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The Falkirk FC Thread

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I agree with Van Damage re Brockville. Look back misty eyed all the time, and would love to still be there, but in my time there there were far more weeks where it was poorly attended with a nothing atmosphere than blood and thunder, packed out crowds. 

Good Brockville beats the piss out of good TFS, but overall atmosphere wise they are much of a muchness for the most part. 

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20 hours ago, Blame Me said:

Agree but selling more advertising is where it might come unstuck. 

Alternatively build it and use it for permanent flags or slogans. Even a contemporary mural/artwork to block off some of the corner space perhaps. 

Shouldn’t be a problem, prime advertising space.

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1 hour ago, Harry Kinnear said:

Going back to the ultra groups and the whole ultra scene I really don’t have a problem with it. Don’t get me wrong,  I am way past getting involved in any of that stuff by probably about 40 years and I find it strange that any grown adult over a certain age wants to get involved in it but if that’s what floats their boat who am I to judge.

Are we all so fickle that if a group of youngsters from the Falkirk area got themselves together and wanted to follow the team home and away whilst creating displays, banging drums and setting off pyros we would hunt them. If that’s the case then for me that’s sad. Whatever it takes to attract youngsters to follow the Bairns and keep them coming back and away from supporting the likes of the arse cheeks then so be it. The atmosphere at our games is shit and a lot of the younger kids that sit in my vicinity in the South spend there time on their phones probably dragged there by parents trying like my Dad did to make sure allegiance’s stick.

I’m not saying I would enjoy the constant banging of a drum and I would probably make sure I had paracetamol with me but if that’s the current trend for youngsters at games then so be it. Us old foggies shouldn’t pick faults in it. Stick them in the corner of the Main Stand next to the away fans and let them do their thing. Who knows it might attract more youngsters to our games. 

Probably an unpopular opinion but so be it.

All good apart from the drums!

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59 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

I agree with Van Damage re Brockville. Look back misty eyed all the time, and would love to still be there, but in my time there there were far more weeks where it was poorly attended with a nothing atmosphere than blood and thunder, packed out crowds. 

Good Brockville beats the piss out of good TFS, but overall atmosphere wise they are much of a muchness for the most part. 

Would you rather have Brockville or a mini Tynecastle?

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12 hours ago, Back Post Misses said:

It is just a cringe fest. WTF was that banner all about the other night? 

Pars fan and all round Good Guy Stuart Adamson's Big Country lyrics "in a Big Country, dreams stay with you". Country changed to Citcy befitting the change in status of the Auld Grey Toun. Much better than the usual generic "this is our home"/"we live and die for the shirt"/"standard Madchester group lyric" you normally get at these things. 

In terms of ultra groups and the like, mostly it's a bit of harmless fun. We aren't going to get ultras like they do in Italy where they stork the training ground after a bad result or chuck scooters off the top tier, or stab rival fans/police etc but they add a bit of colour and crucially noise at the games. Probably not needed for derby games etc but certainly improves the atmosphere for games v Clyde, Edinburgh, Hamilton etc who barely bring a bus load to the games.

I'm surprised there isn't a group at Falkirk tbh. You can talk about them being 14 and 15 year old daft laddies and that's correct but they'll soon be the ones who are working, buying full price season tickets, then when they get older and settle down they bring their kids etc. I wasn't in any ultra group or interested in fighting or anything like that in the 80s but I went with all my schoolmates who were between 13 and 16 and most of us still support the Pars. It's a natural progression of things IMO. Start off going mainly to see Sammy the Tammy, get a bit older and start paying attention to the games, start taking an interest in the chants and singing and rivalries, then grow out of that and start watching the game more analytically (posting on fora like this one), then as you get older still move into the Main Stand and maybe go to fewer away games. Surely you'd want the local youngsters getting a taste for Falkirk rather than supporting the two cheeks? The number of Pars kits worn by boys and girls has noticeably increased in recent years, especially I'm schools.

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Guest Wind Chime Jimmy

The young guys at East End have made a difference to East End atmosphere. The club under Ross McArthur started to work with the youngsters. Cleverly identified a lad Jason Canning as someone who had potential value in regards to bridging the gap between the club and the young team. Jason does good work regarding arranging, banners, flags. Tifo displays etc. The club helped out. I'm sure Ross McArthur paid for a few flags, or banners. The new CEO David Cook has been getting a representation from the young team along to the supporters meetings at the club. There's value in social inclusion. What value is there in chastising and alienating young supporters? It's best to work with them, help create a unity and common bond. To me it's just common sense. 

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Guest Wind Chime Jimmy
1 hour ago, Ranaldo Bairn said:

Fuxake Jimmy. If you carry on posting sensible, well written posts like that you'll lose your status around here!

The arsehole banter provided is exclusively for the run up to matches. Watch for a revision come April.

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20 minutes ago, NavyBlueArmy1876 said:

Despite Tuesday night's disappointment sales seem to be going pretty well, only the green seats are actually available 



Cos it's the Cup, can we get to Monday afternoon and lob out a free Freeby tickets to the schools or youth teams to try and fill the stand or would that not be allowed? 

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3 hours ago, PedroMoutinho said:

Imo the atmosphere at TFS can be great for the right game and occasion- just look at the Hibs play off semi.

I also think TFS has helped to attract much more diverse crowds than was the case at brockville.

Whoever signed off the design for the stands at TFS should get hunted.

Angle of the grandstand seating

Too many rows back

The roof is hopeless it dissipates any noise created and does not do its job of keeping the weather out 

Suspect we could have had 4 smaller stands for the money spent with the potential to increase capacity by filling in the corners in the right financial and commercial circumstances.

All that was needed was a design for the clubs requirements but got a vested interest ego trip instead.


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20 minutes ago, HopeStreetWalker said:

Whoever signed off the design for the stands at TFS should get hunted.

Angle of the grandstand seating

Too many rows back

The roof is hopeless it dissipates any noise created and does not do its job of keeping the weather out 

Suspect we could have had 4 smaller stands for the money spent with the potential to increase capacity by filling in the corners in the right financial and commercial circumstances.

All that was needed was a design for the clubs requirements but got a vested interest ego trip instead.


Personally I’d far rather have our imposing main stand than the Lego domes that the likes of Livingston and St Mirren have gone for 

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10 minutes ago, HopeStreetWalker said:

Whoever signed off the design for the stands at TFS should get hunted.

Angle of the grandstand seating

Too many rows back

The roof is hopeless it dissipates any noise created and does not do its job of keeping the weather out 

Suspect we could have had 4 smaller stands for the money spent with the potential to increase capacity by filling in the corners in the right financial and commercial circumstances.

All that was needed was a design for the clubs requirements but got a vested interest ego trip instead.


Totally disagree about the roofs tbh. The design is much nicer architecturally and gives the stadium far more presence than the likes of St Mirren's Lego look. Just needs a 4th stand and Falkirk back in the Premiership to be magnificent 

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The main stand needs a few more side panels like the south stand has. Would create a better atmosphere but more importantly would protect the fans from the wind and rain, nothing like sitting 12 or 14 rows back in the centre of the main stand paying for a prime seat then getting soaked to the skin and then the wind screaming over you for 2 hours. It's freezing no matter what you wear. Wouldn't cost too much and could be paid for by a sponsor who could get branding on it 

Edited by bridge of allan bairn
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34 minutes ago, PedroMoutinho said:

Personally I’d far rather have our imposing main stand than the Lego domes that the likes of Livingston and St Mirren have gone for 

Yes, it’s maybe not everyone’s choice, but still proud as hell every time I go into the stadium or pass the main stand. Still think if we ever get to building a fourth stand and do something with the corners, it will be a hellava lot better. 

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Have to agree re the ultras being a good thing (asides from when throwing stuff onto the pitch). But the atmosphere they create and will then sustain for the future is undeniably great for their teams. 

I think a similar group at Falkirk could in itself massively change the atmosphere at TFS. Let's be honest, we as a fan group are pretty silent until we are winning and whether we like it or not, banging a drum forces people to sing along and encourages that atmosphere from the beginning. We all complain when a drum comes into TFS but that's because its deafening and makes supports sound bigger than they are. This wouldn't be an issue if our support which is often far larger was singing and had their own drum. Get the young team a drum and some flags, stick them up in the corner of KM7 and let them have at it. I reckon it would lift the atmosphere quite a bit. 

Having a quick look at other teams like the Pars, their ultras groups are recognised by their chairman's, they have their own Facebook groups etc as well. Think how much that engages young kids outside of the Saturday. We old folks have pie and bov to analyse during the week, let them spend their week planning a display, writing new songs and getting hyped for a Saturday. 

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