in two days....


Her: £100m would be nice. We could open an Italian restaurant. And it could sell Chilli Con Carne...

Me: how can an Italian place sell Chilli?

Her: Under the "European Dishes" part of the menu

You can dissect the multiple wrongs there..


(Whilst eating chicken) "this can't be chicken. Seriously, look at it. What does a wildebeest look like?"

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  • 3 weeks later...

Had a wee conversation with the wife about the end of Star Wars episode 3...

Me: "Wonder how Padme still has a bump when she's had the bairns?"

Wife: "They probably stuffed something up her dress to make it look like she didn't have the kids in case Darth Vader turned up at the funeral."

Me: "Do you think Darth Vader would have been welcome at her funeral?"

Wife : "He might go in disguise!"

Me: "Aye, he'd be easy to disguise right enough."

Edited by Andy C
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  • 6 months later...

Girlfriend was looking at Facebook this morning. Something was clearly troubling her, so I asked what it was that was puzzling her, to which she replied -

"does Evander Holyfield really have 11 children to 13 different women?"

Burst out laughing, "not unless he's impregnated two sets of siamese twins"

She looked confused, before the penny eventually dropped, "ah yeah, that's too many mums isn't it?"

Yes, yes it is dear.

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Had a wee conversation with the wife about the end of Star Wars episode 3...

Me: "Wonder how Padme still has a bump when she's had the bairns?"

Wife: "They probably stuffed something up her dress to make it look like she didn't have the kids in case Darth Vader turned up at the funeral."

Me: "Do you think Darth Vader would have been welcome at her funeral?"

Wife : "He might go in disguise!"

Me: "Aye, he'd be easy to disguise right enough."

I'm just imagining the breathing sound from the 8ft guy at the back of the crowd as the minister asks for silence.

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Watching James Bond the other night. Don't like it so cannae really remember what one it was or what was happening but it was a scene between M and Bond in which M wasn't too happy.

She was giving it the big one and Bond was hitting out with the 'Yes Ma'am, no Ma'am' stuff when all of sudden some rapscallion pops outta nowhere and starts shooting and it appears Judy Dench took one or two bullets.

"Oh my God, they've shot Ma'am!!!" came the excited response from the girlfriend.

"eh, ma'am's not her real name dear"

"What? Oh. "

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Watching James Bond the other night. Don't like it so cannae really remember what one it was or what was happening but it was a scene between M and Bond in which M wasn't too happy.

She was giving it the big one and Bond was hitting out with the 'Yes Ma'am, no Ma'am' stuff when all of sudden some rapscallion pops outta nowhere and starts shooting and it appears Judy Dench took one or two bullets.

"Oh my God, they've shot Ma'am!!!" came the excited response from the girlfriend.

"eh, ma'am's not her real name dear"

"What? Oh. "

You can't tell her her M's real name or she'll have her shot ;)

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Get a few crackers at my work.

Girl: Africa is such a massive country eh?

Me: You mean continent?

Girl: eh?


Also had a girl who got confused with how much change to give back to a customer. The change was a single penny. I wasn't sure if she was serious or having a laugh. Probably serious!

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I was watching Formula 1 a few months ago while my wife was sitting beside me flicking through a magazine. Jenson Button was on the camera at the time and she pipes up excitedly "Is he the one who gets younger all the time?"

I looked at her quizzically.

"Benjamin Button dear, that's a different person "

"Oh" came the reply.

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My step-brother and his partner were visiting us over Christmas before going home to Tenerife, where they live and work. She made several comments about going home to Spain and it transpired that she was seemingly unaware that Tenerife is an island off the North African coast. Because it's a Spanish dependency, she just thought it was part of Spain, despite it being nowhere near Spain and despite the fact that she lives there.

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Watching James Bond the other night. Don't like it so cannae really remember what one it was or what was happening but it was a scene between M and Bond in which M wasn't too happy.

She was giving it the big one and Bond was hitting out with the 'Yes Ma'am, no Ma'am' stuff when all of sudden some rapscallion pops outta nowhere and starts shooting and it appears Judy Dench took one or two bullets.

"Oh my God, they've shot Ma'am!!!" came the excited response from the girlfriend.

"eh, ma'am's not her real name dear"

"What? Oh. "

You can't tell her her M's real name or she'll have her shot ;)

Lyn Marie.

I don't know the girl so I care not one jot if she gets shot.

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Lyn Marie.

I don't know the girl so I care not one jot if she gets shot.

I read that completely wrong and was all set to boot your nadgers for a minute there. Then I read it again and decided it would be unjustified and therefore mean.

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I once heard Johnstone being described as 'the bit paisley shat oot'

Summed the place up perfectly for me.

And not a good shite. One involving a curry, Mexican, Guinness and a kebab heading up the road.

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I was changing the head on one of those Vileda floor mops the other day which required the removal of four small screws. As you can imagine they were quite rusty due to being submerged in water so often and I was having difficulty getting them to turn. The Mrs, helpful as ever piped up, 'there's some UB40 in the cupboard under the sink'.

Unfortunately that wasn't much help but I did get a good chorus or 2 of 'Red Red Wine' while I got the screws turning using some WD40 which just happened to be in the same cupboard

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my other half has had a few corkers recently, my favourite was telling me Cork should be the capital of Eire not Dublin, just like Melbourne should be the capital of Australia not Sydney.

she spent a year in Australia a couple of years back...

when finding out about my folks holiday to las vegas, she asked them if they will be playing Russian roulette,

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my other half has had a few corkers recently, my favourite was telling me Cork should be the capital of Eire not Dublin, just like Melbourne should be the capital of Australia not Sydney.

she spent a year in Australia a couple of years back...

when finding out about my folks holiday to las vegas, she asked them if they will be playing Russian roulette,

Is this the point where someone points out Sydney isn't the Australian capital?

It isn't Melbourne either tho, but that's not the point.

Cork instead of Dublin is really quite stupid tho.

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