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Out of the mouth of babes...


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The girl is really bad for this sort off stuff, she's a bright girl but every so often won't think and say something ridiculous.

She thought that the team from Manchester was just Manchester City United and wondered how Rooney could possibly score against Joe Hart if they both play for Manchester.

She also thought that Yaya and Kolo Toure were the same person after hearing hearing the song and just assumed that the Yaya part was a way of chanting something similar to yes :lol:

She also once asked me if Morroco is really in Africa after her friend moved there for a year. I said yes and she just looked at me and went "Oh i thought it was a seperate country inside Spain like Barcelona" the look I got when I told her Barcelona wasn't a country either was fantastic.

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Is this the point where someone points out Sydney isn't the Australian capital?

It isn't Melbourne either tho, but that's not the point.

Cork instead of Dublin is really quite stupid tho.

She's from cork which is her reasoning, much better than Dublin in her eyes.

Oh and she knew straight away when she said Sydney and not Canberra that I was going to rip her for it.

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You may need to re-read your post.

her comment was 'like Melbourne should be, not Sydney '

May be useful if I used quotation marks for what she said.

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Oh I see, so double fail.

very much so, she keeps it interesting with these wee insights. She's actually quite bright (don't tell her I said that) which make these random musings all the funnier.
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An ex girlfriend and I were flying from Glasgow to London and I remember she couldn't get over the bad luck she was having weather wise. "isn't that bloody typical? When we leave Glasgow it's torrential rain and then it's pissing it down again when we get to London - but all the way down the weather was beautiful. What's the odds on that?"

She had great tits though.

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I went out with a girl years ago who was learning to drive. She was a reasonably intelligent girl but a horrendous driver, actually dangerous. I remember one time when I was giving her a driving lesson in my own car, as we approached a junction and I told her to take a left she said "your left or mine?" :lol:

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When watching David Blunket (then a member of the Labour Government Cabinet) making a statement on the news my then girlfriend proclaimed that he was "obviously" reading it from a teleprompter.......

It was then I told her that he was blind! :P

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In nearly 20 years of teaching History I have heard a few belters:

I had one girl who when shown the Lord Kitchener Propaganda poster from WW1 asked whether it was the guy from the Pringles Crisps adverts . The same girl was also adamant that no women fought in WW1 as the pink machine gun hadn't been invented yet.

We have a group of exchange students from Norway in our school and when I introduced a few of the Norwegian kids to the rest of the class one of the local kids piped up " where is Norwegia anyway??"

One girl asked if people having laser surgery on their eyes actually had their eyes removed , operated on and then "fitted back in "

When explaining to one girl how 9/11 actually took place on September 11th and not November 9th she asked if she would have to change her birthday from June 4th to April 6th if she ever moved to America

One boy argued for nearly 10 minutes that a tonne of feathers could not possibly weigh the same as a tonne of bricks

Will try to rack my brains for a few more .....

Brilliant thread this - some absolute crackers on here - the one earlier about Stephen a Hawking being American as he has an American accent had me in tears !!

Good Work folks !!!!

:) :)

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Conversation in the car today whilst off the ball was on talking about Albion Rovers letting folk in for quid.

Missus. Albion Rovers, are they a real team?


Are you sure?


As in Roy of the Rovers?


Is he real?


But his team are?

Albion Rovers are real, Roy of the Rovers was melchester Rovers

Oh. Where are they from.then?


Oh you mean Hamilton acccies?

Radio gets turned right up.

Edited by invergowrie arab
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That's me caught up. Great Bumps. Some hilarious stories in there. Have to be honest and say my wife has a lapse very rarely so can't think of any for her off the top of my head. The ones I can think of:-

Playing Articulate (genuine answer, feck knows how her brain works, my only defence is that you have seconds to think and it all happens so quickly in the game)

Wife: "First part of the word - It flies, has feathers, has a beak."

Mother-in-law: "A bird?!"

Wife: "Right! Second part of the word - You can keep that in this, or hamsters or rats etc."

Mother-in-law: "A cage?"

Wife: "Yes!!! Now put them the gether to get the word!"

Mother-in-law: "Tweetie-pie?!"

Complete face palm!

My younger cousin is quite ditzy at times. We were watching The Chase one night and some question came up like:-

"What is the highest mountain in Japan?"

Me: "C'mon then Rhiann, you've got a higher in Geography."

Rhiann: "Aye, so what?"

Me: "Well you should ken the answer!"

Rhiann: "What's that got to dae wae Geography?"


Another time I tried something so stupid even I thought she wouldn't fall for it. You should try this if you haven't already, just to see who in your life is extremely stupid!

I had just left my nana's house and she was still there. I phoned her from my mobile about a minute after having left the house:-

Me: "Rhiann? Do me a favour and see if you can see my mobile lying about, I think I've left it on the chair."

Rhiann: ".....No I canny see it."

My Uncle in background: "What are you looking for?

Rhiann: "Daniel said he's left his mobile here"

Uncle: "Aye? How is he talking to you the now then?"

Rhiann: "....Aw very funny Daniel!!!"


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I went out with a girl years ago who was learning to drive. She was a reasonably intelligent girl but a horrendous driver, actually dangerous. I remember one time when I was giving her a driving lesson in my own car, as we approached a junction and I told her to take a left she said "your left or mine?" :lol:

My partner has been driving for 20 years and she's still like that! :lol:

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An ex of mine complained that an oncoming car still had its lights on.

I explained that it was a Volvo and the lights were always on.

She took great exception to this and insisted I was talking bollocks.

Cue me pointing out the "on" status of the lights of every Volvo we saw from then on, which only made her angrier and she claimed it was just coincidences.

A less-than-apologetic climb down followed when we reached her folks' house and she asked her dad about it.

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