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The Metalhead thread


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I believe that is the seventh time I have seen Machine Head in Glasgow, and the magic never fades - one of the best live bands out there, they always deliver! There was definitely something special about tonight, it just seemed like everyone was waiting with anticipation, and the band gave a performance that showed they were four guys at their peak.


I Am Hell

Be Still And Know


Beautiful Mourning

The Blood, The Sweat, The Tears


This Is The End

Aesthetics Of Hate


Darkness Within


Ten Ton Hammer

Who We Are




I'm not a particular fan of Locust, but it got an amazing reception - people were going crazy for it. As always TBTSTT & Bulldozer come over much better live than on record. The outro of Davidian seemed even heavier than it normally does, perfect way to sign off tonight. My highlights were Darkness Within & Halo - absolutely EPIC!!

I was disappointed to hear so much booing and chanting between BMTH songs. I think prior to tonight I had heard one BMTH song, and everything else I knew about them was from people bitching about them online saying they were scene fags/style over substance/bring me the haircuts etc. I thought they put on a good live show, and would be interested in checking out some of their records. I just don't get why people get so angry with a band that they would want to sit through their songs, only to boo. Why not go to the bar and talk to your mates instead?

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I was disappointed to hear so much booing and chanting between BMTH songs. I think prior to tonight I had heard one BMTH song, and everything else I knew about them was from people bitching about them online saying they were scene fags/style over substance/bring me the haircuts etc. I thought they put on a good live show, and would be interested in checking out some of their records. I just don't get why people get so angry with a band that they would want to sit through their songs, only to boo. Why not go to the bar and talk to your mates instead?

Agree totally with this. A small minority of MH fans are total p***ks.

MH were excellent tonight as per despite the shitty venue. Didn't really dig the first two songs but from Imperium onwards it went from strength to strength. Fucking loved Davidian.

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I thought every band on tonights bill were fantastic. Special mention to BMTH and Machine Head.

Darkest hour are a band I hadnt heard a thing of before going, and was well impressed with the,m, they came over great.

Devil Driver, in my eyes the worst band of the night ( not that this is an insult to them they were excellent just not as good as the other 3)

BMTH.One of my absolute favourite bands , this was my fourth time seeing them this year alone. Worth the ticket price alone to see the reaction of all the " Metul \m/" guys. People spitting at the band throwing shoes the whole lot. However, BMTH just seemed to lap up the energy and put on a fantastic performance. I dont get the absolute hate for them however, they are heavy as f**k and are amazing live. I guess its what they get for being the poster boys of that scene. If they looked like Machine Head and put out the same music they would be loved in my oppinion

Iv even seen them take the same abuse they took tonight, booing and throwing etc at their own headline show in March. Point in paying money to boo a band and throw stuff at them and leave? :lol:

Machine F**KIN Head. They are easily, without a doubt THE best metal band on the planet today and one of the best if not THE best live act on the circut. To echo what the poster above said I was seeing them for the fourth time in Glasgow tonight, but tonight was just....special somehow. The crowd were insane, the band were untouchable, scarily effortless at points.

Worth the money. Long live Machine head

Edited by Zizou-5
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I thought they put on a good live show, and would be interested in checking out some of their records.

If its sheer heaviness you are looking for id reccomend "sucide season", but if your looking for heaviness but a bit of style and more power then "There is a hell believe me iv seen it there is a heaven lets keep it a secret" ( In my oppinion the best record out last year) would be the best place to start

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Been feeling ill for a while so decided to just turn up for Machine Head and stand at the back(my mate was there at doors) so I didn't see any of the support, I heard someone threw a shoe at one of the BMTH guys, missing him only for the BMTH guy to throw it back and hit him in the face.

Even though I wasn't involved in the crowd like I usually am, it was still a great gig. Second time I've seen Machine Head, both times have been early December. First time was on the anniversary of Dimebag's death and today is three days before it, it just makes Aesthetics of Hate that little bit better. Halo and Davidian were the other two stand outs.

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Guest Bushel o' Bricks

It really was an absolutely incredible gig last night. Darkest Hour got the crowd going nicely with some surprisingly huge pits, and I thought Devildriver were actually really good. Machine Head were absolutely incredible; coming from someone who doesn't know any of their songs, I was genuinely stunned at just how good they were. The band were simply mesmerising and the pits were insane.

As for BMTH - well, they were just the same as ever: absolutely incredible from start to finish. The way in which they capture the emotion of their songs in their live performances, and the way these songs are every bit as powerful live as on record, simply makes it an amazing experience to see them. It would have been nice if they'd had a slightly longer set - would have loved to hear Crucify Me or The Sadness Will Never End again - but no complaints having seen them three times in the last year.

Also, the crowd reaction to BMTH wasn't actually as bad as I'd expected - certainly down the front, fans of the band by far outnumbered the closed-minded, ignorant 'tr00 metalheads!!11!!' Do these guys not release it was their beloved Machine Head who asked BMTH to tour with them? Either way, just like at Bullet last year, they didn't detract from the enjoyment of their performance; it actually makes it that bit more personal. Utterly phenomenal band.

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Also, I was cringing when the crowd started singing Flower of Scotland. They did it at Maiden as well(last gig I was at) but that at least makes some sense given how much Maiden push the British thing but with Machine Head? Just seemed like over the top national-pride bullshit. I don't even think Rob Flynn realised what was going on, he walked back on and then they started chanting Machine Fucking Head and then he smiled etc.

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I dont care what BMTH look like, or if their "scene" kids or whatever. I dislike them because tonight I genuinely couldn't make out any sort of decent riff, melody or lyrics. It just came across to me as screaming noise that looks fancy because they have a good light show and a frontman who runs about a lot. But each to their own, I just personally dont get it with BMTH or that kind of music. And folk throwing stuff at bands, any bands, even Nickelback, are absolute gimps of the highest order.

Wait no, its okay to bottle Bullet for my Valentine. Not only is their music shite, but they come across as complete cocks in any interview Ive seen or read.

Anyways, Machine Head tonight were absolutely flawless. I've seen them at Download and supporting Metallica twice, but tonight was just over and above anything I had expected.


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Also, I was cringing when the crowd started singing Flower of Scotland. They did it at Maiden as well(last gig I was at) but that at least makes some sense given how much Maiden push the British thing but with Machine Head? Just seemed like over the top national-pride bullshit. I don't even think Rob Flynn realised what was going on, he walked back on and then they started chanting Machine Fucking Head and then he smiled etc.

Same thing happened during Trivium at the Barras last March. The drummer ripped his snare drum so while he was getting it taped up, Matt Heafy was having some banter with the fans and they started singing Flower Of Scotland. He had to ask "what song is that?" :lol:

Here's a video of it...


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