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The Falkirk FC Thread

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It's time the anonymous keyboard warrior behind the club statement was pushed forward to either retract or further explain the content.

"racist abuse directed at Dennon Lewis by it's own supporters"

"The individuals in question"

"growing number of unacceptable incidents of abuse by Falkirk fans"

" it is entirely unacceptable for supporters to abuse our players and staff" 

"extremely personal attacks on individuals"

You can't just make these claims & pass them off as fact without being able to back them up, or indeed go completely silent on the matter leaving the player himself to deal with the fall-out.

I honestly didn't think we could do worse than George Craig. 



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I'm not sure why Lang seems to be taking all the heat here while Campbell's getting off lightly. Craig Campbell is employed as a paid CEO to run the club on  day-to-day basis. The club has only gone one way since he came in with his 'Falkirk is  championship club' rubbish and it hasn't been upwards. Margaret Lang is just a figurehead and getting rid of her wouldn't make a blind bit of difference. At least she's been visible while Campbell seems to have vanished in recent months.
Craig Campbell is responsible for the majority of the issues that have happened and he's the one who needs to go.

Lang runs the show there is no doubt about that 100%
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So when can we expect an apology to be issued by the club?

They have essentially fabricated a story and ran with it, they have nationally accused an innocent man, who I believe from reading on here would have had a lovely Friday evening in Falkirk's holding cells at her majesty’s pleasure, possibly nicked at work (that must have been a fucking hoot this time of year).  This isn’t fucking acceptable. The man has been found innocent of racism, this is exactly the witch hunt I referred to a few pages back orchestrated by the club. A relative of the player takes umbrage to someone calling their son ‘shite’ or something along these lines (which he fucking is) and fuels a race war. You’d think with a lawyer on the board they would know the importance of ‘alleged’.

On the 9th minute I personally sat on my arse in the south stand and never bothered with the demonstration because I know my club well enough from going week in week out that racism has never been an issue. Sure there has been the odd remark but this has always been shouted down and the pished individual put in his place. Credit to the chap who organised it, he did so with good intentions and it was good to see. But the lack of any acknowledgment from the club about it (it’s a PR dream for the football club, a fan organised display against racism) is frankly absurd and perplexing.

The board has shammed the name of the supporters here, they have brought our reputation into disrepute, not for the first time recently. I can’t help but feel this was used as a smokescreen to hide one of the most humiliating defeats in the clubs recent history. They have ripped the arse out of the club in a staggeringly short time and with the general level of apathy amongst the fans on the terraces at the moment we could be in real trouble when it comes to season ticket renewal next year.

On a personal note, I hope the individual is contemplating taking the club to the fucking cleaners after these false accusations. 

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1 minute ago, AsimButtHitsASix said:

Falkirk took the word of one of their employees. The fabricated nothing. The only person who can be accused of fabricating anything is Dennon Lewis. Do you think he lied?

I personally think that he's been misinformed.  Apparently he never heard the abuse himself and it was reported to him after the match and he obviously trusted the individual who told him that it was of a racist nature.

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I believe ML is receiving undeserved flak on here. She is a great supporter of the club. There is a role for people like her who give up their time to do a job for fellow supporters.That role perhaps shouldn't be as a leader but it's unfair that a lady lawyer without any ownership of the club or experience in running a fitba team should be expected to perform miracles in what is a very tough arena. . The club needs a commited owner who can wheel n deal in a complex market that's full of  shrewd characters and chancers with a track record of winning against the odds. In the absence of one coming forward then sadly we will probably continue to be mediocre. Maybe Mr Alloa has taken them as far as he can and would fancy a shot at running a bigger club who should be in the top league. Just a thought! 



Edited by Stainrod
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Even with an open-goal to put this sorry mess to bed with some face saving, the Grahamston Bouncers blunder in with “fabrication”, “poor lad found innocent” and my favourite....”most likely just heard someone shout ‘he’s shite’ and misheard it as a racist slur based around the word shit”......well played boys! 

Edited by Christophe
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Even with an open-goal to put this sorry mess to bed with some face saving, the Grahamston Bouncers blunder in with “fabrication”, “poor lad found innocent” and my favourite....”most likely just heard someone shout ‘he’s shite’ and misheard it as a racist slur based around the word shit”......well played boys! 

f**k up
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7 minutes ago, Christophe said:

Even with an open-goal to put this sorry mess to bed with some face saving, the Grahamston Bouncers blunder in with “fabrication”, “poor lad found innocent” and my favourite....”most likely just heard someone shout ‘he’s shite’ and misheard it as a racist slur based around the word shit”......well played boys! 

The facts.

The club issue a public statement calling out an act of racism on the terraces from hearsay. This turns into a feeding frenzy for the media.

They identify this man to the police. 

He gets arrested, questioned and it is found he is innocent of what he is being accused of. 

That's it. The law has found that this man made no racist comment. What fucking part of this do you struggle with, how would you like to be falsely accused of something. We live in a country where everyone is assumed innocent until found guilty and personally I'd fight tooth and nail to keep it that way even if it meant defending someone that was guilty of a crime right up until the judgement of the courts and jury was reached. 

You have also twisted and miss quoted nearly all of what you have quoted from above. 

And know what he's still fucking awful. 


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Falkirk took the word of one of their employees. The fabricated nothing. The only person who can be accused of fabricating anything is Dennon Lewis. Do you think he lied?
It seems to be pretty well accepted that Dennon was told by someone else that something was said.

No "blame" for any misinterpretation can go Dennons way.
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9 minutes ago, moanthebairns said:

The facts.

The club issue a public statement calling out an act of racism on the terraces from hearsay. This turns into a feeding frenzy for the media.

They identify this man to the police. 

He gets arrested, questioned and it is found he is innocent of what he is being accused of. 

That's it. The law has found that this man made no racist comment. What fucking part of this do you struggle with, how would you like to be falsely accused of something. We live in a country where everyone is assumed innocent until found guilty and personally I'd fight tooth and nail to keep it that way even if it meant defending someone that was guilty of a crime right up until the judgement of the courts and jury was reached. 

You have also twisted and miss quoted nearly all of what you have quoted from above. 

And know what he's still fucking awful. 



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21 minutes ago, Christophe said:

Even with an open-goal to put this sorry mess to bed with some face saving, the Grahamston Bouncers blunder in with “fabrication”, “poor lad found innocent” and my favourite....”most likely just heard someone shout ‘he’s shite’ and misheard it as a racist slur based around the word shit”......well played boys! 

The club made a statement saying Dennon was racially abused by a Falkirk fan. We now know, through the correct procedures, he wasn't. 

You keep on making complete shite up though. You seem to have a nack for it. 

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