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10 hours ago, gav-ffc said:

Anyone holding off signing up for the Bairnforlife scheme until they see what happens in January with the funds? Would've thought membership would've been a lot higher than it currently is. 

I'm in B4L and am also very dissapointed with the uptake.

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Comparison to last season’s record breaking Brechin side. After 6 games:
Brechin had 2 points. We have 0.
Brechin had 5 goals. We have 3.
Brechin lost 14 goals. We have lost 13.
Brechin GD -9. We have a GD of -10
To date, we are matching them pretty closely, and are behind them in only 3 of the 4 meaningful measures. Gulp.
Its good to know our defence is performing a wee bit better than theirs....
One of their points was against us though...

Does that count?

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2 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

One of their points was against us though...

Does that count?


Yes, it does. As you know full well, if we played against ourselves in a Schroedinger league match, both Falkirks would lose.

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7 hours ago, knee jerk reaction said:

Not me, if the bairns for life scheme had an option, so say half goes to fund players and half goes to buy shares in the club, I'd put in more than a tenner a month anytime! As it is, we could quite easily have been giving Hartley more cash for new players in January with the bairns for life cash. The heart of the scheme is in the right place but i can't buy into it the way it is, cash from the scheme should be buying shares and giving fans a bigger stake and say in the club

I can't understand why the money raised by B4L isn't used to buy newly issued shares in the Club. In turn that cash generated could be used to buy players as well as providing a voice for fans which is sadly missing presently.  Our current structure, remember the Henderson debacle at a recent AGM, means that there is effectively no oversight of the BoD; given what has gone on in recent months this is not a good thing. 


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50 minutes ago, Bainsfordbairn said:

It seems ironic that people are now looking for a fans organisation to buy shares when a few years back one existed to do just that. And that it ultimately folded because of lack of fan support.

Or at least I think it did; maybe it still exists legally and those shares are in abeyance somewhere waiting for someone to claim them. Or were they owned by individual fans and the Trust had proxy to use them for  voting at things like AGMs?

If folk are wanting a new fans shareholding group I'd suggest finding out what the status is with the previous one. I think BPM may have been the last ever Chairman of it. Brian Guthrie would certainly know.




The club held two supporters' open evenings last year with reps from St Mirren, Motherwell and Hearts fans groups to share their story and to see if there was interest in fan/community ownership.

30 turned up to the first one and less than 10 for the second one.

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Nothing will happen without a major crisis. Our current predicament is not perceived to be that crisis. There are as many believing that there is no way to avoid this  outcome as there are saying something is badly wrong.

Edited by Duncan Freemason
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Back to work next week but training report for Friday -

McKee although strapped up all week is taking part today so could feature tomorrow....???

Jordan McGhee (unbelievably) is training. Fair play to him. Hopefully not stupidity on his part. Cracking attitude though.

Outfield squad of 28 including the trialist and I think Anton Rodgers are out on the park.

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11 hours ago, Russ said:


He’s just not very good. His constant backing off and refusing to put a tackle in completely infuriates me.

His performance on Saturday was absolutely pathetic.


The completely refusing to tackle part can be aimed at any one of our defenders

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1 hour ago, Back Post Misses said:

Brian Guthrie is the Chairman.

It has over 90,000 shares

When I was the Chair for the first time we pulled all the supporters clubs and other groups together and the MSG and Board at the time did everything they could to try and split it up again. They launched a review looking at how the club was run and structured and before it was even finished kicked the fans group off the Board. I remember the time well. It got pretty nasty and want pretty threatening from the clubs side.

IIRC, they replaced the Trust Board rep with what they called a fans council.

I've no idea if that's still going but if it is there is no communication from the people involved as to what they're being told by the club. I think BG was on it, possibly because he was the last remaining Trust person and so ended up as the default spokesman for those 90,000 shareholders.

Apart from BFL there doesn't appear to be any group left who communicate with the wider fanbase. While plenty slaughtered the old Bairnstrust, at least they were visible.



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1 hour ago, Factoids said:

The club held two supporters' open evenings last year with reps from St Mirren, Motherwell and Hearts fans groups to share their story and to see if there was interest in fan/community ownership.

30 turned up to the first one and less than 10 for the second one.

Confirms my opinion that alot of folk much prefer moaning on forums than actually doing anything constructive for their club. There lies the evidence.

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10 minutes ago, Long Suffering Bairn said:

Nice to see Kevin O'Hara getting a game with the Junior Bairns.  If he works hard he'll be ready for the first team in about 10 years.


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I think 10 years might be optimistic. He can't even get in the Stenhousmuir team at the bottom of league 1.

Edited by EdiBairn
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Good to see that Sheps is still seething at every mention of Kevin O’Hara.

4 starts and 1 sub appearance from the 5 league games he was available for btw. But aye he can’t get in the team.
Sheps is a fucking mess on here, and has nothing to say regarding football. Exists purely to slag folk off.
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5 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:
7 minutes ago, Russ said:
Good to see that Sheps is still seething at every mention of Kevin O’Hara.

4 starts and 1 sub appearance from the 5 league games he was available for btw. But aye he can’t get in the team.

Sheps is a fucking mess on here, and has nothing to say regarding football. Exists purely to slag folk off.

He’s not even the best striker at Edinburgh City poor soul.

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One of the first at training this morning as well as Monday. Also having a guise and a joke with McKinnon on the park. So out the fuckin picture like.

Are you able to confirm if Dan Turner is a real thing? Or was it some sort of sick joke Hartley was playing on us?
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12 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:
14 minutes ago, Russ said:

Are you able to confirm if Dan Turner is a real thing? Or was it some sort of sick joke Hartley was playing on us?

You get them out the same catalogue as I got my Tom Owen-Evans. Had to send it back though.

Owen-Evans makes my all time worst Falkirk XI as it stands.

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