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7 hours ago, Stainrod said:

Okay maybe I.can be persuaded that we can bring through the odd player but I was involved at Youth level when Sibbald , Fulton McGrandles , Kingsley  etc.   came through and the boys who were the best at 10 or 11 were the best at 16 or 17 . They can be coached but it’s pretty clear from an early age if they have got it or not. My point is that people should understand that our new proposed waifs and strays model may bring the odd gem but is unlikely to be a conveyor belt as ALL the parents and most of the really talented  kids want to be involved with the Elite league playing against the other top teams.

I just hope one day we can get that boat sailing again  and have an equal chance of unearthing real top talent lcally. 

I agree with you there but I suppose we have to start somewhere . Problem is the bonus we had before was that our academy was seen as a great example of the player pathway with so many moving on to first team football and beyond. That would've made up for the non elite status in many parents eyes but that's not there and instead the whole closure left a bad taste in the mouths of families all over Scotland.  It's obvious that this was all orchestrated on the bod thinking we were a shoe in for promotion last season and it's now more of a burden in league one I'd say. Id have waited till we got up to start this up but they obviously gone too far down the road to cancel it all.

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7 hours ago, Stainrod said:

Okay maybe I.can be persuaded that we can bring through the odd player but I was involved at Youth level when Sibbald , Fulton McGrandles , Kingsley  etc.   came through and the boys who were the best at 10 or 11 were the best at 16 or 17 . They can be coached but it’s pretty clear from an early age if they have got it or not. My point is that people should understand that our new proposed waifs and strays model may bring the odd gem but is unlikely to be a conveyor belt as ALL the parents and most of the really talented  kids want to be involved with the Elite league playing against the other top teams.

I just hope one day we can get that boat sailing again  and have an equal chance of unearthing real top talent lcally. 

We picked up Mcgrandles later on when he left Rangers as we did with Murray Wallace who i'm sure was around 16/17 when he joined us.

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8 hours ago, Duncan Freemason said:

Ultimately, even getting back to the top flight, and let’s say their 26% (or 45%) of shares they paid 40p(?) or less for sky rocket to £1.40. So, let’s say they have 45% of all shares that exist (so 45% of 5,000,000). So they want to make a killing and to walk away, so then they offer up all their shares at the end of the rainbow price of £1.40. That’s 2,250,000 shares looking for someone to buy into this oh so lucrative Falkirk Football Club.

“Yes mate, you can have less than half of this wee club for a pittance…….£3,150,000 and it yours (well, the league registration is yours along with bits and pieces of the stadium and the players. It really is a steal.”

But... but.....what about the hotel he'll build ?? Paris Hilton will pay 5M just to get her hands on it along with the club.

And apparently he will buy the council out despite them moving more and more services and departments to TFS.

It really is MC stuff. 


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12 hours ago, Bairnardo said:

Inclined to agree. I hate the Falkirk FC owners and board as much as the next man but this forum has become a battleground for anonymous folk to grind their axes in a bit of a dishonest way for me. If folk know stuff, just fucking out with it and let the cards fall.

If not, then just remember this is a football discussion board. Take the riddles and smoke and mirrors shite somewhere else

We keep hearing how we need clarity from the board and rawlins, yet we have random anonymous posters coming on saying we should have backed this investment they keep bleating on about without ever revealing any plans to the fans. The fact this 'fan group' of investors have zzzzbairn as their spokesperson is completely amateurish and probably for the best they were knocked back as they can't even get this guy to rein it in. Completely unprofessional. Now this group might be the best thing since sliced bread for the club, but just because a few anonymous posters on a football forum say they are doesn't mean we all have to agree. Especially with all the riddles. 

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1 hour ago, Hank von Hell said:

But... but.....what about the hotel he'll build ?? Paris Hilton will pay 5M just to get her hands on it along with the club.

And apparently he will buy the council out despite them moving more and more services and departments to TFS.

It really is MC stuff. 


I must’ve missed this. Can you point me in the direction of where this was said? Thanks. 

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29 minutes ago, FFC 1876 said:

Most likely not going to announce any signings today with this Q&A going out. Unless they have a blockbuster up their sleeve to announce to kill any negativity the Q&A could generate.

What time is the Q&A due out?

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Guest Peter LaFleur
3 minutes ago, Double t said:

What time is the Q&A due out?

Some time next week knowing the club.

Edited by Peter LaFleur
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5 minutes ago, Double t said:

What time is the Q&A due out?

Depends on how quickly they can edit the footage to make it look good. I fully expect deans to be wearing a  different  set of clothes for each question and to suddenly appear newly shaved at the end.

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4 hours ago, Believe The Hype said:

We keep hearing how we need clarity from the board and rawlins, yet we have random anonymous posters coming on saying we should have backed this investment they keep bleating on about without ever revealing any plans to the fans. The fact this 'fan group' of investors have zzzzbairn as their spokesperson is completely amateurish and probably for the best they were knocked back as they can't even get this guy to rein it in. Completely unprofessional. Now this group might be the best thing since sliced bread for the club, but just because a few anonymous posters on a football forum say they are doesn't mean we all have to agree. Especially with all the riddles. 

You can believe the all hype the Board spins you, if you want

BPM has already posted on here, several times, the Investor's intentions + other information. Go and read ! 

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17 hours ago, Newbornbairn said:

Aye maybe, I just get fed up of the incessant, non stop, perpetual whining and that one - new to the board - has done nothing but piss, moan and spread shite since he joined just a few weeks ago. Folk are moaning about every...fucking...thing and now somehow Cove are going to walk the league because they signed a nobody, a crock, Leitch and Vigurs - who County fans describe as "a lazy, narky shitebag",  who  "isn’t the player he once was... his legs are gone and is a bit of a shitehawk these days" and prone to " some mental decision making when it comes to defending


It's absolutely mental the way this thread is going. 

I think I understand your frustration, and I guess there’s two distinct things going on. I get some people can’t be arsed with anything Board related, and get their off season buzz from signings and rumours of signings. Even the fact that this Board have contrived to get us into a third seaside league season after finish 5th!!! in the second season hadn’t seemed to ruffle a lot of people, and that’s a good thing for the Board, because they know they can’t get away with blunder after blunder.

Then there’s the people who have had direct dealings with the Board (not so much individuals on the Board, more of the collective Board), and it’s been an unpleasant experience……really nasty. Bairnardo makes the case that this is a football forum, and that stuff should go elsewhere. Thing is, it’s all interwoven.

Like it or not, there has been a ton of “behind the scenes” upheaval. The “riddles” stuff clearly doesn’t help, but as I understand it the Navy Blue (investors) consensus was to say very little in the hope that the Rawlins position might change, and they felt a clear public statement on what happened might (at that point) not help in re-opening negotiations. Hence this is (I think) why we have ended up with riddles and lots of “read between the lines” comment.

The CI guys are kind of caught in a similar kind of limbo. All they want to do is get the Kevin McAllister Stand done, but again and again when things seemed to be moving forward, the Board (and some members of it) have come up with all sorts of obstacles to prevent it from happening. This includes “new Board so don’t mention any agreements with the old Board”…even though the new Board still has members of the old Board. Colours, font, design, access, fund raising being discouraged, personality conflicts, contractor selection, costings, and varied unfounded and quite frankly ludicrous accusations against people involved…..,…all of this against a group trying to do something long overdue that would benefit the club but at no cost to the club. It is absolutely insane.…..and then there’s the simple matter of the team on the park. It’s what we’d all prefer to talk about, but for those who have dealt with the Board close at hand, it’s impossible for them to just shrug off the experience, because if these things are going horribly wrong, what else might be shambolic?

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1 hour ago, Zbairn said:

You can believe the all hype the Board spins you, if you want

BPM has already posted on here, several times, the Investor's intentions + other information. Go and read ! 

The bod should be telling us all about it and why it was rejected especially the shareholders of the club considering they only represent 26 percent of the shares. To leave the other 74 percent in the dark over an investment that size is ludicrous.

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On 23/06/2021 at 07:37, Shadwell Dog said:

I thought they had to increase their share percentage by the 31st of may.

That’s about right, there was a three month window.

On 23/06/2021 at 07:41, Shadwell Dog said:

Teams like Raith have no problems bringing through good young talent despite the Fife academy only being on the 3rd rung of the  ladder never mind elite.. This rubbish about the elite academies getting all the good players was a made up yarn to get the academy closed and nowt else.

JMcG is very nifty with the loans, and they have worked out decently at least half the time, but he’s also signing a number of young players from Fife Elite. Bowie (sold to Fulham) and Tait (starting and being scouted) were both Modern Apprentice signings from FE, and we have another four MA’s signed from FE, plus a fifth MA from a junior team, on the roster currently. I suspect JMcG is expecting at least one of the three field players to step up this year and earn a full contract.

Is Falkirk using Modern Apprentice signings to develop any local talent at least?

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14 minutes ago, Shadwell Dog said:

The bod should be telling us all about it and why it was rejected especially the shareholders of the club considering they only represent 26 percent of the shares. To leave the other 74 percent in the dark over an investment that size is ludicrous.


1 hour ago, Duncan Freemason said:

I think I understand your frustration, and I guess there’s two distinct things going on. I get some people can’t be arsed with anything Board related, and get their off season buzz from signings and rumours of signings. Even the fact that this Board have contrived to get us into a third seaside league season after finish 5th!!! in the second season hadn’t seemed to ruffle a lot of people, and that’s a good thing for the Board, because they know they can’t get away with blunder after blunder.

Then there’s the people who have had direct dealings with the Board (not so much individuals on the Board, more of the collective Board), and it’s been an unpleasant experience……really nasty. Bairnardo makes the case that this is a football forum, and that stuff should go elsewhere. Thing is, it’s all interwoven.

Like it or not, there has been a ton of “behind the scenes” upheaval. The “riddles” stuff clearly doesn’t help, but as I understand it the Navy Blue (investors) consensus was to say very little in the hope that the Rawlins position might change, and they felt a clear public statement on what happened might (at that point) not help in re-opening negotiations. Hence this is (I think) why we have ended up with riddles and lots of “read between the lines” comment.

The CI guys are kind of caught in a similar kind of limbo. All they want to do is get the Kevin McAllister Stand done, but again and again when things seemed to be moving forward, the Board (and some members of it) have come up with all sorts of obstacles to prevent it from happening. This includes “new Board so don’t mention any agreements with the old Board”…even though the new Board still has members of the old Board. Colours, font, design, access, fund raising being discouraged, personality conflicts, contractor selection, costings, and varied unfounded and quite frankly ludicrous accusations against people involved…..,…all of this against a group trying to do something long overdue that would benefit the club but at no cost to the club. It is absolutely insane.…..and then there’s the simple matter of the team on the park. It’s what we’d all prefer to talk about, but for those who have dealt with the Board close at hand, it’s impossible for them to just shrug off the experience, because if these things are going horribly wrong, what else might be shambolic?

This ^^^^

I appreicate that many on here only want to talk about the footballing side of the club. However, as BPM states above, the governance is interwoven into the fabric of what we want to achieve. The better the governance, the more likeliehood we have of generating more cash, getting abetter quality player in and progressing up the tables.

I just don't get those who have a love affair with the current BoD's and take umbrage at those fans who are trying to make things better.  We initially had it with Kenny Jamieson's et al fans scheme that was going to inject serious cash plus continuous investment. We now have it with the Navy Blue Guys. Questions get raised about what their intentions are and their motives....but no one has yet answered what the Rawlins intentions are or the BoD's motives in rejecting £600k in cash.

As Shad states.... until some reasonable answers are forthcoming from the Board, this topic isn't going to go away any time soon.

As an aside, in relation to an earlier post. I have no affiliation to the Navy Blue guys....but knowing one or two of them, I trust them a lot more than certain members of our Board. I do have family relations to one of the CI guys ...and DF's post above summarises what I have heard fist hand.


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Btw Freemason im not trying to say we cant or shouldnt discuss club matter here or that its only for football. Iv said plenty agaonst the board on here and will comtinue to do so. But now there are certainly posters not being fully honest about who they are, coming on here and batting for the board, I think its all become a bit "bad faith". My issue is that its turning the thread into a total shit show, and if fopk arent prepared to lay out everything on here, then here likely isnt the place. I dont know what is. The q and a would have been ideal but the club embarrassingly intercepting that one with excuses.

If there are issues and this isnt the place to air them, then tell the fans who arent in the loop where ans when. Plenty of them will be there to support fans who want a stake in the club, me included. Im just having a hard time unravelli g it all on here, because not all of the agendas are immediately.obvious to me

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