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The Falkirk FC Thread

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1 hour ago, AGPar said:

There is no connection between the on field dross and off-field shambles. Zero. McKinnon was handed by a mile the largest budget in the division. He has assembled a squad that should be comfortably winning this league and brought in plenty of players he's worked with in the past. That he is unable to get them performing at any where close to their ability on any sort of consistent basis is squarely on his shoulders. He served up the same garbage in the final seven or games of last season which ultimately got us relegated. The fantasist wasn't even on the scene then. McKinnon has no excuses. If we "dance into another season in League One" it's because he's an incompetent manager. The complete dysfunction above has nothing to do with it. 

Agreed. If anything, he could be using the ownership issue as a tool to motivate the players.

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5 hours ago, Duncan Freemason said:

If it all goes pear shaped (as it surely must), then MC will play the game of “if the MSG don’t slag me off to the public and press, then I won’t dismantle the MSG on social media”. This will allow our little fantasist to waddle off into the sunset with his daft wee “character” intact.


Should it unfold like that, despite feeling a bit crap and leaving an ongoing mess, it'll actually be something to rejoice over.


It would almost certainly represent the dodging of a bullet.

Edited by Monkey Tennis
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1 minute ago, Monkey Tennis said:

Should it unfold like that, despite feeling a bit carp and leaving an ongoing mess, it'll actually be something to rejoice over.


It would almost certainly represent the dodging of a bullet.

No one is taking the bait.

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2 hours ago, Back Post Misses said:


How would you know what we could or couldn’t do in January. Like him or loathe him we do have one extremely wealthy individual still involved and who is to say he won’t bankroll a January spend ?


Fair enough, except for the fact that he is report by many to be dissatisfied. It’s certainly true, but the other suggestion was that the MSG will have to act to get the fans back...and both bring it back to the same thing. Why on earth would the MSG let this fiasco drag out like this, knowing they are losing credibility and fans by the day? I still think it’s disfunction rather than some fancy plan to come back as the white knights. And if it is dysfunction...

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MC tying himself in knots on twitter last night i see, changing his story again, what an absolute charlatan this man is.
Oh my.... He is almost at P&B levels now, telling folk to go and have a lie down etc [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]

Get this absolute minter stopped ffs.
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22 hours ago, Back Post Misses said:


Especially as his much vaunted Property Company in New York closed down in June/July.


So his NY real estate company Markell was wound up in June/July.

At the end of July he was at a Q&A with the fans telling them all he was in real estate in Manhattan and had just sold a hotel. (He also said he was making money out of coffee but it's well documented his coffee business hasn't traded yet, and probably never will). Ever feel like you are being lied to?  

Now we know why he seems to be spending all his time here and happy to move from NY to Scotland.

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